Chapter 68 Get married to the village

   County Magistrate Yin, Zhao Liya and the others have inquired a little bit. They are not very good people, but they are not bad either. If there is money to earn, he will definitely not think too little.

   Now that the land has been bought, Zhao Liya is relieved.

Next is the busy autumn harvest season. The wasteland bought back will not need to be reclaimed for the time being, and it will not be too late to reclaim it in November or December. On the ground in Bajiaozhai, a workshop for making potato vermicelli will be built, including warehouses, Tool room, office room and other buildings.

  With previous experience, two months is more than enough time to book the building materials first.

  Back to Bajiaozhai, everyone is smiling, and they are already gearing up and waiting for the time to work.

  Bajiaozhai is slightly smaller than Zaihu Village, and there are more than 260 households in the village. Zaihu Village has it, and they will finally have it.

   Rao is that potatoes are easy to work and have a large yield, but because people don't pay enough attention to them, they don't actually grow many.

  In addition to selling, each family has saved some potatoes for seeds in the coming year. Those who did not plant this year also bought or exchanged a lot, and got a lot.

   Therefore, even if Zhao Liya and the others never refused to come, and everyone who knew the news from ten miles and eight towns dug up the stocks in their own fields and sent them over for sale. After the final count and liquidation, the total collected was about 200,000 catties.

  This is not too much, you know, to plant 600 mu next year, about 180,000 catties of seeds will be needed.

   That is to say, basically all the purchased ones will be kept as seeds, and only about 20,000 catties can be disposed of.

  Twenty thousand catties, that's really not much. Zhao Liya decided to keep the 20,000 catties and not sell them to restaurants in the city.

   Eighteen thousand catties were stored in the warehouse of the sugar mill, and Zhao Liya hired brother Li Guangwu and several people from Zaihu Village to help guard them, patrolling twice a day from time to time.

  Brother Li Guangwu patted their chests and assured them that they would be at ease.

  As long as you let out the word, this is something that Zaihu Village keeps, and no one dares to touch it.

   Otherwise, it deserves it if you catch it and beat it to death.

Zhao Liya kept her word, and taught everyone several potato dishes: hot and sour potato shreds, stir-fried potato chips with ground three delicacies, roasted potato cubes in sauce, steamed potatoes, fried potato cakes, and potato stew. In short, potatoes can be compared with Goes with just about anything, no matter how you do it.

  Hot and sour potato shreds, ground three delicacies and braised potato cubes are especially popular, and everyone loves them.

  As for stewed meat, you don’t have to try it, everyone knows it’s delicious—what kind of dish doesn’t taste good with meat! But then I tried roasted chicken nuggets with potatoes, stewed pork belly with potatoes, and stewed pork ribs with potatoes and tomatoes.

  Everyone's eyes were wide open, and suddenly opened the door to a new world, drawing inferences from one analogy and drawing inferences from another, and came up with countless methods.

  When everyone found that it can really replace food to satisfy hunger, they became more eager for it.

  Potatoes became all the rage and quickly developed in Lingnan area.

   Everyone has not forgotten the Zhao family. When it comes to potatoes, everyone is grateful to the Zhao family. There are even many interesting stories about the Zhao family and Tudou. If Ms. Zhao hadn't told everyone that everyone would only treat potatoes as a common crop, how would they find so many benefits?

   There are 20,000 catties of potatoes left in my family, which is a real treat.

  Cook it in different ways, and their family is very willing to buy meat, and the potatoes they make are even more delicious, and they will never tire of eating them.

  Zhao Liya once again told Yan Village that if any family wants potatoes to be used as seeds in the coming year, they can come to their home to buy them. They will be sold to everyone for five cents and two catties, and each family can only buy fifty catties at most.

Zhao Liya did this after careful consideration. No family in Yan Village grows potatoes. Potatoes only appeared in Gaolian County in the past three or four years. It can be seen that Yan Village has had little contact with people from other villages in the past few years. .

   Such a good thing, there is no reason why other villages have it, but this village does not. Since their family has purchased so many, why not give the village a little convenience?

  She is not greedy to earn the two catties and one penny, so it is not a bad idea to sell it to everyone. It's just that things that are obtained without paying any price may not be cherished.

   I made a little bit of money, and everyone has no objection, but thinks it should be. If the buying and selling prices are the same, it is equivalent to giving away for nothing for myself. I am afraid that some people should be dissatisfied and feel that it should be like this.

  If it is not like this in the future, it will cause people to complain.

Just like this, Mrs. Gu and the others didn't miss the opportunity to complain in the village: "The Zhao family is looking for money, right? This abacus is really good. Buy it back for two cents a catty, and then sell it to everyone and make money." Half of them! They are all from the village, and they are so ashamed! Don’t buy them, why should they let their family take advantage of it for nothing!”

  Everyone murmured and moaned along with her meaning, but they had already thought about it in their hearts.

  Why not buy it? I heard that these potatoes are a good thing, of course I will buy them.

  Five Wen and two catties are really not expensive. You must know that some people in other villages want to buy them back as seeds.

  The Zhao family is kind.

   Sure enough, many people came to buy them, and they could afford ten or twenty catties. They kept them as seeds, and they will be carefully tended next year. They can be eaten with food and improve their lives.

  In less than three days, nearly a thousand catties were sold.

  The second sister-in-law Gu found out, and was so angry that she cursed behind her back.

   However, the scolding went without saying, but Mrs. Gu also went to Zhao's house with her two sisters-in-law, expressing that she would buy it.

   Not only to buy, but also to buy more.

   "Our family wants to buy more. You have collected so much. It is not difficult to sell us hundreds of thousands of catties, right? We will give you cash, and we will not take advantage of you."

   If you don’t take advantage of them, it’s as if you’re giving them great face!

  How could Zhao Liya sell them hundreds or thousands of catties? Go dreaming.

"I'm really sorry, sister-in-law of the Gu family. We agreed earlier that the family in the village would only sell fifty catties at most, so we followed the rules. Besides, we can't supply any more. Although we bought a lot, it's all It is to be kept as a seed."

  No matter what the Gu family's sister-in-law said, fifty catties is fifty catties, and one catty more will not do.

  If it was another family, Zhao Liya might be able to make an exception, but the Gu family, if they didn't deliberately not sell it to them, it would be considered kind. This kindness is also for the villagers to see, so that everyone knows that the Zhao family is a generous family.

  The Gu family still self-righteously ran to the door to try to make gains, who is used to them!

  Second sister-in-law Gu was in a hurry, and she was so angry that she couldn't choose what to say: "I said you are too stingy, right? After all the good words, you won't help with such a little help?"

  Widow Qu couldn't help interjecting and laughing: "Big sister, this is your fault, the Zhao family can't count their words! Instead of saying that you are embarrassing others, you are saying that they are stingy?"

   Sisters are asking for everything~



  (end of this chapter)