Director Lee’s car is really comfortable. The driver’s seat had a different sensation than the passenger’s seat. Director Lee is lying on the passenger’s seat almost dead. I wrap the jacket around Director Lee like a blanket. He had his face covered, but the tips of his red ears were completely visible. I made every effort not to look at Director Lee.

“Are you okay?”


Director Lee looked really bad. Director Lee clenched his teeth and suppressed a moan.

“Did you not take any inhibitor?”

“There are times when it’s ineffective…”

“I think you need to change your inhibitor, then…”

Director Lee raised his hand to say something and then lowered it. Director Lee turned his head to the side. His neck is red as well. I should report that drug to the Consumer Complaint Center. Why are you selling something ineffective?

When I supported Director Lee into his house, I wondered if I should have called 119. He was too hot to be considered at a safe human body temperature. At that temperature, even brain cells may die. I kept asking if he was okay. Director Lee walks very slowly, but I can’t rush him. He can’t even stand properly. My throat is also itchy for no reason.

I barely managed to bring him home, but I gave him a sedative and water on the table and laid him in bed. Director Lee tossed and turned and fell on his face. He lay down on his stomach and buried his face in the pillow. I laughed because I knew why he was lying down like that.

“Director, why are you lying down on your stomach? Just lie down comfortably.”

“I, I mean, uh… it’s nothing…”

Director Lee gripped the pillow tightly. I gave Director Lee a pat on the back. Ki-do told me that when you get into a rut, you feel like squeezing your lower stomach. It hurt like it was about to explode. He claimed it’s a patent-pending hellish pain. Pain is meant to be relieved.

I loosened my tie. I leaned close to Director Lee.

“How are you now?”

“I’m really sorry, Joo-hyuk-ssi, but it would be better for you to go back.”

Director Lee clenched his teeth and said that. Sweat was dripping down the back of Director Lee’s neck.

“Do you really want me to go?”

Director Lee nodded. I put my hand on Director Lee’s thigh, and he flinched. As it is, I gently swiped Director Lee’s waist once, then released my hand.



I wrapped my hands around Director Lee’s neck. Director Lee groaned. It’s adorable to see him curl up. I’m curious to see how far I can go.


“Really, it’s real.”

Director Lee turned his head toward me. Director Lee looked at me helplessly. There are also tears in the corners of his eyes. It was quite worth seeing the handsome man crying. Director Lee is exhaling through his mouth. I ran my hand over Director Lee’s crotch. Director Lee frowns. A suppressed groan escapes from his mouth.

“You have to smile, I can’t see your dimples if you don’t.”

Director Lee buried his face in the pillow again. His legs trembled. Director Lee’s shoulder muscles twitched. I ran my hand over Director Lee’s back. He grabbed my hand and gripped it hard, then pushed it off again. Director Lee mumbled as he hugged the pillow.

“Don’t make fun of me.”

“Why? What’s wrong with you? It’s because I don’t know. Should I call 119 if it hurts too much?”



If I do it more, he’ll get pissed off. Director Lee is surprisingly good at holding out. Director Lee looks at me again. His eyelashes are wet. I pressed the tip of Director Lee’s nose firmly. Director Lee bit his lip and released it. The red-blooded lips are very sensual, and again, it was just like that.

I brought my face close enough to Director Lee’s face so that my lips could touch him. Director Lee took a deep breath.

“Do you really want me to go?”


Director Lee drags me down onto the bed. Director Lee jumped on top of me in an instant. He tucks me under him and yanks my shirt off like he’s tearing it off. Director Lee’s chest is dripping with sweat. I pressed Director Lee’s nipple as he leaned toward me to take off my clothes.


“Don’t joke around.”

His hands are warm against my face. Lee Si-hyun appears to have given up on breathing through his nose. His hot lips brushed against mine. Soft. I wrap my arms around his neck. Hot. I should have found a fever reducer and given it to him. Is this how the rut is? He’s unusually impatient. I patted his back. His muscles’ shapes shifted in response to Lee Shi-hyun’s movements. Oblique, soft, and hot.

“Kim Joo-hyuk.”




I was struggling to keep breathing. Lee Si-hyun straightened his back after separating his lips from mine. He breathed deeply and closed his eyes. Lee Si-hyun’s pants were already bulging.

“Kim Joo-hyuk.”


A shadow fell on the face that looked down at me. Even from this angle, he is handsome. I think I’ve got a lover to my satisfaction. Lee Si-hyun brushed my lips with his finger and tied my tie properly.


“Kim Joo-hyuk.”








This isn’t right. This isn’t right. Director Lee moved away from me. Director Lee, who got off the bed, stumbled a little. No, but yours is already hard? Look at your steps. Yours is hard.



“Rut, not during rut.”

“Why? Because I’m not an Omega?”

“Kim Joo-hyuk, I told you not to say that. It’s not about Omegas, Alphas, or Betas. We can do it for the next rut, I’ll beg you to stay with me on the next rut. But not this time. Not this time.”

“Why, why, why? why?”

Director Lee repeatedly clenched and opened his fist. He had a lot to say, but it didn’t want to come out. Well, I would do the same. It is difficult to say something logical while feeling impatient.

“I can’t afford to hurt you. I can’t fight the rut.”


I’m a little moved, but I’m too worried. I even wrote a review after watching about 30 porn videos to prepare for Director Lee’s rut. I’m! A prepared! Person!

“But I’m already hard.”

I went too far. Director Lee’s gaze shifted to my lower body part. It’s extremely embarrassing. But I can’t go back like this. I watched porn yesterday and the day before in preparation for a potential opportunity. I analyzed them with a neutral expression as if I were a member of a cyber investigation team. In fact, it isn’t particularly expressive. I even thought about the hot-headed Director Lee… It’s not that important, and it’s not worth my efforts to take this step back.

“I’ll lend you my coat.”

Director Lee gave a reasonable answer in his own way. Director Lee quickly ran to the closet and pulled out a coat.

“Tomorrow is Saturday!”

Director Lee, who forced me to stand, put the coat on me. It doesn’t fit me, as I have wide shoulders. It looked like the cloak of a medieval nobleman.


“Excuse me. Excuse me? Hey. Mister, hey.”

Director Lee steadfastly pushed me to the front door. The hand unlocking the door was trembling. Director Lee almost looked like a seriously ill patient. Looks like it was at a level that needs nursing apart from the rut.

“Do you really want me to go?”

“Yes. You have to go. We’ll do it slowly after my rut. Not now. Really, not now. It will be very, very, very painful.”

Hey, I know! If I was going to run away, I’d have already run!

“What are you going to do when I go?”

You’re going to do that anyway! You’re going to do that anyway! I, who had already been pushed out of the front door, was still clinging to Director Lee. Hyung, don’t do this. We had fun. We kissed so hard just now.

“It really hurts. Didn’t I tell you it hurt?”

“So you are hurt too!”

“It’s different from that, Joo-hyuk. Really, no. It’s different. You can’t.”

“Director, hyung, Si-hyun-ah, hey, you, wait a minute!”

Director Lee grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. It’s really just a kiss. I didn’t put my tongue in and I didn’t have time to put it in. Director Lee, who opened his mouth, kissed me again, and I started feeling sorry for him. It’s the same this time. After kissing a few times, he turned his head.

“Go and call me. Call me as soon as you get home. I’m really sorry for sending you away this way. But I can’t hold it.”

“Who told you to hold it?”

“Sorry, sorry. Go quickly.”

“Kiss me again on the cheeks or lips.”

“Thank you, I love you. I love you. Be sure to call. No, I’ll call you. No, I don’t know. I love you.”

After he kissed me one last time, Director Lee pushed me away and closed the front door.

“Excuse me?”

I just stand blankly in front of the closed front door.

“Excuse me? Director? Director! Hey!”

A faint breeze blew past my back, I’m left alone.

“Hey, Lee Si-hyun!”