Chapter 76

Name:Everyone Else is a Regressor Author:
Chapter 76

Everyone Else is a Regressor (76)

Having undergone the tutorial twice, JiHye considered herself an expert in the growth of a summon, system knowledge, and quests. However, one aspect she still found challenging to adapt to was dealing with other races upon entering the continent of Reta.

While there were certainly many regular humans among the NPCs, who coexisted with other races in this world, few of them were combatants.

Although the humans who appeared in Reta as summons had to choose combat roles like mercenaries to earn points, their treatment and perception were not favorable, and more often than not, the higher echelons were dominated by non-human races.

"If only they were all humans, it would have been easier to deal with and compete. Plus, being born naturally strong is just so unfair and cowardly... Though, among humans, there are naturally gifted ones like YeMin."

Despite having been summoned to Reta not long ago, a certain Flame Human had already made a name for himself by halting the overflow in Turris and even succeeding in hunting a legendary-grade divine beast. The whole of Gratia, not just Turris, was abuzz with his feats.

Following him to his dwelling, JiHye muttered under her breath.

"Of course, I'm thankful to my parents for birthing me with such intellect... But every time I see someone else's innate talent, what I have seems insufficient. Maybe that's proof of my own pettiness."

All because of YeMin, who surpassed her in every aspect.

Constantly comparing herself to YeMin and burning with inferiority complex, it seemed she had naturally developed this mindset.

Blaming the overly exceptional party leader, she took a new look at the man ahead, the Flame Human, Jun.

His physique wasn't much different from that of an Earthling.

Almost similar to KiJun oppa, perhaps.

After all, KiJun oppa was the party's tank and was significantly larger than an average person.

"But everything else about him is different His body emits smoke, there's something like a spirit on his shoulder, his physical condition seems superior, and even his mana seems higher than mine, not to mention his charm."

Yes, charm.

That was especially important.

When she first saw that masked man in the reception room of the Ars Mercenary Guild alongside Bella, the Deputy Master, JiHye almost fainted.

With the mask covering above his nose, only his fiery eyes and lower face were visible, but even that was enough to gauge his handsomeness.

It had been several days since she arrived in Reta, and until now, she hadn't found men of other races, however similar to humans, attractive...

It wasn't JiHye being picky; there simply hadn't been any handsome men!

"If we remove that mask, he must be unbelievably handsome... Oh no! I shouldn't be thinking like this, I have Uncle Soo!"

Given her 20-year-long unrequited love for MokSoo, the feelings she harbored had transcended mere affection to become something integral to her. Yet, even she couldn't help the flutter in her heart upon encountering an excessively charming man.

And Hmm, it was slightly pleasing, albeit troubling, that this man seemed interested in her!

Though he tried to hide it, the stolen glances and his restless demeanor were dead giveaways!

"Phew, is this becoming troublesome? I'm glad, but I have Uncle Soo But wait, as sorry as I am to this man, using this situation might just stimulate Uncle Soo a bit? If he realizes other men are interested in me, even that dense man might..."

But what if, instead of getting jealous, he encourages her to pursue it happily?

If Uncle Soo reacted that way, JiHye was certain she'd lose all hope in life and sink into despair.

While JiHye was tangled in her thoughts, the man ahead, Jun, suddenly stopped.

Naturally, those following him, including Cyntilla and JiHye, and nica, who had casually tagged along, all halted as well.

"This is where I'm staying. The lord lent it to me."

"The lord..."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Eh, did his tone just change a bit? JiHye wondered, but still couldn't help admiring the grand mansion he pointed at.

While her party struggled daily over renting one or two rooms in an inn, this man had made a splendid appearance in the city and received a mansion from a lord, making the disparity all the more frustrating.

"nica, it's just us here, right?"

"Yes, there's no one else. Now, please explain. Why couldn't you handle this on-site, and why is Cyntilla's attitude like this?"

"If you had just told me beforehand, this wouldn't have happened. I could have avoided the misunderstanding."

JiHye was slightly disappointed watching nica confront Jun in a somewhat friendly manner, and him responding in a very relaxed tone to her.

After all, nica seemed significantly more attractive than herself and appeared to have a deep relationship with the man.

JiHye had briefly indulged in a fantasy where an incredibly attractive man devotedly pursued her, something out of a novel. Tearing away that fantasy now, Cyntilla spoke up.

"As I said earlier, I can adapt to whatever you pretend to be, so don't worry, Jun. If you don't want it, I won't even mention that you're a Flame Human."

"Since I'm already pretending to be a Flame Human, that's fine. Ah, that's enough. Now, watch closely as I prove my past connection."

Ah, even his slightly weary and tired way of speaking was a bit sexy

While harboring such thoughts, a thunderbolt struck JiHye's mind.

The man, without any hesitation, removed his mask to reveal his true face.

His flushed skin cooled down, and his flaming hair returned to black.

But above all, his eyes.

The reliable eyes that always seemed deep and calm, soothing the hearts of those who met his gaze.

"Mr. Jun, are you alright?"

Even nica realized Cyntilla's attitude was odd and looked at him with concern.

It was then that Gin and Lora, sensing someone's presence, rushed out from the backyard.

"Mr. Jun!"

"You're here!"

They were drenched in sweat, with heavy metal objects strapped all over their bodies.

KiJun used to train under Bice in the same way, adding burdens to his body during solo exercises.

Reminded of those days by their appearance, KiJun nodded in satisfaction, and the two, noticing a new face, cautiously inquired.

"Mr. Jun, who are these people?"

"They're all women..."

Noticing the almost animalistic wariness in the young man with animal ears and the otherworldly charm of the young woman, KiJun chuckled and introduced them.

One believed him to be a Flame Human and had come to help, while the other had been a fellow human who went through the tutorial with KiJun. The irony of the situation was palpable.

"Are both of them going to join the party?"

"Ah, right. Cyntilla has already agreed to join, and JiHye... What do you say?"

"Me, me?"

JiHye, still reeling from the shock of the newcomers' appearance, reacted to KiJun's question.

KiJun calmly explained the situation they were about to face.

"We're going to be involved in some dangerous activities. If you're not up for it, I don't want to drag you into this. As you said earlier, when it's time to fight the vampires, we'll call YeMin and the others anyway. Wouldn't it be enough if YeMin shines in the party then"

"No, KiJun oppa."

JiHye, who had been looking confused until then, suddenly spoke up seriously.

"So you're telling me to leave you to face danger alone while I back out? Do I seem that heartless to you?"

"I mentioned it because it might take a while and be tough."

"If it were someone else, maybe, but how can I back out knowing you'll be in trouble, KiJun oppa? We're comrades! Are you saying you don't consider me a comrade anymore after 10 years apart?"

Yes, this was JiHye's true nature.

She might appear cold to others, but once someone was within her circle, she was wholeheartedly dedicated.

Realizing her core hadn't changed even after a decade, KiJun smiled and shook his head.

"No, I was just saying that to save face."


"I've found the greatest mage I know. How could I let you go? I'm not letting you off easily, so be prepared."


JiHye was astonished, her mouth agape.

What? KiJun oppa wasn't like this before!

"Oppa... What happened to you? How did you change so much?"

"I had a great master."

Here we go again.

As KiJun reminisced about Bice with a distant look, Lucy shook her head, and JiHye was left trembling, completely mistaken about the kind of Casanova KiJun must have trained under.

"Cough, Mr. Jun?"

nica, seemingly displeased with their 'close comrades' vibe, interrupted with a cough.

"It's good that you know each other well, but considering you've been apart for 10 years... shouldn't we verify your comrade's current abilities?"

"Ah, right. I brought her here to check her abilities."

"That's right."

JiHye laughed off nica's slightly hostile demeanor.

Though she often felt inferior when comparing herself to others, it stemmed from a strong desire to be recognized for her abilities.

That drive allowed her to continuously improve.

Especially in her self-proclaimed specialty, magic, JiHye was confident.

"Let me show you. I've never been told I'm lacking in magic."

She could boldly claim to be the strongest in her field.

Even nica had to acknowledge her skills after witnessing JiHye's magic demonstration.

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