Chapter 50 Temporarily a cook

  All eyes were on Zhao Liya.

  Zhao Liya looked at this and that, the boss was speechless

   I don’t quite understand, why choose her?

  Yu Gongcao was also a little surprised, "You all recommend Zhao Liya?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Yes Yes"

  Everyone nodded quickly.

   It must be the girl from the Zhao family. She is so powerful that even the rogues and bullies of the Gu family and the Hulu family can't get cheap in her hands. If she doesn't take the lead, who will take the lead?

   Seeing this, Yu Gongcao called Zhao Liya's name, took her aside and explained some things.

  Zhao Liya nodded in response.

  She inquired about it by the way, and this general Zhong Shen is a very upright person, with strict military management and strict discipline, that's good, Zhao Liya is at ease.

  The eight of them were quickly taken to Zhuangzi.

  The kitchen has been cleaned up, and all kinds of seasonings and rice have been delivered.

  But I haven’t bought vegetables and meat yet, so I’ll see what they’re going to do at night and make a list before going to buy them.

   County magistrate Yin specially dispatched a donkey cart to make it easier for them to go to the city to purchase.

   Dinner for hundreds of people is not difficult for eight people, but it is not easy either. Gotta get ready.

  After discussing with her aunt and sister-in-law, Zhao Liya took two people into the city to buy vegetables.

  Dried tofu, beans, pork, green peppers, and a lot of pork bones and 200 eggs.

  The eggs are ready, and the pork bones are reserved for making soup tomorrow morning. I have ordered 300 catties of rice noodles, and I will make soup noodles tomorrow morning.

   There are only two dishes in the evening, one is fried beans, one is pork slices fried with green peppers and dried tofu, one meat and one vegetarian.

  I will go to the city to purchase the vegetables I need tomorrow.

  Zhao Liya's cooking skills are not very good, but she must have seen more pigs running than others. Originally, she was chosen as the leader because everyone thought the Zhao family was powerful, and everyone felt more at ease with her as the leader. They didn't think she had any cooking skills, but soon everyone sincerely admired her.

  For example, everyone knows that beans are difficult to cook. Zhao Liya knows how to blanch them in hot water first, and then fry them in a pan. This way, they can be cooked faster, and there will be no problem of one part being cooked and another part still raw.

  For example, she also knows how to blanch the fried pork first, then pick it up and soak it in cold water for a while.

  More importantly, she is willing to use heavy oil and ingredients when cooking.

  Although everyone knows that they are just tools for cooking and spend money from the government to buy these things, but people's habits are hard to change, for example, they are reluctant to put oil and various seasonings when cooking.

  Zhao Liya is not like this.

   She thinks delicious food is the most important thing.

   More importantly, she didn't think there was anything to save on this.

  Others grinned their teeth and twitched in distress, but she was still calm.

   As a result, the cooked dishes are of course more flavorful and delicious.

  Although there is only one meat and one vegetable, the officers and soldiers under General Zhong Shen are quite satisfied with the food, and they all said that this level is much better than the craftsmanship of the Huotou army!

  Zhong Jing thinks so too.

  He didn't want the cook specially sent by County Magistrate Yin, and Zhou Hansheng and others all ate big pot dishes with ordinary officers and soldiers.

   Zhou Hansheng received a secret letter from Zhong Jing, and he came here to suppress bandits.

  The arrangements are well planned and everything goes smoothly.

   Some of his personal guards were also slightly injured, so they are still recuperating here, planning to leave Lingnan after a while.

  Zhao Liya never expected that she would meet Mr. Zhou again unexpectedly here.

  Just after dinner that day, General Zhong suddenly told her that she wanted to have supper. Someone came and told her to cook a pot of porridge, and when it was ready, it was delivered.

   After leaving such a few simple words, the visitor hurried away.

  Zhao Liya had no choice but to follow suit.

The porridge made for the general was not easy to use leftovers, so Zhao Liya asked someone to help kill a chicken, take the chicken and chop it up, cook the soup on the chicken rack, skim off the oil in the chicken soup, boil the rice, and then chop it up and adjust it Put in the delicious chicken, add some chopped shallots and green vegetable leaves, and prepare a plate of dried radish, a plate of kohlrabi and two pickles, cover it with porridge in a casserole, take clean dishes, chopsticks and spoons, Put it in a basket and send it yourself.

   Qu Yutao wanted to go with her but she refused.

  Although it's not late at night, it's still night after all. It's fine for her to walk outside by herself, and there's no need to bring Qu Yutao with her.

  Having been here for three days, Zhao Liya knows how these people behave. Yu Gongcao did not lie to her. She is just going to deliver some porridge, nothing will happen.

Zhao Liya carried a food basket into a study in a courtyard. One person was sitting upright in front of the desk and writing. She didn't raise her head when she heard the footsteps, and said calmly, "What's the matter with the surname Zhong calling you here? Just go back?"

  Zhao Liya was startled, the surname is Zhong? Is this called General Zhong? However, isn't the person in front of you General Zhong? Then the soldier brother will not be so confused that he led himself to the wrong place, right? Huh. Why, why does this person look familiar?

   After all, he is someone who has been together for a night and a long time. Zhou Hanshengyuan is outstanding, and Zhao Liya is not lame. He recognized him quickly and couldn't help being overjoyed.

  The heart that was still a little bit nervous was completely relaxed!

  Master Zhou is not a bad guy!

  He is the benefactor of their Zhao family. Without him sending someone to help, the sugarcane planting business would not go so smoothly. Not only would it cost more money, but it would also take more trouble.

Zhao Liya was about to say hello, but Zhou Hansheng didn't hear a reply from his entourage for a long time, and he realized that the footsteps sounded a little strange, so he raised his head suddenly, and what he saw was a pretty face full of smiles. The face, the bright eyes are bright, bright as stars.

  Looking at each other, Zhao Liya choked on the greeting that was about to come out, her smile froze slightly, and she subconsciously retracted her gaze, "Mr. Zhou!"

   Zhou Hansheng obviously recognized her, and stood up, "Miss Zhao, why is it you!"

Zhao Liya came forward with a food basket, and explained with a smile: "A military master went to the kitchen and said that General Zhong wanted to have porridge, and he ordered it to be cooked, but he brought me here, but Mr. Zhou was here. Really, What a coincidence."

   Zhou Hansheng: "."

  Where he is, if there is no Zhong Jing, the guards will not let her in. Zhou Hansheng had no doubts that she would lie.

   After a little thought, I understand.

  That guy Zhong Jing, did he do it on purpose?

  He has good eyesight. He must have remembered Miss Zhao after a few glances in the restaurant that day. He accidentally found Miss Zhao here, so he deliberately teased himself. No wonder, he even found an excuse to call Zhao Nan away.

   What kind of bad taste is this!

   "Give it to me," Zhou Hansheng reached out to take the food basket, and said with a smile, "The food you cooked is very good."

   "Should be," Zhao Liya smiled: "By the way, I haven't thanked Mr. Zhou yet. If it wasn't for Mr. Zhou's help, our family's sugarcane garden would not have been planted so smoothly."

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  (end of this chapter)