Chapter 59 Mother is rich

  Li Xiaoying thought that these sweets and snacks must be her mother's hard work to save eggs, raise chickens and ducks and sell them for money, and Li Xiaoying felt blocked.

  Niang loves her grandsons and granddaughters dearly, and she is willing to give them everything. She rarely comes back by herself, so she can't spend more time with her.

Seeing the two children eating happily and smiling, Aunt Li was also happy. She held her granddaughter in her arms and patted her gently. from my host”

  She put the children aside and let them play on their own. Just as her son-in-law was dragged away by his uncles and brothers to talk, she explained in detail what she did at the Zhao family in Yancun.

Li Xiaoying was stunned when she heard that, and she was also happy for her, she said with a smile: "I didn't expect my mother to get such a clever sect, that's good, you won't be so bored on weekdays, and you still have money to make, then the Zhao family will be fine! Not good, just don’t go.”

  Li Xiaoying is not worried about her mother being wronged and angered, and the people who kill tiger village will not be angered outside.

  It is precisely because they are united, protect their weaknesses, don't suffer losses, have a big temper, and are not easy to provoke, so they are looking for short-term jobs in the city every day, and very few people are willing to hire them. Although they work seriously and responsibly.

  Aunt Li Shiyi smiled and said: "The Zhao family are all good people, so I can't bear to go to such a good thing."

  As she spoke, she grabbed out three coins and stuffed them into Li Xiaoying's hands: "Take it and spend it, you have some money in your hand, and you have confidence."

   "Mom, I don't want—"

   "Take it! Mom can't spend that much, won't it be for you in the future? In Zhao's house, it really doesn't cost much."

  Li Xiaoying was ashamed and guilty, so she reluctantly accepted it with a smile, "Thank you, mother."

As she spoke, she became envious again, "I heard that some big boss buys land to plant sugar cane in Zaihu Village, and every family has jobs to do, and they have made a lot of money! When Bajiao Village has such luck, it will be great." Yes! At that time, we will also have a job to do and earn some money to subsidize our family."

  Aunt Li Shiyi also knew about the sugar cane garden, but she didn't know the specifics and didn't care much. Then he laughed and said: "This matter has something to do with the Zhao family. I'll ask the Zhao family. If the big boss has a job in the future, it's better to consider Bajiao Village."

"That's great!" Li Xiaoying's eyes lit up, and she said happily, "Mother, you also know Bajiaozhai. Most of the villagers are down-to-earth people. Lizheng and the patriarch are not just for show! If there is a big boss who is willing to hire people, keep them Take the work done for others properly, without ambiguity!"

  Who would be so stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity to make money?

  Many people in Bajiaozhai are talking about Zaihu Village, but they are all envious.

   I didn't expect this to be related to the family where my mother was. This is great!

  Aunt Li Shiyi naturally hoped for her daughter's well-being, and Bajiao Village is indeed good, so she nodded with a smile: "I'll give it a try if I have the chance!"

  Li Xiaoying smiled: "Mother, don't forget!"

   "I can't forget it!" Aunt Li Shiyi shot her daughter a glance and said with a smile, "You girl, you are really an extroverted girl with elbows turned outward. You really care about the Bajiao Village."

Li Xiaoying smiled a little embarrassedly, and took Aunt Li Shiyi's arm to act coquettishly: "Mother, Bajiaozhai is finished, and our family will be fine too. As long as I can save some money, I can also buy things for my mother. How filial and filial to your mother!"

  Unlike now, the money can’t reach her. When I come back on New Year’s Day, I bring chickens, eggs, and other things, all of which are produced at home. The mother-in-law is sullen and unhappy, so she has no choice but to pretend she didn’t see it.

  Aunt Li Shiyi made her very happy, and she couldn't stop laughing, "Oh, mother doesn't expect you to buy things. You and your son-in-law have a good time. Take good brother Liang and Xiaoduo, and mother will be satisfied."

  The mother and daughter talked for a while, and then Li Xiaoying's natal uncle came to call for dinner, and they went there together.

The next time I came back, sometimes I ate with my natal mother, and sometimes I went to eat with my uncles and aunts, but there was never such a rich meal like this time. With a smile, my uncle even opened a jar of wine, which was very lively.

  At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xiaoying and her husband went back with their children. Both of them are in a particularly good mood today, and there are endless things to talk about on the road.

Pan Erzhu was envious: "Zaihu Village is really great now, making a lot of money! In the past, when we came here, how could uncles and aunts treat us like this? Hey, it's good to make money, and the people are much more generous. Why don't we have any in Bajiao Village?" Such good luck!"

  Li Xiaoying couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You think too beautifully. Uncles and aunts are nice, but you think that because they make money, they treat us well? I think it's because of my mother."

  She didn't tell the whole truth, but most of it was the truth. She just said that her mother's monthly salary was reduced by half.

   Even so, it was enough to make Pan Erzhu dumbfounded, "This, there is such a good thing!"

  It’s just a companion, but there is still wages, free food and lodging, enough white rice, and meat dishes almost every day? What a fairy day this is!

   No wonder uncle and aunt are so enthusiastic.

  Li Xiaoying couldn't help but proudly talked about the Zhao family's acquaintance with the big boss who opened the sugarcane plantation, which moved Pan Erzhu's heart.

  Looking close to the water is the first thing to do, will the big boss open another sugarcane plantation? How about Bajiaozhai?

  There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Gradually, many people in Bajiaozhai knew that Li Xiaoying’s mother was working as a companion of the Zhao family.

  So even Li Zheng and the patriarch of Bajiaozhai were alarmed, and came here to ask Li Xiaoying carefully.

  Li Xiaoying was taken aback, and quickly said what she knew.

  Lizheng and the patriarch suddenly became more friendly and kind, and asked her to go back to her mother's house to see if she had nothing to do, or to visit her mother in Yancun. If there is a chance to mention Bajiao Village, that would be even better.

   What Zaihu Village can do, Bajiao Village can do, and it can do better!

  Lizheng and the others are also heartbroken. Who told their village to be connected to Zaihu Village? Although the distance between the two villages is not close, in a broad sense, they are neighbors.

  Neighbor’s headed family members will show off when they meet the headed family members. Who doesn’t feel intimidated?

   But there should be no way! In order to show my demeanor, I have to smile all over my face and say "Congratulations!" calmly and calmly, bah, my heart is about to die of embarrassment!

The most irritating thing is that a boy from their village and a boy from Zaihu Village both fell in love with a girl from another village. The family in Zaihu Village made a marriage agreement, and the matchmaker comforted them, saying that they should go to a higher place. The girls are so good, so of course they want to choose a better family. Their Bajiaozhai is not bad. Don't worry about not being able to find a good girl.

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  (end of this chapter)