Because not long after Li Siqi helped an ran out, the nurse came in and asked Wen Meilan to take the medicine. So, after Li Siqi finished talking with an ran and came back for a walk in the garden.

Wen Meilan's ward has been surrounded by three floors.

When Li Siqi walked to the door of the ward, she was still very surprised why so many people came to her mother-in-law's ward.

When Li Siqi pushed aside the crowd, she suddenly found a group of doctors shaking their heads and sighing around Wen Meilan's hospital bed.

At this time, Li Siqi heard an attending doctor say in a very sad voice: "it's too late. The patient has not breathed for a long time."

Another doctor said, "the operation has been very successful. Why does this patient need more oxygen? As a result, the excessive oxygen reacts with the oxidases in the cells to form hydrogen oxide. As a result, the pulmonary capillary barrier just finished the operation is destroyed, resulting in pulmonary congestion and walking out of the street, and finally suffocated to death. "

"I've seen this mother-in-law steal oxygen before. She said she didn't smoke white, but she died because she was greedy. How can I say that?" The nurse who took care of winmeilan said very sad.

However, at this time, Li Siqi was unable to think. She moved forward, and some people around her recognized that she was Wen Meilan's daughter-in-law, and quickly gave way.

Li Siqi came to Wen Meilan. She saw her eyes closed, her face blue, and her face was not extremely distorted. She shook her head. She couldn't believe it. Half an hour ago, her mother-in-law was still eating her porridge. Now she is dead!


Unable to stand the stimulation for a moment, Li Siqi blinked and fainted immediately.

When Li Siqi wakes up, only nurses and Chi Jingyi are around her.

Li Siqi sat up and remembered the news that her mother-in-law had passed away. She shook her head and managed to hold on. She did not faint.

"I'm sorry." Chi Jingyi, standing in front of the hospital bed, moves her lips and her voice is calm.

But these two words are already his greatest sympathy for Li Siqi.

Li Siqi shook her head and did not speak, because she has lost the ability to think.

"Ms. Li, when you fainted, our hospital had tried our best to inform your husband, but after your husband hung up our phone once, he turned off the phone." Standing beside Chi Jingyi, the nurse said softly.

"I'll contact him right away." Li Siqi's head is blank now. She takes out her mobile phone and dials Wen Ming's phone.

However, as the nurse said, Wen Ming's mobile phone was turned off.

Li Siqi was at a loss. Wenming didn't answer the phone. She had no idea for a while and didn't know what to do next.

At this time, the nurse on one side warned, "you can call your husband's colleagues."

Li Siqi remembered that she should do this, so she called Wen Ming's colleague. Her voice was hoarse and trembling. She asked, "Xiao Zhang, is Wen Ming with you?"

A surprised voice came from the other end of the phone: "brother Wenming is not with me?"

"Didn't Wen Ming say that he was on a business trip with you?"

"No, brother Wenming, he..." When the voice at the other end of the phone said here, it suddenly seemed to think of something and quickly explained, "Sister Li, I'm really sorry. I'm not sure about this. You'd better call wenmingge."

The person on the other end of the phone said, and hung up in a panic.

Li Siqi picks up her mobile phone in a daze, but she doesn't know what to do. She used to be independent and decisive, but now something so big has happened, Li Siqi needs a shoulder to rely on.

What's more, her mother-in-law's death is not her responsibility, but Li Siqi still blames herself. If only she didn't hang around outside. If Wen Ming knew this, he would blame himself!

Li Siqi thought a lot for a time, but didn't know what to do next.

Chi Jingyi looked at Li Siqi, who had lost the ability to think, and said, "well, first of all, you can have a rest and call your husband at the same time. Wait until you get in touch with your husband and discuss other things. "

Li Siqi nodded in a daze, not knowing what to do next.

Chi Jingyi took a look at Li Siqi and left the ward.

Li Siqi waited until it was almost dark when Wen Ming finally called.

"What's the matter? As soon as I turn on the phone, I see a lot of missed calls? " Wen Ming's voice is not urgent or slow.

"Wen Ming," Li Siqi heard her husband's voice, and finally began to wail, "Ma she, died!"

"What?" Wen Ming on the other end of the phone called out and hung up.

When Wen Ming came from another city, it was already the morning of the next day. He ran into Li Siqi's ward in a hurry. His face was filled with wonder and anger.

Li Siqi sees Wen Ming coming, and quickly drags her weak body out of bed to meet Wen Ming, but she never thinks that Wen Ming pushes Li Siqi to the ground.Li Siqi staggered and fell to the ground. Before he could say anything, Wen Ming immediately stepped forward, pointed to Li Siqi on the ground and yelled, "Li Siqi, how do you take care of my mother? I was fine before I left. How can I be like this today? "

"I..." Li Siqi bit her lips, but she didn't care about her hurt body, and tears of grievance and sadness came down.

"Cry, cry, you know to cry! What's the use of you? " Wen Ming glared at Li Siqi in disgust.

"This is the hospital. Please don't make any noise."

I don't know when Chi Jingyi has already stood at the door of the ward. His eyes lightly pass Li Siqi and finally fall on Wen Ming.

When Li Siqi saw Chi Jingyi, she lowered her head and slowly stood up: it seemed that Chi Jingyi could see her every time she was in a mess.

"I haven't asked your hospital yet? What's going on? " Wen Ming stepped forward. He was a little weak and glared at Chi Jingyi, "you said the operation was very successful? How did you die suddenly

"Your mother died because she inhaled too much oxygen. There is monitoring in the ward, you can watch it yourself." Chi Jingyi looks up and down at Wen Ming, who is angry but not sad, and says, "now there are many things to do in the hospital. Please follow me."

Wen Ming bites his teeth, but he has no choice but to follow Chi Jingyi away.

But Li Siqi sat back in bed and didn't know what to do.

However, she did not know what kind of things she would face next.


in Gu's villa

Although it is cold in the early morning of winter, it is interesting. Because Gu Tianjun's villa is far away from the city, the air is particularly fresh.

In addition, the winter has come, the branches and branches of the fallen leaves have frosted. Under the mild sunlight, they look crystal clear and have great ornamental value.

Zhou Mengzhi always likes to get up late. Gu Tianjun, who is recuperating in the villa, has finished breakfast, but she still hasn't got up.

Gu Tianjun then let his sister-in-law push himself into the garden with a wheelchair.