Chapter 36

Name:Everyone Else is a Regressor Author:
Chapter 36


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: /yT4GsFAYRf

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (36)

◈ Everyone Else is a Returnee (36)

Light, embracing all and promoting growth, dispelling darkness and conveying warmth.

A symbol of salvation, sometimes even a god.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

And the symbol of all beginnings.

Just as the concept of light holds so many meanings, fire too is imbued with boundless significance.

Fire, the origin of human civilization, sparking the first civilization, and indispensable in all human productive activities, symbolizing creation.



But the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of fire is, of course.

Destruction and annihilation.



The fireball that landed right in the center of the human group caused a fierce explosion, immediately incinerating the archer who had shot an arrow at KiJun’s head.

―You have gained 512 points.

―Updating civilization information.

The bright red flames, shining like the sun, scattered in all directions, inflicting severe injuries on several nearby.

KiJun, with his right hand stretched out, shot consecutive fire bullets, combining Ur's spirit power and his own light mana, piercing the legs of the humans trying to flee the flames.


"Pl-please forgive us, have mercy like you're saving worthless human insects――Gwaaack!"


Was there no one who tried to resist?

Whether they shot arrows, threw daggers, swung magically-enhanced weapons, defended with shields, or tried to dodge attacks with speed-enhancing skills.

All were slower and weaker than the fire bullets KiJun fired.


Ur, having feasted on ample spirit power, emitted a cry audible only to KiJun, while proudly displaying its spirit power.

KiJun's fire was excessively strong and fast for a rare-grade spirit spell, thanks to the ten years he spent synchronizing with Lucy, the light spirit, learning to harness her spirit power, and the continuous circulation of mana and spirit power through his Salutaris technique.

The strength was due to his legendary-grade spirit power, his equally legendary-grade light mana, and the excellent compatibility between the light mana and Ur's spirit power.

Not to mention, the half-mask he wore increased his flame attack power by 20%.

―Whiik, Hwaruruk!

"Too, too late..."

"You made a mistake."

KiJun, sparing the archer’s life, did not directly take any others’ lives.

But this wasn’t out of mercy, he focused on rapidly eliminating the mobility of all the bandits.

Naturally, many died, and those who survived had injuries too severe for a normal life ahead.


Having shot every unable-to-flee bandit in the legs with fire bullets, KiJun quickly identified the leader among the humans sprawled on the ground and asked.

"Why did you attack?"

"Just kill me!"


KiJun shot a fire bullet through his head.

―You have gained 1,875 points.

The remaining humans, who were desperately trying to gauge KiJun's strength, stopped all thoughts when their rare-grade durable leader was effortlessly pierced and instantly killed by KiJun's casual fire shot.

Realizing they were up against an insurmountable opponent, they gave up.

"Next. Why did you attack?"


With KiJun's finger, emitting a heatwave, pointing at him, the man stammered and squirmed.

The humans around him turned to look, pressuring him silently, but when another's forehead got pierced, they looked away.

The man spoke.

"If I tell you, will you spare me?"

It seemed it wasn’t a simple robbery.

KiJun's eyes gleamed, but then someone shouted in a sharp voice, trying to stop him.


"Be quiet."

Another head burst open.

With no one left to speak up, the man trembled and said.

Seeing KiJun's puzzled expression, the orc looked moved.

It soon became clear why.

"Jun has lived in this world for over a year and never forcibly taken anything from others. Truly a noble warrior."


"In Reta, anything taken from other summoners can't be put in the inventory for a week. Only what’s genuinely obtained by one’s strength... and the results of self-defense."

This rule didn’t exist in the tutorial.

KiJun recalled putting the fairy's belongings in his inventory and understood.

Thinking back, that was also self-defense.

Trying the pouch in his inventory, it naturally got absorbed, meaning that although the time limit hadn’t expired for the money the bandits stole from their previous owners, since KiJun disposed of the bandits in self-defense, it was considered his acquisition.

This rule seemed exploitable, leaving him uneasy.

"We better spend this money quickly. I'll buy drinks when we reach the city."

"Oh, Jun is not only honorable but also generous!"

"Drinks await! Let's hurry!"

Orcs were simple creatures.

Their pace to the city doubled compared to before.

KiJun chuckled and followed.

Who would have thought that upon arriving in the continent of Reta, KiJun would end up killing humans who resembled himself and making a drinking pact with orcs, whom he had only considered as prey during the tutorial?

KiJun bitterly smiled at the irony but then his expression hardened as he recalled the words of the man who committed the grenade suicide attack earlier.

"You're just like those despicable other-species who violated and took everything from me! Die with me, you bastard!"

Of course, it wasn't likely that Charbanbesh and his orcs had directly harmed the clan master mentioned earlier.

It could have been other orcs, but regardless, targeting innocent orcs for her own agenda was clearly wrong.

"I have to stop this," KiJun muttered under his breath, unheard by the orcs, who understood the gravity of the situation.

And that very night, an opportunity to stop the clan master came much sooner than KiJun expected.


After a simple dinner, while lying in his tent ready to sleep, Lucy, deeply connected to KiJun, suddenly shouted.

—Contractor! That bomb from earlier―!


KiJun understood the situation and sprang out of the tent, shouting.



In that moment, KiJun's massive spirit power, fully restored after a period of rest, surged entirely towards Ur.

Although Ur had lost almost all of its power due to a long slumber and deep wounds, reducing it to a mere rare-grade spirit, KiJun's vast spirit power successfully summoned back the peak prowess from Ur's heyday.

It was the dominion over all flames.


As the magic bomb dropped onto the campfire began to explode with a terrifying boom, Ur controlled all the flames generated by the explosion, forcefully swirling them in place―containing and melting all the bomb shards trying to burst out.

The intense whirl of flames around the campfire.

While an orc standing guard by the fire got his head completely burned, and others collapsed in shock, that was the extent of the damage.


—Already on it! Fire cat, synchronize!


Overwhelmed by the massive amount of spirit power he had absorbed, Ur, dazed as if hugging a persimmon tree, quickly linked his consciousness with Lucy's at her loud call.

This allowed them to precisely locate the target who had thrown the magic bomb at KiJun's group from nearly 3 kilometers away. Ur's eyes gleamed sharply.


The fire whirlwind, now containing an absurd amount of firepower due to the magic bomb, condensed into a single point in the sky and then...


Shot out in a straight line towards the target like a laser.

Lucy calmly reported afterward.

"We hit the target, Contractor. But it looks like they're surrounded by protective artifacts, they didn't die."

"I invested all my spirit power and they survived..."


Having completed its mission, Ur now indulged in the spirit power, rubbing its head affectionately against KiJun's cheek.

Smiling faintly at Ur's affectionate gesture, KiJun patted its head and immediately began casting Salutaris to replenish his depleted spirit power.


"Good to see you're alive. I'll go catch the culprit."

"Thank you so much!"

The orc, who had barely noticed the magic bomb flying towards the campfire, was relieved to see KiJun unharmed and gratefully bowed to him.

KiJun waved his hand lightly and then stomped the ground.

His eyes, masked and glowing with Flame Eyes, blazed fiercely.

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