My name is Kim Joo-hyuk. I’m Beta. I’ve never been ashamed or even doubted it. I’ve been beta thus far and will continue to be beta in the future.

It is said that there are so many Betas in the world, yet this is meaningless. This world revolves around Alpha and Omega.

Alpha is at the center of all power, and Omega, who wields that alpha, is hidden behind them. When I was a student, all the principals were Alpha. When I went to college, all the professors were Alpha. It’s still like that now. Our company’s executives, directors, managers, and managers, with the exception of a few, are all Alphas as well. What about their life partner? All is Omega.

Oh, and the section chief over there is also an Omega. Today, the winner of our company’s Omega Prospect title seems to be in a heat cycle. It’s been clamoring since the morning.

When I ask, “Are you okay?” He is sweating and said, “I’m just… It’s okay… Hmm…” Everyone but me believed that. I was going to call 119, but the manager stopped me. He shouted and said it’s okay. This world is going crazy.

Oh, there comes our company’s elite Alpha. Department head Seo grabbed section chief Lee’s arm with a cold look on his face.

“Is section chief Lee crazy?”

“Seo… Department head Seo does not have to be concerned… Hmm… about it.”

“Lee Hyun-jae!”

“Please…Just go… away…!”

“How am I going to leave you like this!”

Department head Seo firmly gripped section chief Lee’s shoulder. Department head Seo, who is giving strength to his strong jaw, sighed once and dragged section chief Lee out. Section chief Lee was being dragged roughly.

“Deputy Kim, here’s the printout.”

“Ah yes.”

Lim Han-na is the head of the Department of General Affairs. I was given a printout and entered customer information into the computer. No one raised an objection to Department head Seo and section chief Lee’s sudden departure from the office. I also just sat down and refreshed the computer several times.

When I first joined the company, I called the police without knowing anything. This is because Department head Seo slapped and knocked down section chief Lee.

‘Get rid of that vulgar scent.’

This is how the internal violence started. I was about to run to the Director’s room, but I turned around and came back to my seat. Because the Director is often busy with business meetings, there’s a high possibility he won’t be there that day. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the police. Actually, I should have walked to the company human rights center, but I didn’t know that because it was my early days of joining the company.

‘Is, is this the police? Seo, Department head Seo hit section chief Lee…!’

And I got in trouble. The reason was that I had called the police for trivial things. I had no idea it was okay for Alpha to beat Omega like that until that point. Furthermore, Seo and Lee were trapped in an unwanted political marriage. In reality, Lee had a crush on Seo, and Seo was aware of it but pretended not to be, so he continued to reject him, resulting in a tragic love conflict. And I was completely unaware of this at first.

The office employee knew everything.


In Gangchon, Gyeonggi-do, where only Beta lives, I went to Middle and High School where only Betas attended. I joined this company after graduating from university with the majority of Beta. Therefore, in order to adjust to my new surroundings, I watched pornography for academic purposes, read a lot of health and medical books, and exclusively watched romance movies.

That’s how I realized it.

Damn, there are no answers in this society.

I will retire after working here for about three years. Some of the severance pay will go to my parents, and I’ll spend the rest of my savings on a trip abroad. To a place where  Beta makes up the vast majority of the population.

I remember the black marks on the section chief’s nape the day after department head Seo knocked him down, and the bandages didn’t cover it. That was the day I made my decision.

I do not allow any romance in my area.

It was a declaration of an exclusive dating restriction zone.