Chapter 62 Whispering Words

The second sister-in-law Gu scolded in front of her face: "Is your family too ignorant of the rules? If you eat alone like this, you are not afraid that you will kill yourself! Over the years, how much our Gu family has done and contributed to this village, No matter what happens in this village, when will our Gu family be missing? Without our Gu family, the village would not know what it would have been like, and how much trouble would have arisen. It's good for you, as soon as you come, you will destroy everything You are all like you, who will take care of what happens in the village in the future? Can you afford to implicate the whole village?"

Gu Sansao also said: "This time your Zhao family really made a big mistake! Are bandits and robbers easy to provoke? Since you found someone, why didn't you tell the village early? This time it was a fluke, and the government arrested him Catch it early, what if the gangster escapes? What if the gangster escapes, angers our village, takes revenge on the village, and hurts people, can you afford it! "

  Second Sister-in-law Gu: "For such a small amount of credit, you don't care about the safety of the whole village! Bah, you are too selfish! I don't know what you are thinking about!"

   Gu Sansao: "You have to explain to the village what you say about this matter, otherwise you will have trouble!"

   "That's right! Otherwise, how can we get up and pay off like you? It won't be a mess in the future! Our village is looked down upon by outsiders. If you don't think about the village and don't unite like this, it will be a disaster sooner or later."

   "If you had told the village early, and everyone would work together and make a contribution, wouldn't it be more beneficial? You are selfish!"

  Everyone in the Zhao family listened to her sister-in-law, you and I complaining non-stop, and they couldn't even get through the gaps, so they were speechless!

Zhao Liya was not in a good mood: "Have you finished talking? After all, isn't it because we are jealous of our family's merits and benefits? What a joke! Could it be that you have to take some benefits first? Are you the Lizheng or the patriarch of this village? Huh? Even Lizheng and the patriarch would not do this! I didn’t ask you when I took our Ganoderma lucidum last time, but I still have a face. Every family in this village, why didn’t you take advantage of it? I haven’t seen you What have you done for each family, don't say such hard work, it makes people sick!"

"Don't worry, no matter what happens in our family, we will solve it by ourselves, and we will never ask you for help, nor will we cause you any trouble. As for this time, all your 'what ifs' are all empty words, The fact is that the gangster did not escape, and there is no chance of revenge. What else is there to say? However, if anyone dares to pretend to be a gangster and go to the village to take revenge, don’t ask us to catch him. If he is caught, he will go to jail! You can go!”

  Second Sister-in-law Gu became furious: "Zhao Liya, are you determined to fight against our Gu family?"

Zhao Liya smiled and said: "This is funny, our family just wants to live our own life well, don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble, why should we fight against you? Could it be that we have troubled you, or intentionally harmed you? "

Zhao Xiang: "The two sisters-in-law of the Gu family, we are all from the same village. If you look down and don't look up, why make a scene too stiff, right? Each family is responsible for finishing the aftermath of what they do. If the ability is not enough , if you need help, ask for help, if you don’t ask for help, you don’t need it, you two don’t have to worry too much! There are so many people in the Gu family, they are diligent and hardworking, so don’t worry about not having a good life!”

  Second sister-in-law Gu and third sister-in-law Gu are in a mess in the wind!

  Zhao Liya laughed secretly, her father is really good at reasoning! Look at how fair and righteous what you say, how reasonable it is. However, it is hard to say whether people are willing to listen or not.

   After all, a self-proclaimed king and hegemony want to sit back and enjoy the success, not to be diligent.

   Hu Ling glanced at the two of them coldly: "Our Zhao family is not interested in your family's affairs, but you don't want to make up your minds about the Zhao family, otherwise you will have to pay the price! Are you still going?"

  Second Aunt Gu sneered and shook her hands: "Okay, okay, let's wait and see!"

  Sister-in-law Gu didn't speak any more, but her face was very ugly.

  Back home, the second sister-in-law Gu added fuel and vinegar to the flames, until the Gu family screamed with anger.

   "The Zhao family is too hateful!"

  Since they came, nothing good has happened. Almost all the people in the village were brought down.

  For example, they used to be able to pull out the vegetables they liked, as long as they were not in front of them, even if everyone knew they pulled them, they would not dare to say anything.

But now, some people still dare not speak up, and some families with many members, although they dare not speak up to them, beat their followers, Gourd and the others until they yelled, insisting that Gourd and the others stole something. Those who dare to point at Sang and Huai are scolded.

  What's the difference between that and hitting them in the face?

   But they haven't been able to jump out and say something, otherwise, wouldn't they be calling themselves? Although they are used to stealing, they still have to face it.

   It's all the Zhao family's fault.

  Second sister-in-law Gu was angry, but she was making fun of the Zhao family in the village. She was selfish, what good was it, she only thought about their own family, and didn't think about the villagers at all. As for the arrest of the bandits, if they told the village, there was no need to wait for the officials to come. The villagers would definitely catch the bandits and send them to the Yamen. Wouldn’t everyone in the village have contributed? Are there rewards?

  It's good for them, they did it secretly, and the benefits are all theirs.

   Fortunately, it worked out. If it didn’t work out, the culprits escaped, and if they hated them, wouldn’t they also hate the village? How about taking revenge on the village?

   This time they succeeded, what about next time? What about next time?

  So they are the scourge of selfishness

  Second sister-in-law Gu's words were filled with righteous indignation and awe-inspiring righteousness, as if she was doing it for the good of the whole village. People who listened did not dare to refute her. Occasionally, she reluctantly agreed with her, but actually rolled her eyes and complained in her heart.

   Those who can survive in Yan Village are not stupid. Those who are really stupid and stupid can't stand in this place.

   Everyone is afraid of the Gu family, but it doesn't mean they can fool everyone at will.

  Who doesn't know, the Zhao family has benefited this time, and the Gu family is jealous!

  They couldn't find trouble with the Zhao family, so they tried to persuade the big guys to fight against the Zhao family. Why?

   Some people even feel that the Zhao family is really capable, and they are eagerly waiting for the day when the Zhao family can kill the Gu family and replace them!

  The Zhao family is much more kind.

  Just by looking at their house building and buying vegetables from other families, you can tell that the prices are very generous, and they don’t pick and choose.

  They gathered mushrooms and bamboo shoots from the mountains and came back. When they met villagers, they would smile and grab a handful of mushrooms, or bring a few bamboo shoots to others, and greet them with a smile. Has the Gu family ever given anything to anyone? No!

  (end of this chapter)