After hearing Chu Feng's warning, Su Yuan had a cold sweat on her forehead.

Chu Feng doesn't even know how many people in the management of Dawning City, and doesn't worry about the specific operation.

However, this does not mean that he has no control over dawning city.

The heart of Dawning city is gathered because of Chu Feng.

"It's Lu Qiu's amazing talent that makes me make such a mistake."

Su Yuan has no choice but to admit her mistake.

She used to manage enterprises, so when she met talented people, she would try her best to grasp them. This is her instinct as a business expert, unless this person can't be used at all.

However, she ignored one thing.

The reason why Chu Feng attached importance to Lu Qiu was that Lu Qiu was able to observe the weakness of space, so that human beings could be prepared in advance. This is why he attached importance to Lu Qiu and was willing to support him.

However, is it not good for the city of dawn that Lu Qiu gets the trust of the military?

No, it's better.

Chu Feng and Lu Qiu have an agreement, that is, Lu Qiu contributes his strength to the city of dawn, and the city of dawn agrees that in the event of foreign invasion, the city of dawn will stand in the front line.

If the military also trusted Lu Qiu, the pressure on Dawning city would be much less.

Whether it's from the perspective of Dawning city or Huaxia, it's a good thing.

As for Lu Qiu's array talent, didn't he return to the city of dawn after his array talent was discovered? Although he didn't come back long, he also made a lot of contributions to the defense facilities of the city of dawn. Even if he helped the military, he also reported a lot of fees to the city of dawn.

As long as he can be useful, what does it matter if he is controlled by the city of dawn?

Anyway, he will not harm the city of dawn.

"Chu Feng, you seem to trust the military very much!"

Su Yuan is acutely aware of one thing, that is, the foundation of Chu Feng's mentality is based on his trust in the military.

If it's a power like the commercial league that is close to Lu Qiu, then Chu Feng will definitely make Lu Qiu and the one between the commercial League pay the price.

Only the military, Chu Feng will not care.

In other people's eyes, Chu Feng may be afraid of the military, but Su Yuan, as one of Chu Feng's closest friends, knows that Chu Feng is not afraid of the military at all. She only respects the military.

"If the military is not trustworthy, Huaxia will be gone."

Chu Feng Road.

The military is not monolithic, nor is it completely guangweizheng, and sometimes it is powerless. But in this despairing world, it is the insistence of the military that has made Huaxia spend a decade of darkness, and let Huaxia keep its name instead of being scattered.

What he wants to do and the road he wants to take is too dangerous.

On this road, Chu Feng does not know when he will fall. He is not afraid of death, but he has to prepare a way for the people around him.

In this way, he can let himself concentrate on the most difficult road.

After explaining something to Su Yuan, Chu Feng went back to duanyun mountains and caves, and then continued to explore the situation here.

However, in addition to exploring the possible locations of the mysterious ancient books, Chu Feng had another job to do, which was to explore the trends of the southern demons.

In the next few days, Chu Feng found several slave hunting teams, and then killed some demons behind them, causing some riots again.

On the tenth day of exploration in the duanyun mountain range, Chu Feng explored a place where Yuan Li gathered.

Just as he was about to go for exploration, his mental power suddenly detected a figure.


Chu Feng was a little surprised. His spiritual power found that under the duanyun mountains, hundreds of magic soldiers were chasing more than a dozen human beings, led by Yi Qiuling in a blue shirt.

And Yi Qiuling's escape direction is exactly where he is.

"Is it a coincidence?"

Although there are many coincidences in this world, Chu Feng believes in inevitability.

This is not to say that he suspects that someone has arranged for him, but he thinks that there must be her reason for Yi Qiuling to choose this direction.

The pursuers of the demons continue to hunt down Yi Qiuling and her teammates. Yi Qiuling constantly releases the ice and snow garden, transforms ice and snow flowers and plants, and delays the pace of the pursuers.

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng is more convinced that Yi Qiuling should have a special plan.

Others don't know Yi Qiuling's strength, but Chu Feng does. With all her strength, Yi Qiuling can bury these pursuers in an instant with ice garden alone.

And her strong place is not just the ice garden.

"You can't escape. Let's get rid of it."

"Beauty, if you obediently obey us, we can consider letting go of your friends, otherwise, all of you must die here."Although that's what I said, the magic soldiers who chased after me didn't mean to keep their hands.

Seeing that the two sides are getting closer and closer to each other, Chu Feng quietly hides. With Yi Qiuling, the situation is already under control. He doesn't need to worry too much.

The only thing he needs to worry about is whether he will mess up.

After more than ten minutes, Yi Qiuling suddenly stops.

"Why don't you run away?"

"Beauty, are you going to obey us?"

The magic soldiers said frivolous words, but the sword in their hands mercilessly attacked Yi Qiuling and others, and didn't mean to keep their hands.

"Ice garden."

In the face of the magic soldiers surrounded by her, Yi Qiuling appeared a blue light, and then a large number of ice and snow vines appeared under the ground, which entangled the magic soldiers.

In less than three seconds, hundreds of magic soldiers were tied up.

"You have such strength, why do you want to attract us?"

A demon general wants to get rid of these ice and snow vines, but the ice thorns on the vines pierce into his skin, and the ice thorns with frozen breath enter his blood, making him unable to move.

How is that possible? Why does this human have such strength?

What's more, why does she have the strength to wait until now?

"Because I want to ask you something, but before that."

Yi Qiuling said lightly, and then her eyes fell on the hidden position of Chu Feng not far away, "Lord of the dawn City, when do you want to hide?"

Hearing Yi Qiuling's words, her teammates all changed their faces.

Is there anyone hiding around here?

Seeing that he was found, Chu Feng was not surprised. Instead, he calmly came out of his hiding place and explained to Yi Qiuling, "I just happened to come here and see you working. In order not to disturb your plan, I hid myself. I have no other meaning."

"Who would believe such a coincidence?"

A woman sneers at Chu Feng in a cold voice.


Yi Qiuling suddenly claps her hand on the woman's chest and flies it out. More than 20 meters away, she falls heavily on a huge rock.

"I believe it."