Chapter 38

Name:Everyone Else is a Regressor Author:
Chapter 38


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: /yT4GsFAYRf

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (38)

"If we're going to die anyway, let's not run away but fight honorably to the end!"

KiJun made a brave declaration, stopping in his tracks and smacking the back of the bald orc's head as he was about to draw his weapon.

After all, how could he make such a foolish choice after just awakening to the teachings of Jeong Yak-yong!


"We're not dying! We're heading to a place where we can fight more advantageously, so hurry up!"

"The pain makes me feel alive...!"

"We're only going to die pointless deaths here. If you can talk, then run!"

KiJun spurred the orcs' morale and hastened his own pace, glancing back momentarily.

The sight of monsters swarming like ants to a dropped candy on the ground made KiJun dizzy.

Fortunately, they had put some distance between them and the monsters, but the problem was that the mana quake-induced Overflow wouldn't stop at just one occurrence.

Once Overflow started, mana quakes would follow in a chain reaction, continuously spreading the Overflow phenomenon.Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Until when? Until there's not a single dungeon left nearby!

With each nearby dungeon bursting open, more monsters from inside would join that horde.

According to the orcs, this was only half of what was yet to come.

The situation was more serious in Turris, an area surrounded by numerous dungeons.

Moreover, the most serious point was that monsters from an unexplored Unique-grade dungeon were not yet visible among the monster horde.


'Not yet, let's shoot when a bit more recovered.'

KiJun was combining his spirit power with Ur's to launch massive fireballs as soon as enough mana and spirit power were restored.

Perhaps due to their desperate situation, their synergy improved, enhancing their fire spirit magic with every shot, but even with Salutaris replenishing his mana and spirit power, a non-recoverable fatigue was gradually accumulating on KiJun.


But that's when his skill, Adamant, came into play.

Adamant, evolved by combining three skills including the Unique-grade No Rest for the Wicked, was designed to keep him standing until he thought it was okay to fall.

KiJun, confirming enough mana and spirit power had accumulated, immediately gathered the mana in his hand and invested all the spirit power in Ur.



Feeling an unparalleled exhilaration in resonance with KiJun's spirit power, Ur let out a fierce cry and released its spirit energy.

Despite its reduced power, Ur's capacity remained vast and deep, enabling it to follow KiJun's demanding spirit magic without any strain.


A fireball, much larger than the ones he had shot at humans, flew from KiJun's hand, covering kilometers and, with improved control, struck where the monsters were most densely packed.

Although it seemed like dozens of monsters were killed in one shot, it barely made a dent in their numbers.

Still, the explosion at the forefront of the monster horde slowed their overall advance, making the attack meaningful.

―Level has increased to 5, raising Light Magic (L) by 2, Spirit Power (L) by 1.

―Perfect harmony, a moment when two minds merge as one. The power of spirit magic is amplified. [Fire Spirit Magic (R)] skill has reached level 40.

And there was this significance as well.

After several blind attacks, KiJun's level rose, restoring the stats he had used up!

The frown on his face eased immediately, and a sense of relief returned to his expression.

Being at a lower level was quite useful in this situation.

"Phew, feeling much better now."

"Jun, are you okay? Don't overdo it, we are..."

Despite telling him to just run, Charbanbesh worriedly spoke to KiJun, his hand reaching for the greatsword on his back.

"We will never forget your efforts to protect us."

"Stop the nonsense and run, Charbanbesh."

"You could escape safely alone! We're holding you back!"

Despite KiJun continuously firing fireballs as he recovered, the distance between them and the monsters was gradually closing.

This was because the orcs' running speed was decreasing.

KiJun's strength and endurance were Unique-grade; a little loss of sleep wouldn't hinder his running.

He could maintain top speed for over 12 hours without any problem.

However, the orcs were not yet at that level. Even with high strength, they were better suited for bursts of power rather than long-distance running.

"Leave us and go. No, it's not abandoning us. Leave this to us and run to the city to report this!"


KiJun scoffed.

"By now, the city already knows, what's there to report? What's important is for all of us to survive and join the city."


"Stay here to die when we need every fighter? Stop the nonsense and run. I'm not doing this just to save you. I can't stand to see warriors who can stop the Overflow just die like this."

―Still weaker than the Demon, contractor.


KiJun knew he could win.

But he worried about the orcs following him dying while he fought the creature.

However, there was no time for such thoughts.

Just finish off the creature quickly and help the orcs survive!



At the very moment the human and lizardman were about to collide with their roars―


A greatsword, shining red like a meteor, descended from behind and pierced the lizardman's skull.

A precise and powerful surprise attack.

The lizardman, who wouldn't have been defeated so easily, was caught off guard by KiJun and then struck at a vital spot by the sudden attack, its full force concentrated in one blow.

The lizardman lost strength and fell to the ground, and after a few more hits from the greatsword, it ended its life pathetically.

"I've come to save you, brave warriors!"

Emerging from behind the creature's corpse was a man clad in plate armor smeared with blood, a typical image of a heavily armored knight.

He pulled the greatsword out of the enemy's head, slung it on his back, and shouted through the only exposed part of his helmet's visor, his eyes wild with ferocity.

"Let's go to the fortress together! I've prepared a place where warriors like you can shine!"


YeMin skillfully swung her long sword, decapitating a goblin knight.

Even goblins couldn't be underestimated, as they started at the same Common grade as humans but could quickly grow in racial grade and develop unpredictable traits.

"This one, its racial grade was Rare."

"A goblin being Rare? Really, nothing is predictable here."

EunShin, who had cleared all the cowardly goblin archers, clicked his tongue in response to YeMin's comment.

With JiHye's help, Uncle Soo, the party's warrior, sighed as he pulled out the last poison arrows.

"I thought we'd easily handle ogres when we came to Reta. But goblins, and even those at Rare grade? In our party, only two have reached Rare grade."

Originally, in their second tutorial round, all members of YeMin's party had successfully advanced their racial grade to Uncommon.

Finding a hidden dungeon, they joyously battled the monsters―or rather, barely survived numerous deadly encounters. They soon realized that even after defeating all the monsters, not all four could upgrade their racial grades.

They decided to concentrate experience on two representatives: naturally, the party leader YeMin, and after debating between JiHye and EunShin, they chose EunShin, who often took on dangerous tasks.

So now, YeMin and EunShin were at Rare grade, while JiHye and Uncle Soo remained at Uncommon.

Hearing the word 'ogre,' EunShin chuckled and said.

"Come on, Uncle, ogres aren't a joke. Just one Ogre Power Gauntlet would significantly boost strength."

"EunShin, where did you hear that?"

"Huh? From a smartphone game."

"Ha―― back in my day, when you talked about Ogre Power Gauntlets――."

"This sword, still not as good as mine."

Ignoring Uncle Soo's old stories, YeMin mumbled while examining her sword and turned to Uncle Soo, who was casually chatting about lasagna.

"Uncle, do you want to use it?"

"Sure, Uncle doesn't use new stuff but prefers orchards― I mean, I'm used to the hammer I'm using now?"


YeMin looked discontentedly at the long sword, 'King of the Well (U),' in her hand.

"It has good options and performance, but everyone already has Unique weapons."

"And the item name and description are annoying too."

"Probably no other Earthling party in Reta has a Unique weapon as a spare."

JiHye pulled the last poison arrow from Uncle Soo's back, wrapped a bandage with antidote around it, and slapped his back.

"Uncle, we appreciate your effort to fill KiJun's gap, but don't overdo it. You're a warrior, not a tank."

"Ha, but I'm the toughest here. Let's endure a bit more until Jun joins us."

"KiJun... It would have been great to give it to him."

YeMin sighed, holding the King of the Well, every mention of KiJun sending her into deep thought.

"If only it didn't have a usage restriction. Annoying. We have Uniques, but what if KiJun struggles without one? Maybe I should give him my sword and use this―."

"Still, having it means it'll be useful somewhere. It's Unique grade, after all."

EunShin lightly laughed, wrapping up the conversation.

"We're almost done with the dungeon. Let's talk after we clear it. We might be able to get official mercenary certification with this, probably the fastest among Earthlings."

"Pfft, those humans are probably still figuring out how to leave the safe zone."

YeMin snorted, stowing the King of the Well in her inventory, and sighed, repeating a sentiment she had expressed several times.

"I miss KiJun..."

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