Chapter 66 To grow potatoes

  So Lizheng ordered, then eat early, let little brother Hu eat dinner early so that he can go back. By the way, their family still has an ox cart, which can be sent for a ride, which is faster than walking.

  Lizheng said so, and the hospitality was hard to turn down, so Hu Ling had no choice but to thank him and agree.

  Lizheng immediately asked his wife and daughter-in-law to kill two big fat chickens, and started making dinner lively.

This dinner was naturally eaten at Lizheng's house. The two patriarchs Pan and Lai did not come, but two patriarchs came. Pan Erzhu's parents and Aunt Li Shiyi were also invited. Pan Erzhu's parents were very happy.

  In the past, where did their family have such a face in the village? Don't take care of my daughter-in-law! For Li Xiaoying, the daughter-in-law, she looks differently.

After drinking for three rounds, Lizheng tentatively talked about the sugarcane field, but he didn't make any excessive demands, he just expressed his extreme envy, and said that the villagers in Bajiaozhai were equally hardworking and down-to-earth, and their work was extraordinary. Well, if the mysterious big boss needs to employ people and land in the future, can he consider Bajiaozhai?

  Hu Ling didn't expect that Bajiaozhai wanted to talk about this matter through himself. After hearing these words, he suddenly realized, no wonder he insisted on keeping himself for dinner.

   However, he is not disgusted.

  His righteous sister mentioned it when chatting on weekdays, who doesn't want to get rich and live a better life at home? For example, they, like the people in Zaihu Village, all work so hard and diligently, just to support their families with three meals a day, and to provide their families with better living conditions and security.

  Everyone’s goal is the same, what they get is worth what they give, and they are all worthy of respect.

  The people in Bajiaozhai and Zaihu Village naturally have the same idea.

   Hu Ling responded vaguely, expressing that he would definitely bring the meaning to him.

  Li Zhengwai was very happy, toasted in turn, and said a lot of good things. Soon it was time to talk about other household items.

Those who can be upright are generally not stupid. After all, he has to deal with all kinds of trivial and trivial matters in the village. .

   Hu Ling was full of wine and food, and seeing the sun gradually setting, Li Zheng sent his son to drive him back in an ox cart.

  Pan Erzhu's old lady was very enthusiastic about staying with her in-laws and mother for a night. Aunt Li Shishi declined with a smile, and she didn't bring anything. Anyway, it's close, so it's convenient to see my daughter.

  As long as you know that your daughter is doing well, it is better than anything else.

  Aunt Li Shishi said that there will be an ox cart to send it at this moment, so it will save trouble and go back.

  Pan's old lady thought about it, so she didn't want to stay. She warmly invited her to be a guest in the future, and Aunt Li Shiyi agreed with a smile.

  When they returned home, the family had already had dinner, and it was getting dark. Zhao Liya smiled and said, "I said that Brother and Aunt Eleven would definitely come back, and they did!"

  Hu Ling scratched his head and smiled innocently: "I still don't feel at ease spending the night outside."

  Aunt Li Shiyi also smiled and said: "I didn't plan to stay overnight, it's better to go back."

While joking, Aunt Li Shiyi went to help Mrs. Deng take care of the two children. Hu Ling talked to Zhao Liya and Zhao Xiang, and said what was being relayed in Bajiao Village, "Our family has a very good relationship with Zaihu Village now. If there are other things to make money, I think it would be good to look for Bajiao Village, so I don’t mind having many allies.”

  Zhao Xiang also nodded in agreement: "If the people in Bajiaozhai are reliable, that's right."

They had a long-term plan from the beginning, expressly implying that they had already revealed to Zaihu Village that they would do something when they saw that there was a suitable place in any village or village. Zhao Liya even deliberately asked Zaihu Village Zheng Zheng and the others for advice. Geographical conditions in Lian County.

  Although they didn't ask for advice, at least the people in Zaihu Village understand that they will not only do business in Zaihu Village. Take precautions in advance, so that Zaihucun will not have the wrong idea and think that he is the only one, and then he will feel unhappy in his heart.

Zhao Liya smiled and said: "Now that Li Xiaoying is here, I know it's probably a temptation. Bajiaozhai has intentions! Since my brother also thinks that the people in their village look okay, and we still have spare money on hand, why don't we just move?" Get up. I want to expand the sugarcane field, and I also want to buy some land in Bajiaozhai to grow potatoes next year."

  Potatoes are grown in many families in Gaolian County, but everyone obviously didn't see the value of this treasure, and just planted it casually as a crop passed from elsewhere.

  Zhao Xiang was a little surprised, "Is it really necessary to plant a lot of potatoes?"

  He also thinks this is an ordinary crop.

  Zhao Liya nodded: "Father, last time I went to Suixi County, I accidentally chatted with a businessman from other places, and said that these potatoes are indeed good things. I already have some ideas in my mind, let's try."

  Although it is something she has a well-thought-out plan in mind, it is difficult for her to say it too absolutely.

  Zhao Xiang didn't know much about these things, so she pondered for a while, seeing her smile and said: "If you say yes, then do it."

  Hu Ling also said: "Aya's idea is not wrong!"

  Zhao Liya smiled: "Okay, let's try!"

  Potatoes are just in season to be harvested. Zhao Liya and the others have discussed it. The next day, they will go to Zaihu Village to announce the news and buy potatoes.

   After resting for several days, I feel refreshed and ready to start working.

   It is just right for the villagers to dig potatoes now. After digging the potatoes, it is time to harvest the rice.

  The news quickly spread throughout the village, causing a sensation!

   "Two pennies per catty? Is it really two pennies per catty!"

   "Hahaha, our family has grown a lot, which is great!"

   "Quick, quick, dig that potato, be careful, don't break it."

  Not every family in Zaihu Village grows potatoes, and some do. After all, everyone regards this as an ordinary edible crop, how much can you grow? Most of them are only one and a half acres, and some are planted in a single plot or corners. Not as much as soybeans, corn, etc.

   Those who planted it now are all overjoyed! This thing has just been dug up and weighed! And the result is quite a lot. Even if it is planted and left unattended, a seedling can yield more than a catty. If the land is a little fertile and a little cared for, two or three catties will not be a problem.

Someone dug up an acre or half an acre, leaving only a little food and drink for next year's seeds. Although the planting was sparse, the harvest was really good. They sold all of them for a thousand catties, six or seven hundred catties, and made a lot of money at once. Two silver or several dollars, very happy.

  In the vegetable garden and in the corners of the field, there are more than two to three hundred catties, and the few are more than a hundred, and the ones that can be sold are also sold.

  A car costs a pound, why not sell it? The eggs at home are sold in the market for only a penny each. If the eggs laid by a newly grown pullet are so small, they cannot be sold for a penny.

  (end of this chapter)