Chapter 28 is disgusting

After eating a few pieces of meat and tofu to satisfy her cravings, Widow Qu said again: "Look, the Zhao family has a really good life, and the people are nice, I think, after passing this village, there will be no such shop! Mother is I really think their family is good, why don't you tell me, mother?"

   Qu Yutao didn't change her face when she mentioned marriage as usual, instead she lowered her head silently.

Widow Qu naturally saw the change in her daughter, she was overjoyed, and she didn't care about eating meat, she hurriedly said: "That mother really said it! No, wait a little longer, let's wait until this year, in case they can't fight Gu family."

  Qu Yutao raised her head at this time and said: "Mother really wants to do this, doesn't it seem that we are too snobby!"

   Widow Qu was taken aback.

  These words seemed to imply that the mother should go ahead and talk about it now. Qu Yutao came back to her senses, a little embarrassed, and lowered her head again.

  Widow Qu is not confused, she knows best what kind of temperament her daughter is. She couldn't change her mind all of a sudden.

  Widow Qu couldn't help feeling flustered, and she held Qu Yutao's hand tightly: "Yutao, you... tell mother the truth, didn't something happen?"

  Qu Yutao seized her hand and turned her head: "No."

"You still don't tell me!" Widow Qu sternly said: "Yutao, mother will not harm you! What is there to say between our mothers? Mother taught you since she was a child, no matter what happened, she must tell mother, otherwise, if you don't know what to do If it gets too big, we're done!"

  They are widows and mothers, helpless, trembling, walking on thin ice, and can't bear any accidents.

  Any little disturbance could completely destroy them.

  Qu Yutao's eyes turned red, and she let out a low sob.

On the way back from digging bamboo shoots in the field at the edge of the village today, she was stopped by a gourd. My elder brother is also very supportive of this marriage.

  Widow Qu was so angry that her whole body was cold, "Bastard, bastard!"

  In the whole village, it is normal that her mother and wife are the closest to the Zhao family, after all, their family is the closest to the Zhao family.

  The Gu family can't even control who's dealings with whom in the village, can they? So Widow Qu didn't take it seriously.

   Unexpectedly, the Gu family could not take advantage of the Zhao family, but they blamed her and made this idea quietly!

too disgusting!

   Those scoundrels with gourd and bald head are the lackeys of the three brothers of the Gu family. Who in the village doesn't know?

After the old man died, she knew that it must be difficult for her to live with her daughter, so she preemptively went to the government to file a complaint, and made a fuss, yelling that someone was wandering around her door at night, although She didn't see it clearly, but it was definitely not a good thing, she must be trying to take advantage of her, the widow, and begged the county magistrate to send someone to find out which unconscionable **** was trying to trick her, the widow, and arrest her go to jail.

  She is a well-behaved and good citizen, and she will never do that kind of sneaky thing, make troubles that are indecent, and discredit the county magistrate.

She went to the county government office to file a complaint, but she didn't even have a "defendant". She tried her best to show her beauty and loyalty inside and out, but she made a big joke. Thorough!

Naturally, the magistrate of the county couldn't lower his status to care about an ignorant fool like her, and it was even more impossible to send officials to help her catch some "bastard with malicious intentions". Finally sent her away.

However, Widow Qu seemed to have taken a Shangfang sword, and yelled at the village. She kept saying that the county magistrate praised her for her loyalty, and promised that if anyone dared to have a crooked mind and broke the county magistrate's rule of the people, the county magistrate would never forgive her !

   Not to mention, when she made a fuss, those crooked men in the village who were about to make a move really didn't dare.

  Who knew that this widow was completely different from the widows in the public impression? With this temperament, if anyone really provokes her, he might cause a lot of trouble!

  People in Yan Village have already registered with the government, and they are inferior. Once they commit crimes, the minimum punishment will be doubled. Not worth it, not worth it.

Since then, Widow Qu has always maintained her not to be messed with, carefree personality, and good at making friends with the kind and kind people in the village. Not too trim, body fat, appearance rapidly declining, and no one to provoke.

   These years, their mother and daughter lived in Yancun without incident.

As her daughter grew up day by day and inherited her beauty, she began to worry again. She didn't let her daughter go out in daily life, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble. think.

Widow Qu took her daughter into her arms, patted her gently and comforted her: "Hey, don't be afraid, mother will not let them succeed! Mother will not let anyone plot against you even if she tries her best. Mother will die tomorrow!" Go to Zhao's house and say go, no, go tonight!"

  Qu Yutao's heart warmed up, she gradually calmed down, and she whispered again: "Brother Hu Ling passed by at that time, he helped me"

  Hu Ling just happened to go to find Zhao Xiang, how could he stand idly by when he saw the gourd doing such a thing? It's just that he hasn't done anything yet, and after glancing at the gourd, he ran away cursing in a low voice in fright.

  Widow Qu smiled and said: "It can be seen that you and Hu Ling are destined!"

  Qu Yutao was a little shy, and said in a low voice: "...not really. Brother Hu Ling didn't mean anything else, just, just dropped by."

   They didn't even say a word.

  She was ashamed, angry and frightened at the time, and when the gourd ran away, she forgot to even say thank you, and ran home in a panic.

  Widow Qu was determined: "Otherwise, why wouldn't someone else be on the way? You are destined!"

   Qu Yutao: "."

The Zhao family, the whole family had a happy dinner. Aunt Li Shiyi and Mrs. Deng cleaned up the table, bowls and kitchen, and the two young ones sat on the mat on the floor to play. Zhao Liya and Hu Ling will go to the provincial capital I told Zhao Xiang.

   Now that I have the ganoderma lucidum for business, the family now has a total of more than 1,700 taels of silver, which can be regarded as a huge sum of money.

   "Okay, okay, good boy, thank you for your hard work! Your mother and I are so lucky to have such a promising child like you!"

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling both smiled.

   "Father, our family is blessed, and being a family is the greatest blessing!"

   "That's right, actually I didn't do anything, it's all Ya'er's skill, ha ha!"

   All three of them laughed.

  Zhao Liya said what Widow Qu told her again, and said her plan: "Let's watch first and see how they do business. We can do almost as well as them."

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  (end of this chapter)