Chapter 48

Name:Everyone Else is a Regressor Author:
Chapter 48


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: /yT4GsFAYRf

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (48)

"A secret mission...?"

As Tolchi cautiously brought up the topic after appearing discreetly, Charbanbesh's eyes sparkled with interest.

Other orcs also showed excitement, but Tolchi raised his finger to his lips, silencing everyone.

"It's a secret mission. We can only take those we trust."

"Is it because of Jun?"

"Partly, but it's a task too difficult for just the two of us. The lord has judged that you, having formed a good relationship with Jun and having achieved great feats in the recent battle, are trustworthy."


"Recognized by Tolchi and the lord, it's an honor!"

The orcs tried to contain their excitement as Tolchi smiled.

"While it's partly due to being of the same race, I can't show favoritism as a knight. Please keep this matter confidential."

"If Tolchi trusts us, we will return that trust."

"We're always ready."

With the orcs' agreement, Tolchi turned to KiJun.

"I trust you'll join us..."


Pretending to ponder—though he was actually considering it—KiJun eventually made up his mind.

"I'll join you."

He nodded gravely, and Tolchi stood up with a satisfied smile.

"Then we'll meet outside at dawn. Make sure no one notices; we don't want to cause unnecessary worry."

"Understood. We'll prepare discreetly."

Tolchi nodded and disappeared quietly.

KiJun and the orcs continued to chatter and laugh, pretending Tolchi had never been there, but suddenly Charbanbesh muttered sadly.

"Jun is... really smart."

"Not really. He was just warned by someone."

After Lucy ensured no one else was listening, she allowed Charbanbesh to continue.

"I actually wished Jun wasn't so smart. I wanted Tolchi to remain the glory of our orcs. But that was just my delusion and greed..."

"Don't be disappointed, leader."

The bald Orc, pouring more drink into Charbanbesh's cup, comforted him.

"Leader, you can be that shining orc. No, you definitely will be."


KiJun learned the bald orc's name for the first time but couldn't shake off the strong image of Mr. Jeong Yak-yong in his mind.

Even in the words he spoke to Charbanbesh, wisdom seemed to drip.

"But Kiphus already shines. The reflection of his head sparkles in the light."


KiJun accidentally burst into laughter at another orc's sudden joke.

He quickly tried to compose himself, but it was too late; all the orcs were looking at him.

Then Kiphus joyously raised his cup high.

"I made Jun laugh! The man who made the hero laugh!"

"Amazing, Kiphus!"

"Truly a magnificent orc!"

"Shining orc!"

As all the orcs raised their cups, KiJun also lifted his, subtly joining their cheerful mood.

Indeed, an orc enlightened by Mr. Jeong Yak-yong's teachings, KiJun admired Kiphus anew.

"I'll pay for this round."

"Ohhhh! Jun is a great warrior indeed!"This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"Jun knows loyalty and honor among comrades!"

Of course, he didn't forget to atone for laughing at them, using his bribe.

At dawn, the group discreetly left the city as planned by Tolchi.

"Are there any living monsters?"

"There are."

Responding to an orc's murmur, Tolchi confirmed their presence, explaining that un-cleared dungeons always produce monsters, and some might have fled here after the Overflow.

"We must stay alert."

"Brave orc warriors, you shall not die today."

Tolchi roared, instilling confidence in the orcs.

The journey through the dim dungeon continued without encountering any formidable enemies, and the orcs dispatched the few that appeared.

"Good experience. Though in the future, we should be able to enter such dungeons alone."


Eventually, Tolchi suggested a rest, bringing out a large thermos and cups from his inventory, serving steaming stew to everyone.

KiJun, recalling his initial thought of Tolchi being an NPC, laughed inwardly at his naivety.

―Contractor, there's a potent sleeping agent in this stew. If consumed without precautions, even a Rare grade species couldn't withstand it.

Informed by Lucy's signal, KiJun asked.

'Is there an antidote?'

―Of course. Especially with the title you've earned.

KiJun had obtained a Unique-grade title, [Spirit Guardian], from his contract with Ur, enhancing healing spells by 20%.

Trusting Lucy's assurance, KiJun ate the stew, complimenting its taste.

"Tasty. It's made by the lord's chef, after all."

The orcs, echoing the sentiment, fell asleep one by one after finishing their stew.

KiJun observed this, unfazed by the sleeping agent thanks to his Unbreakable Internal Clock.

"Tolchi, why did you do this?"

"To test if you're a true hero!"

Tolchi, forgoing any pretext, lunged at KiJun with a blood-red greatsword, aiming to knock him into a trap.

―Crash, crackle!

Hit by the force, KiJun was thrown against the dungeon wall, triggering an explosion of cold, trapping him in ice.

Realizing Tolchi must have set this trap earlier, KiJun thought, 'So he was busy right after the Overflow.'

‘Right, I've made my decision.’

Caught off-guard by Tolchi's unexpected speed, KiJun found himself entrapped.

"Flame Humans, powerful but vulnerable to extreme cold. Their magic slows almost to a halt, and their spirit beasts can't manifest."

"You knew..."

"I pretended not to. For this moment."

Tolchi, with a cold gaze, pointed his sword at KiJun.

"If you're a real hero, you'll survive. But if not, if you've greedily stolen my achievements and accepted the lord's horn, you'll die here."

"The horn? If I give it to you, will you let me live?"

"I'll grant you an honorable death. But if you don't give it..."

Tolchi's gaze shifted to the shadows, revealing a vampire-like creature.

"You'll become a ghoul, forever tormented, neither alive nor dead."


"Don't make a mistake. I contacted them after the Overflow. They agreed to cooperate in exchange for you."


The vampire laughed wickedly, clearly inferior to the one KiJun had faced before.

"It's so amusing! The top two contributors fighting each other! What a delight!"

"Ignore the vampire, Tolchi. It's just making things easier for me."

Tolchi turned his weapon towards the orcs.

"You'll all die here. No one leaves."

"Secondly," KiJun continued, breaking free from the ice and grabbing the vampire before it could flee.

"I can't be held down by this."

―Kyaaaak! Save me―

The vampire disintegrated under the holy fire in KiJun's hand.

―Secret Quest Objective Achieved!

A system message appeared, mockingly floating above them all.

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