Act I: My Ex-girlfriends Come to My House – Part 2

That evening.

“I came…”

Kohaku came to my house.

I was not at all confused when I welcomed her.

I had told her before we parted that I was ‘in the mood to relax at home.’ For those who don’t know, it means ‘let’s have a date at home today’ for Kohaku and me. Of course, this time it means let’s talk at home, not on a date at home.

“Come in.”

“Y-Yeah. Sorry to bother you…”

After saying this in a muffled voice, Kohaku went up to the house. I led her into the living room and sat her down in a chair opposite of me.

Kohaku’s eyes were downcast and she fell silent. It’s been three years since we were alone together, so it’s understandable to be nervous.

I’m nervous too, but not as much as Kohaku. If I can start a conversation with her, we might be able to talk like in the old days.

“Still, I never thought Kohaku would show up in front of me as a teacher! I was so surprised I thought my heart was going to stop!”

From the time when we were dating, Kohaku had a tendency to be too sensitive to the other person’s facial expressions. When I started a conversation with her in a friendly manner to relieve her tension, her cheeks relaxed slightly.

“When I opened the door, Touma-kun was standing there. I was surprised too. Maybe the God of Love thought, ‘You two shouldn’t have broken up,’ and brought us together.”

“Even so, it’s impossible to get back together.”

“Y-Yeah. I guess so… We’re teacher and student.”

“That’s part of it, and doesn’t Kohaku have someone she likes in the first place?”

Kohaku twitched and shook her shoulders. She then looked at me with a downcast look on her face and seemed reluctant to say anything.

“…Actually, that was a lie. I didn’t like anyone.”

“What? Is that so? So does that mean…you still like me…?”

“Yes. I’ve always liked you, Touma-kun.”

Kohaku said with a serious expression on her face.

I don’t think she’s lying, and there’s no advantage for her to lie like this. I think it’s true that Kohaku likes me. …But,

“Then why did you dump me?”

“That’s… Touma-kun, you like to kiss, don’t you?”

“I like it, but… Don’t tell me you dumped me because I wasn’t a good kisser?”

“Mhmm. You were a good kisser, Touma-kun. You were good at kissing from the very first time we kissed… Did you practice at home?”

I did! But it’s embarrassing to admit!

But I nodded, because if I didn’t admit it, the conversation wouldn’t go anywhere.

“Touma-kun liked to kiss, but I felt sorry for him that he only got to kiss me once in a while… It would’ve been a waste to spend your precious youth in a long-distance relationship…”

She thought I would’ve been happier dating a girl from the same neighborhood and backed out in tears.

Indeed, at the time, Kohaku used to apologize to me a lot. She apologized for going to school so far away from home. I told her not to worry about it at the time, but apparently she was very concerned about it.

“I mean, I would miss seeing you only once in a while, but it would’ve been much better than the pain of breaking up. I really liked Kohaku. You could have at least talked to me about it.”

“You’re so kind, Touma-kun, I thought you’d stop me if I talked to you about it. But I should have chosen my words more carefully. I dumped you in such a terrible way… You hate me, don’t you…?”

“How can I hate Kohaku?”

Kohaku, who had been apologetically looking down, looked up as her face was flicked.

“…Even now, do you still like me?”

“I do.”

When I admitted it, Kohaku’s face lit up.

I was stunned by her happy smile. Kohaku is so cute when she smiles.

“So we both like each other, yes…?”

“It seems so. But… We can’t get back together.”

Because we’re teacher and student. Kohaku seems to know that it wouldn’t be a good idea for us to get back together, and she looks as if she had just woken up from a happy dream.

“I know. I’m a teacher. If the school finds out that we’re dating, even Touma-kun might get looked at with white eyes. …But I’d be happy if we can get along when it’s just the two of us, like when we used to be.”

In order to have a peaceful school life–and to protect Kohaku’s life as a teacher, it’s better to act like a stranger, even if it’s just the two of us. If anything, we shouldn’t even be alone together.

But I do like Kohaku. I can’t turn down a girl I like when she says, ‘I’d be happy if we can get along.’

“I understand. When we are alone, I will treat you as an ex-boyfriend, not as a student.”

“I’m happy… Thank you, Touma-kun…”

Her droopy eyes were filled with tears, and Kohaku beamed with happiness.

At that moment, my stomach rumbled.

“Are you hungry, Touma-kun? I can cook for you if you want.”

“Then please.”

“I’m going to put my all in it~. I’ll call you when it’s done, so just relax.”

Kohaku bounced with enthusiasm and went to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator, seemed to have decided on a menu, and immediately started cooking–

Pin, pon.

As soon as the doorbell rang, Kohaku stopped cooking and crouched down. She even hid her face with a frying pan.

“…Who is it? Your parents?”

She asked in a small voice.

I can understand why Kohaku would want to hide her face. Because I haven’t told my parents about our relationship.

I wanted to brag to my parents that I had found a cute girlfriend, but Kohaku didn’t want that. She was also five years older than me, so I guess it would be hard for her to say proudly that we were in a relationship.

On top of that, Kohaku has become a teacher. In her position, it’s only natural for her to hide her face. …Well, even if she hid her face, if my parents saw her like this, they would surely be suspicious of her. But I respect her determination to hide her identity.

“My parents live abroad, so they won’t be back anytime soon. Maybe it’s a newspaper advertisement or something.”

After reassuring her, Kohaku resumed cooking.

The doorbell rang again. I went to the front door by myself and looked through the peephole to see what was going on outside.

It was Akari.

I thought my heart would stop.

Why is Akari here?! How did she find out where I live?! Wait, this isn’t good! If she keeps ringing the doorbell at this rate, Kohaku will come!

Besides… Even if I don’t know what she wants, I can’t ignore Akari.

I told Kohaku that I like her, but I also like Akari. And having seen her anxiously pressing the doorbell, I can’t use the answering machine.

Kohaku is cooking right now, so I can handle this without her knowing.

Determined, I went outside.

“Touma… You came out.”

Akari’s eyes were moist with happiness.

She was probably worried that I might use the answering machine.

“I didn’t think Akari would come. How did you get my address?”

“I contacted Uncle. I said I wanted to play with Touma for the first time in a while so I asked him to tell me your address.”

By Uncle, she means my father.   

He is a relative of Akari’s.

Shortly after I was dumped by Kohaku, I met her at a relative’s funeral service, and she comforted me when I was dragging out the sorrow of my lost love. At the time, I had no romantic feelings for her, and thought of her as nothing more than ‘a kind, relative older sister,’ but…

We started to play together often, and before I knew it, we were in love with each other.

“I was surprised when I heard where Touma was. I had no idea he lived next door to me…”

Seriously?! You’re next door?!

I’ve been living next door to both of my ex-girlfriends?!

“The school, and the address, it’s all so coincidental…”

It’s already amazing with one, but to be sandwiched between the two is… If I had friends, I would’ve found out about this sooner. I spent most of my spring break at home instead of going out.

“It’s fate, don’t you think? I wonder if this is the God of Love saying that ‘the two of you shouldn’t have separated.’”

…I remember hearing this line somewhere.

I don’t think this is true, but–

“If not, feel free to deny it. …Akari, do you like me or not?”

“I love you.”

Akari, who affirmed without any hesitation, looked at me anxiously.

“…What about Touma? Do you like me?”

“W-Well, I like you, but–”

“I’m glad!”

She hugged me tightly. Her soft b*****s were pressed against my chest, and her delicious fragrance tickled my nostrils, making my heart beat faster.

“H-Hey, I know you’re happy, but it’s not a good idea to hug me, don’t you think?”

When I told her to calm down, she released her embrace with a regretful look on her face, and with an apologetic expression on her face,

“I’m sorry for suddenly hugging you… I thought you hated me… I never thought you still liked me…”

Akari’s eyes moistened and she smiled happily. I’m as happy as she is. But I can’t be openly happy about it.

Because I just had a similar exchange with Kohaku earlier… I have only one word in my mind, ‘Shuraba.’ (T/N: This means scene or place where chaos/trouble/problem is going to happen. Go*gle it for more details.)

“You don’t have to apologize… But you see, we’re teacher and student. I like hugging Akari, but hugging each other in public isn’t good. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want at home.”

I hastily added.

If she went into the house now, she would run into Kohaku. It would be a shuraba if my two ex-girlfriends, who want to reconcile with me, met.

I’m sorry Akari, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave after hearing the reason why you came to my house today.

“So why did you come to my house?”

“I wanted to apologize to you, Touma. I’m sorry for the terrible way I behaved at that time.”

Akari bowed her head deeply and I told her to look up. …Akari looked sincerely apologetic.

“Don’t make that face. I’m not angry. You must have had a reason for dumping me even though you liked me, right?”

“No matter what the circumstances were, it doesn’t change the fact that I hurt you. I’m really sorry.”

“I said you didn’t have to apologize. Just tell me what was going on. Why did Akari lie to get me to break up with her?”

“That’s because… I’m a bad woman.”

“Bad woman? Akari?”

As far as I know, Akari isn’t bad.

She is tall, shy, has a sour face, and she once made a child cry on a date because of her tendency to blurt when she doesn’t know the person she’s talking to–At that time, she was just trying to help a lost child by calling out to him. It’s true that she scared him, but Akari was only trying to help a child in trouble. Akari scares small children because of her appearance and tone of voice, but she is really a kind woman. Thanks to Akari, I myself was able to overcome my heartbreak.

“I was an adult, and on top of that, I was going to be a teacher, but I was dating a high school student… That is unacceptable.”

Yes, I’ve seen the occasional news story about a teacher who was arrested for dating a student…

“If it’s a serious relationship, it’s safe.”

“But only if people knew if it was a serious relationship or not. If it got out that we were dating, even Touma might get looked at with white eyes… That’s why I decided to break up.”

In other words, she backed out for my sake in tears.

“I don’t care if the world looks at me funny. I don’t care what anyone says about me, I’m happy just to have the woman I like by my side.”

She gave me a big hug.

Despite her cool appearance, Akari is a sweet and affectionate girl who loves to cuddle. I also like to hug her, so I can’t help but hug her back.

But I would be in trouble if Kohaku saw me hugging her like this. So I gently released the embrace, and Akari stared at me sadly.

“I want to hug you more…”

“I want to hug you too, but I don’t think we should hug each other here. Don’t you know? Over there is Shirasawa-sensei’s house.”

“I know. She greeted me the day she moved in. Shirasawa-sensei seems like a very kind person, but… If she saw me hugging Touma, would she tell the principal?”

“I don’t think Shirasawa-sensei would tell on us, but it’s better if we’re not seen. Let’s not hug each other outside.”

“Then… Can we hug at Touma’s house?”

Not good. Akari seems to want to come in.

But I can’t invite her in. Because Kohaku is–

“Dinner is ready.”

Kohaku appeared without warning.

Kohaku and Akari looked at each other, and after a pause…

“Eh? Ehh?! Akamine-sensei?! What are you doing with Nijino-kun?!”

“Shirasawa-sensei too, why are you at his house?!”

Oh no! It’s going to be a shuraba! I have to somehow cover this up!

“Actually, I met Shirasawa-sensei by chance at the entrance! And since we live in the same apartment building, she decided to treat me to dinner! Isn’t that right, Sensei?”

“T-That’s right! I’m a home economics teacher. It’s my duty to take care of my students’ nutrition! Akamine-sensei too, why are you here? It was Akamine-sensei who rang the doorbell earlier, wasn’t it?”

“Akamine-sensei came to provide on-site counseling for me! I was very anxious about fitting in with my new class… When I met with Akamine-sensei at the infirmary, she recognized my anxiety, and we decided to have counseling together since we live in the same apartment building. Isn’t that right, Sensei?”

“As he says.”

“I see. Leave the rest to me, Akamine-sensei, and you can go home.”

“I can’t do that. Counseling is the duty of a school nurse.”

“Does the counseling have to be today?”

“Yes. Otherwise, there’s a risk that it will interfere with his ability to attend school tomorrow.”

“But he says he doesn’t need counseling.”

“He didn’t say that.”

“I think he did.”

“I don’t think he did.”

The two of them are speaking on my behalf. Neither of them wants to leave my side.

“Let’s not stand around and talk. Why don’t you two come inside?”

Both Kohaku and Akari are supposed to act as teachers in public. They should be able to handle themselves so that my relationship with them will not be revealed.

At my suggestion, they nodded and entered the house.

◆ ◆ ◆

Kohaku made fried pork with ginger.

It was served with a rich sauce for my preference for strong flavors.

But I can’t taste it.

I’m too nervous to taste it.

Why? Because I’m sitting around the dinner table with my ex-girlfriends. And on top of that, both Kohaku and Akari are eating dinner in silence…

Of course, you never know what will bring your past to light, and you have the right to keep your mouth shut, but this atmosphere is just unbearable.

Still, as long as we avoid talking about our love life, I shouldn’t have to worry about my ex-girlfriends finding out about it. Let’s talk about something harmless, shall we?

“Shirasawa-sensei’s pork is delicious!”

“Thank you. Nijino-kun, you like strong flavors, don’t you?”

“How do you know what he likes?”

Suddenly, we’re in the gutter…!

Akari gave her a suspicious look, and Kohaku slouched.

“W-Well, that’s because… Nijino-kun has a strong face, so… I thought maybe he liked strong flavors…”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“J-Just now was just a joke. Um, well… A-Actually, when I was making this pork with ginger, I asked Nijino-kun to taste the strong and the light seasoning! Isn’t that right, Nijino-kun?”

“Yes! Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this! It’s so delicious!”

Kohaku smiled at me.

“You seem to be feeling better after eating my food, and from the looks of things, I don’t think you need counseling.”

“It’s necessary. To the untrained eye, he may look fine, but a professional’s eye cannot be fooled. Touma has a lot of anxiety.”

“Did you just say ‘Touma’?”


Looked at with suspicion, Akari looked away.

“…I didn’t say that.”

“You did, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t!”

“You definitely did!”

“…Actually, I did. But of course, I said it with a reason.”

“Why do you call Nijino-kun by his first name?”

“It’s for the success of the counseling. By getting to know me, he can tell me what he really feels.”

A good excuse for an impromptu situation. Combined with her serious face, it’s hard to believe that she’s lying. Kohaku seems to believe it too, but… I don’t feel at ease at all.

Because even if we got through this day, as long as we live in the same apartment, I can’t eliminate the risk of our relationship being exposed.

One day, they might find out about the relationship–

Just thinking about this is enough to cause me a mental breakdown. If I don’t do something, I will seriously have to go to counseling.

…No more. Let’s stop fooling around. I’m going to choose one of them after graduation anyway. That was when I’d tell them about our relationship, but if it’s going to be a mess sooner or later, let’s just reveal it quickly.

“Calm down and listen to me, both of you. To tell you the truth–Kohaku and Akari are both my ex-girlfriends.”

The two of them were blown away.

They looked at each other and–

“Eh? Ehh?! You were dating Akamine-sensei, Touma-kun?! When?!”

“After I broke up with Kohaku.”

“The person who dumped Touma is Shirasawa-sensei…?”

“That’s right.”

I admitted it. I really admitted it. The rest is just a matter of what will happen now.

“…Shirasawa-sensei, you’re not dating Touma now, are you?”

“Of course not. As a teacher, I can’t date my students. …Akamine-sensei too, you’re not dating Touma-kun, are you?”

“Of course not. I’m a teacher. I can’t date my students.”

“Really? Aren’t you secretly plotting to seduce Touma-kun?”

When the suspicion was turned on her, Akari shook her head firmly.

“I’m not plotting that. …However, I can’t deny the possibility that Touma may seduce me. After all, Touma loved to do naughty things with me.”

Why would you say that after shaking your head so firmly?!

“Is that true, Touma-kun?! Are you trying to seduce Akamine-sensei?”

“I’m not!”

When I did my best to deny it, Kohaku sighed in relief and,

“Touma-kun, you used to love doing naughty things with me, didn’t you? That’s why you’re trying to seduce me. Is that it~?”

Akari’s eyes glinted.

“Touma, is that true? Are you going to do something naughty with Shirasawa-sensei?”

“No, I won’t! We’re not even dating! To begin with, we’re teachers and students! I’ll act like a student, so you two act like teachers!”

The earnest request seemed to resonate with both of them.

“That’s right… Teachers shouldn’t do naughty things with their students. I’ll act properly as a teacher.”

“As a teacher myself, I swear I won’t lay a hand on Touma.”

After confirming that they have no intention of getting ahead of one another, they withdrew their suspicions.

I wondered what was going to happen, but I was relieved that the situation didn’t turn into a shuraba.

Now my worries are over. Tomorrow, I will be able to live a peaceful school life.

I patted my chest and chewed on the strongly flavored pork fried with ginger.