I don't know where the explosion came from. When the air was blowing over, Shen Ruan fell to the ground.

In a few seconds, the banquet hall suddenly stopped, and the people's voice broke.

Shen Ruan's heart was cool, but he couldn't care about the pain of his hands and feet. He quickly got up from the ground.

Soon, the people behind him rushed out like a swarm, the earth was shaking slightly, and then the explosion came up again, doors and windows were ringing, Shen Ruan almost could not stand still.

She also wanted to go out with the crowd, but at the moment her feet were weak and her knees hurt so much that she could hardly move her feet. She was afraid that if she could not keep up with the crowd and fall behind, it would be unthinkable if she fell down.

The sudden explosion broke the bustling scene of the villa. The people in the villa didn't react to what happened and looked at each other.

Suddenly one after another, I do not know which corner of the villa from the explosion, completely detonated the scene, everyone desperately began to swarm out.

When and where the fire started, it crept up quietly. When they rushed to the door downstairs, they found that the gate had been locked from the outside.

Someone wants them all to die here!

After the reaction, everyone was in panic. The villa was planted with bombs somewhere. When one by one, the whole house was shaking.

I don't know when it will collapse. At this critical juncture, people run for their lives to escape to the door, but they find that the door can't go out. How can they not panic or be afraid?

For a moment, people crowded in the door, desperately hit the door, the woman was at a loss to scream and cry, one after another interwoven ring.

I don't know whether the door of the eagle villa is too strong or something. They couldn't open it for a long time. At this time, the smoke rolled up from somewhere, and the choking smell began to diffuse in the hall.

The ceiling cracked through spider web like cracks, which looked startling.

The door couldn't be opened again. Many people who had been calm were flustered. Someone pulled their throat and said in a loud voice: "go to find yingwenlin! He should have the key. He can't wait here to die! "

Another retort: "can you see where he is now?"

At first, many people came in, but now there are so many people crowded in the door. I don't know where those explosions came from. Maybe some people were killed in a corner of the villa.

What the hell is murder? accident? Or what?

However, no matter what it is, it's not the time to stand here and wait foolishly. Someone suddenly said, "let's not stand here, break the window quickly and go out directly!"

The window of the villa of the eagle family is fortunately not equipped with anti-theft net outside. Here is the first floor. If you go out, you will step on the mud and you will not be afraid to fall down.

One word awakened everyone, and everyone began to look for tools to smash the window. The flame had already caught fire from there. There was a sound of glass breaking, and one after another the windows were broken.

Difficult for these people, at this time or to maintain a little etiquette and division, let the woman go out first.

I don't know whether the explosion didn't ring again, which eased the tension of the people, or because of the escape, they were not so flustered and crawled out of the three windows one by one.

The fire behind him became more and more prosperous. The fire, which started from somewhere, quickly swept to the gate like a target.


Shen Ruan stood against the wall for a moment. She fell so hard that she could hardly walk with the pain in her knee.

The dust on the ceiling was falling, and she didn't understand what was happening. Where was the explosion coming from?

In the banquet hall, which was just a lively scene, it seems strange at the moment. In order to prepare for the next dance, the lights will be dimmed to make the banquet dim.

The soft music came from inside, and the carpet on the ground was full of messy footprints. I don't know whose bag fell here in the chaos. Some people even dropped high heels here.

The scene was very strange. Shen Ruan looked inside against the wall of the outer corridor, looking a little stunned.

I'm afraid I'll die here if there's a stronger explosion.

A moment ago, there was a very lively place, but now there is no other sound except the faint music. It seems that all the people are gone in that moment.

She moved slowly out of the wall, a path that she had thought was safe from trouble, but now it was the only way to escape.

After walking two steps, there was a sharp pain under his feet. Maybe his bare feet twisted. Shen Ruan had to stop and press his hands. However, as soon as he bent down, the floor suddenly shook violently.Shen Ruan raised her head. She did not know what had fallen off her side. She was panic stricken and went to the side. The object rubbed her arm and fell off. Suddenly, there was a burning pain on the outside of her arm.

When she looked sideways, she saw that the falling object was a photo frame. At the moment when it hit the ground, the glass broke into pieces and the glass slag splashed everywhere. Almost, almost, it hit her head like this.

Shen Ruan sat on the ground in shock, almost hanging here.

At this time, everyone should have run away. If she is hit, she will die here.

In a flash, this place has changed from heaven to hell.

Hearing the explosion, Du Shi and Ji xiuran and others were stupefied, "what was that sound just now?"

Ji xiuran hesitated: "explosion sound?"


Then, when the second sound came up, all the people of this group realized that it was really an explosion, and it came out from somewhere inside the villa, and the house was shaking gently.

Now no one can stand, run out together.

In fact, there is not only one exit gate. Half way out, they meet Ying Wenlin on the way. He is also full of amazement and shock. Obviously, he doesn't know how the sudden explosion happened in his home.

Fortunately, Ying Wenlin can still calm down. Today, he invited many people to come. If he rushes out like this, the door will be blocked.

If a group of people swarmed over here, they would certainly cause congestion there. He didn't understand what the situation was now, but he realized that someone wanted them to die here.

In other words, some people want him to die here, even if it is not dead, it is calculated that he will have an accident today.

After a moment's consideration, he will know who it is. However, it is not the time for detailed consideration. He does not know what the situation is. In the end, how much dynamite he planted here by taking advantage of his negligence. The most important thing is to escape.

Yingwenlin turned back and said decisively, "go, go back there, leave behind the door!"

Du Shi said anxiously, "what about Jin Nan? He went with Shen Ruan. Where are the people now? "

Ji xiuran took out his mobile phone and called Fu Jinnan. When they got to the back door, they suddenly heard Fu Jinnan's voice.

They stopped at their feet and looked sideways. At the other end of the corridor, Fu Jinnan took a woman and ran to them.

Du Shi was surprised for a while, and then he was stunned. Seeing Duan Xinning, who did not know where he was coming from, he had no time to ask.

Yingwenlin's door was opened, and everyone was running out. Ji xiuran pulled him and said in a hurry: "go first and then."

He had to choke down what he wanted to say and went out with the crowd until people went outside and looked at a window in the villa, and suddenly there were bursts of black smoke.

When Fu Jinnan and Duan Xinning were separated and looking for Shen Ruan, they noticed the explosion. When they turned back, they couldn't find anyone. They all started to run out together.

These people did not see Shen Ruan's figure at all. At this turning time, where did she go?

Another explosion caused the floor to tremble and the windows to shatter. Suddenly a woman ran out of the crowd, screaming like a headless fly, and almost bumped into him.

Fu Jinnan gave way, and at the same time reached out to hold the man to prevent her from bumping into the wall.

The woman who was so frightened that she opened her hand subconsciously and wanted to hold him. Fu Jinnan frowned, pushed the man aside, pointed to the direction of the army, and said in a deep voice, "you can go out there."

The woman turned her head. Just now she was in a hurry. Seeing that the people in front of her were blocked, she ran to this direction. After a careful look, this is not the exit at all, so she hurried back and followed the crowd to squeeze out.

Fu Jinnan went back to look for Shen Ruan and called out Shen Ruan's name. When he heard her weak voice calling from somewhere, he stopped and turned to follow the direction.

What she found was Duan Xinning who was at a loss. As soon as she saw herself, she immediately jumped up. The lights in the

hall began to blink, and the rockery stones on the corner fell down and hit them next to them.

Fu Jinnan was very angry. He didn't know where it was going to explode. He had to pull Xinning, who was crying all the time, to come out first.

When they came out, it was dark, and almost all of them came out, including those who came out from the gate, almost all of them arrived here.

However, she couldn't find Shen Ruan. Du Shi was surprised and said, "isn't she leaving with you?"

Hearing this, Duan Xinning raised his eyes and looked at him with fear. In the dark, a window of the villa suddenly jumped out of sparks.

Standing here watching the crowd, suddenly issued a few screams.