"That woman helped my aunt deal with me, but she seemed to conspire with me." Bai junhuo lowered his head and pondered.

Yin Xun saw the light in her eyes, and the radian of the corners of her mouth expanded a little bit.

Maybe Lu Kang is right. Although Bai junzhuo is a woman, she is a rare talent. Such a woman shouldn't live in the back house for a long time and wear away her spirit.

Bai junzhuo suddenly raised his head and said to Yin Xun, "maybe she was sent by the person who poisoned you. You must help me with this matter!"

"How can I help you?"

"I'll send someone to check the secret girl first. I don't think it's a problem for you?"

Yin Xun nodded, "let Mo Ying check later. And after that? "

Bai Jun's burning eyes flashed a trace of calculation, "it's not good to take the initiative to harm people after all, but since she has come to provoke me, I must have to pay back double!"


in Baifu.

Zou and Xuannu sat opposite each other. Zou asked, "Xuannu Niang, what do you mean just now that my little granddaughter is a saint?"

Xuannu said with a solemn smile, "the old lady doesn't know something. Pangu created the world by kneading the earth to create human beings. She was the first Mother God. After Nuwa's success, she retired and became a human being. The person she transformed was a saint. With the blood of the third young lady, I opened a blood lotus flower on my sword. It must be the goddess of Nu Wa's reincarnation. "

Zou had just seen Xuannu's self Immolation, and his suspicion of her was eliminated. After all, she had lived for so many years, but she still couldn't believe Xuannu's words.

"And the goddess of blood asked? Is it just a coincidence

"No, there is only one saint in the world who can make the lotus blossom on the end of the sword. If you don't believe it, please see it!" As she said this, Xuannu suddenly took out her sword and cut her wrist. The blood flowed out and flowed along the tip of the sword, and something invisible like a lotus appeared.

Zou Shi was startled by her sudden action and said: "how can the Xuannv Niang test herself? Isn't that right?"

"Not in the way." Xuannu waved her hand carelessly, and the wound on her wrist closed slowly!

Zou didn't say a word. She looked at the mysterious girl with her eyebrows. Is she really a person of virtue?

"The Bai family has been practicing medicine for generations and has saved countless people. Naturally, they will get this blessing." Xuannv didn't care about Zou's searching eyes, and then said, "and asked the old lady, was the third lady not like this before, but after a certain period of time, suddenly intelligent and capable?"

Zou's heart was shocked, carefully thought about it, then nodded and said, "Xuannv Niang is a god of anticipation, my little granddaughter was not like this before."

"That's even more so," said the Xuannu. "It must be the result of the great change of the saint's mind."

"Since my granddaughter is a saint, what is the purpose of her reincarnation?"

"Nature is to save the people from floods and fires," the Xuannu said in a low voice. "If there is a disaster of destroying the city and the country, the holy daughter will help the people to survive. If there is no great event, they can get married and have children for the rest of their lives. "

Zou's eyes were deep and silent for a long time and said, "since we have a saint in our white house, we don't need to trouble Xuannu Niang. Please come back

The Xuannu was stunned. Lin Bailian said that Zou was extremely superstitious and almost followed the ghosts and gods blindly. But why do you want to drive her away? Is it not my fault?

"Nature, my farewell." Then she got up.

At this time, someone rushed in in panic: "old lady, it's not a big deal! The storehouse in the west is on fire. The fire is so evil that it can't be put out no matter how hard it is! "

On hearing this, Zou stood up with crutches, and his body trembled slightly: "a group of rubbish! Well done, how to make the storehouse on fire

The storehouse in the west of Baifu is filled with precious medicinal materials. The sudden fire in her heart almost makes her feel angry!

Xuannu suddenly said, "no, it's evil!"

She ran out in a hurry, Zou also in the support of the servants to the West warehouse.

When Zou arrived, she saw Xuannu standing in front of the warehouse. The warehouse was burning with fire. The servants tried to carry water to put out the fire, but it was useless at all.

"Stay away from me!" Xuannv suddenly roared.

The servants have all seen the power of Xuannu. After hearing her say so, they quickly put down the bucket and no longer put out the fire.

Zou's heart flustered, more and more feel that this group of people is a group of waste, eager to throw off the crutches to rush to their own fire!

But Xuannv suddenly threw away her sword and recited to the storeroom: "heaven and earth essence, March! Zhenkan zhendukan Xun! Where to escape, demon

After reading, a huge black cloth appeared in front of her, separating everyone from the warehouse. The black cloth flew to the direction of the warehouse and landed on the warehouse, wrapping the warehouse from head to foot.

"Take it All of a sudden, there was no sign of the dark cloth burning out, and there was no sign of the dark cloth burning out!

Everyone cheered, and Zou's eyes widened, staring at the back of Xuannu.They can burn fire by themselves, open blood lotus with sword, heal wounds by themselves, and play tricks. But out of thin air out of the big black cloth, instantly put out the fire, this is really only the immortal can do!

Zou was completely convinced and bowed his hand to Xuannu's back and said, "Xuannu Niang, I've been offended by her just now. Please forgive her!"

Xuannu lifted up Zou, worried: "old lady, don't be too polite. I only put out the fire, but asked the demon to escape. It's a pity that the saint did not awaken her divine power "

" please stay for a few more days to keep the White House safe. I will thank you very much! " Zou said in a hurry.

"This..." Xuannv was in a bit of a dilemma. She hesitated for a long time before she agreed, "just protect the saint. It's also a virtue."

Zou thanks a lot and leads Xuannu to the guest room to have a rest.

After arranging everything for Xuannu herself, she left. As soon as Bu Zifu left the guest room, a man in black appeared in front of Xuannu.

Xuannu was shocked and immediately lowered her voice and said, "dare you come here in the daytime! Be careful to be discovered by others, which will damage the master's overall plan

The man in black asked in a cold voice, "the master asked you what the devil was wrong with Bai Jun's burning yesterday. Why does she still live well until now?"

Xuannu snorted coldly, "do things with your brain. Is the master's purpose enough to make Bai Jun burn to death? Don't worry about what I do, just help me. Have you dealt with the fire in the warehouse? Don't leave any flaws! "

"You don't have to worry about this, but I advise you not to do anything, otherwise the master has the ability to hold you to this position today, and he has the ability to throw you into a pool of mud!"

The man in Black said that, his body flashed and disappeared in front of Xuannu.


after Bai junhuo came back to his house, he heard apricot tell Xuannv about the fire fighting seven or eight times with great interest, but he didn't say a word.

Finally, Bai Jun Zhuo couldn't stand it. He knocked Apricot's head and said, "go out and watch Red chrysanthemum and yellow plum to feed white mice. Don't let them have a trace of slack."

Apricot rubbed his head, realized that maybe Bai junzhuo didn't like to listen to this, vomited his tongue and went out quickly.

After she left, Bai junzhuo turned to Fu Mingyue and asked, "can you see that Xuannv put out the fire?"

Fu Mingyue shook her head, "my face is wrapped in such a way that I won't leave the yard at will. But listen to apricot said, this Xuannu's means is really superb. "

"There are no ghosts and gods in this world," said Bai Jun in a deep voice. "I want to see what she is doing

"What are you going to do, miss?"

"It's still early. When it's dark, let's go to the warehouse and have a look. If she does something wrong, she will leave some clues." Bai junzhuo said, and staring at Fu Mingyue: "Mingyue, can you change the medicine apricot today?"

Fu Mingyue nodded, "well, she just changed it for me two hours ago."

"Show me your injury."

Bai Jun cautiously approached him and untied the bandage on Fu Mingyue's face. He was stunned. His face was filled with a smile of pride: "my medical skills are really excellent. I didn't expect you to recover earlier than expected."

Fu Mingyue was always afraid of looking in the mirror. She did not know what was wrong with her face. She reached out and touched her skin. Her skin was delicate and smooth, not like before.

Bai junzhuo turned and took the mirror and handed it to Fu Mingyue: "Oh, you can have a look."

Fu Mingyue also hesitated. She didn't dare to pick up the mirror or look at Bai Jun's burning eyes.

"No matter how bad it is, it's not worse than before, is it?"

Fu Mingyue accepted the mirror like fate, but was shocked by the people in the mirror.

She covered her mouth and began to cry. Her face was perfect except for a few tiny pink knife marks.

"I'll give you some other medicine for these tiny scars, and they will get better in three days." Bai Jun said with a scorching smile at Fu Mingyue.

Fu Mingyue knelt down at Baijun's feet with a puff: "Miss, I don't know how to repay my kindness."

Bai junzhuo quickly lifted her up, "if you don't save me that night, I will destroy you, and your life will not get better. So you don't have to thank me. "

Bai junhuo gave a little meal and looked at Fu Mingyue: "what are you going to do in the future?"

Fu Mingyue dropped her eyes, and there seemed to be a fierce flash in her eyes. "Since I was driven out of the house by my father when I was six years old, I don't want to go back for a moment. I want to go back and take back all the things that belong to me and my mother! When I take back what belongs to me, I will come back to thank you, miss! "

"No need," Bai Jun said with a faint smile, "as long as you remember that we had a friendship."

"Miss..." Fu Mingyue's eyes flashed with tears.

At this time, Shen Qing knocked on the door and came in: "Miss White, my master has arrived."

Bai junzhuo turned to look at him and saw that he was holding a sleeping ah Qing in his arms.

"Miss, my master has gone to see the old lady. He asked me to take a look at Shen Qing's baby in my arms first Young master ah Ching sent it. "Bai junzhuo reached out to take ah Qing, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising his radian.

"Well, let's get started."