Hearing that Du Qianli had gone out and even closed the door, the Prime Minister Du sighed.

He had originally thought that with Du Jinse here, he would still be able to understand his feelings and reason. Who would have thought that Du Qianli would actually look down on the current Du Jinse.

Du Jinse must have been heartbroken because she refused to come back to see him. This was the best proof.

If Du Jinse did not come to see him, no matter how many moves he made later, it would all be in vain.

Did the heavens want their Du Family to be annihilated?

In the past, he still thought that Du Qianli was a talent that could be created, and he was even proud of Du Qianli's righteousness.

Now he was skeptical.

If only he had half his strength.

The day before the cosmetic shop opened its doors.

Du Jinse personally pulled all the makeup into the shop, gave everyone the areas of authority and the goods. She instructed everyone to arrange everything according to her wishes and stayed in the shop until the curfew time.

Having not slept for the entire night, she did not feel the least bit sleepy. She had put on her makeup early and dressed properly, inspecting everyone one by one.

The girls changed into uniform colors. They all looked at each other. To everyone's surprise, they all felt that this uniform was very pleasing to the eyes.

Du Jinse ordered a peony and a very beautiful girl to stand in front of the door. She smiled and patiently explained to the curious passersby what kind of shop it was.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

The noble ladies had long received the news that Du Jinse wanted to open a shop, and all of them came in sedans. For such matters, it was good enough to send a maidservant to line up, and they just waited for the opening ceremony to show their faces, to receive a gift.

Du Jinse said that on the day of the opening, she would gift each and every one of them to her shop as they were a mysterious gift that no one would be able to buy even if they had the money. Because it was so complicated and complicated to do, it had to be done over and over again.

Most of them knew about the benefits of Du Jinse's fat powder. If one were to talk about gold, silver and jewelry, all of them had that kind of thing, Du Jinse just wanted to keep them in suspense and didn't even talk about what it was. They were very curious about what it was exactly, but since Du Jinse had treated it as a treasure that attracted them to come here on the day of the competition, then it meant that she was definitely not a normal rouge water powder.

Seeing this scene, Du Jinse's heart was somewhat at ease.

The old procuress had also changed her clothes and was mixed in with the crowd. Seeing so many people, she finally felt a little more at ease, thinking that if there were too few people, she would bring the girls from her own building here to start a business. It would be very lively if there was no one around.

The bawd turned to go.

A four-man palanquin squeezed through the crowd.

"Give way, give way."

The manservant carrying the palanquin pushed fiercely.

The surrounding people looked at them in dissatisfaction. After all, they were the family members of an official.

Some opened the sedan chair a little and saw the insignia of the Prime Minister's Residence. They coldly snorted.

Hearing that Prime Minister Du was sick to the point where he was only left with his last breath, they didn't feel the need to take it lying down.

The room went all the way to the front, got down from the palanquin, and prepared to walk in.

They held out their hands to stop her.

"Madam, please line up at the back."

The reception room looked at the two of them arrogantly, "Do you know who I am? "He actually dares to stop me."

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"No matter who it is, they have to wait in line."

When the successor heard this, he flew into a rage. He pointed at the peony and scolded, "Look at you. You usually seduce men. Why are you pretending to be a pure and strong woman here?"

She scolded without thinking, but her words stabbed into Peony's heart. Her expression changed as she sneered, "I respect you as my wife. You really think you are my wife. Ka, your vulgar appearance is even inferior to that of the brothel's bawd."

When the stepfamily heard this, the anger in their hearts scuttled up, and they stretched out their hands to beat the peony.

Since when had she ever been hit by a peony? She reached out to grab the successor's arm. "Madam, please have some self-respect."

"Are you all dead? "Hurry up and smash him."

Today, the successor was here to cause trouble. There was no reason why someone would not pass the staircase to him.


Begonia walked over from the back, blessed the stepfamily room, and said in a neither humble nor haughty manner: "My lady, since you are a guest, please come in and have a cup of tea."

The stepmother arrogantly raised her head, "Who are you to greet me?"

"In order to make it easier for the ladies to choose and try, the servants from top to bottom are all us women. We would naturally welcome the lady if she were to come and help us, but if she were to cause trouble, then we must also inquire who our boss is."

When the successor heard this, he only felt that it was funny. "Your boss, even if your boss sees me, he must call me obediently …"

Before he could finish his sentence, a cold voice came from behind him.

"Where did you come from? How dare you take advantage of me?"

The stepmother turned her head in shock, seeing Prince An’s wife staring at her. She was at a loss, "Madam, why are you here?"

In the past, she always thought that Prince An’s wife had the same identity as her, and she was even better than him. After all, even though she was his wife, he was still his wife, and Prince An’s wife was always his concubine.

"I am the owner of this cosmetic shop, why can't I come?" Prince An’s wife said lightly.

"Madam is here, please come in." Yesterday, Prince An’s wife came over to take a look, so Begonia recognized him.

The begonias moved inwards.

Prince An’s wife walked directly inside.

The successor of the Prime Minister Du was stunned. Was this the shop of the Prince An’s wife? Not Du Jinse's.

Seeing the Prince An’s wife enter, she quickly followed him.

Begonia looked at her, just now Prince An’s wife admitted that he was the boss, he did not say anything, and Begonia did not forbid the successor from coming in.

"Mother, why are you here so early?" Du Jinse came out to welcome him.

"Du Jinse, it's really you." When the Prime Minister Du saw Du Jinse, his face contorted.

Du Jinse looked at the reception room and smiled, then said to Prince An’s wife, "Foster mother, this is?"

Prince An’s wife glanced at Prime Minister Du's wife, "She is Prime Minister Du's successor, Madam Liu."

Hearing that, Du Jinse realised and looked at her, "Madam, some time ago I saw your stepson. According to him, Prime Minister Du is quite ill, and it is not appropriate for you to use makeup now.

Prince An’s wife glanced at Du Jinse.

It was hard for Du Jinse to calm down when facing the Du Family.