Chapter 76 Dying

  Mountain grape wine, wild chrysanthemum infused wine, you can enjoy the deliciousness after two or three months.

  There are many wild grapes in the mountains, entangled in the woods and shrubs, and climbing in large tracts.

  Bunches of mountain grapes are pure black when they are ripe, and a grape is only a tiny bit the size of a little finger, and the bunches are not that big, usually no more than four fingers in size. The black grapes have thick skins and large cores, and the fruits are compact and firm, so they won't spoil if you throw them in the basket.

  The taste is unexpectedly good, very clean, sweet and fragrant, with a kind of "original taste" of grapes.

  It takes half a day for them to enter the mountain. They pick in the morning and put the mountain grapes in wine jars in the afternoon, seal them up and wait for natural fermentation.

  Wild chrysanthemums are cleaned and dried, put into wine and sealed, and you can drink clear chrysanthemum wine in the coming year.

   After working for four days, I packed four or five knee-high wine jars and two jars of wild chrysanthemum wine, and put them in a row in the storage room.

   There is a special sense of accomplishment.

  Zhao Liya was lucky enough to find several wild osmanthus trees.

   Thanks to the strong scent of osmanthus, it is easy to identify. As long as you smell this smell, you can easily find the golden flowers all over the tree.

   There are still a few sweet-scented osmanthus trees missing in the yard and outside the yard. I didn't expect to find this.

  There are tall osmanthus trees in this area, which cannot be transplanted, but there are also a few saplings with thick wrists and two fingers, which are just right for transplanting.

   It's just that the season is wrong.

  Zhao Liya had no choice but to remember this place and dig it back in early spring next year.

   Right now, she collected a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus by the way.

  Take it home to dry. Dried sweet-scented osmanthus can be used to make tea and stuffing. I also bought honey, and made a small jar of sweet-scented osmanthus honey with fresh sweet-scented osmanthus.

  Luo Shuyan was particularly active in helping in various ways, and she was dumbfounded and suddenly enlightened.

   So, so many things can be made into food? She has opened her eyes

  Once a talented person is awakened and suddenly enlightened in terms of her talent, it is like a deceptive analogy.

  Luo Shuyan's mind spewed out like a spring, and countless fresh ideas came up, and he wanted to try them out one by one immediately.

  The rice from every household has finally entered the warehouse. The busy farming season is over, and Luo Shuyan should also plan to go home.

  Aunt Li Shiyi also sympathized with Luo Shuyan, and patted her chest to help connect with Uncle Ruan Gui and others, and helped make a play.

  So, Luo Shuyan was "dying to death" and was found by the people of Zaihu Village and sent back.

  Everyone in Yan Village suddenly realized: No wonder no one was found. It turned out that Luo Shuyan had gone to the mountain on the other side of Zaihu Village.

  She is also very lucky. There are many kinds of wild fruits in the mountains this season, which can satisfy her hunger. Although it was a bit cold at night, it was fine during the day, but it was so. After wandering alone in the mountains for so many days, she was dying and her complexion was very bad. This is easy to fake. Yu Xiaofang is a professional. What medicine he took, what he smeared on his face and hands, according to his boast, no matter how good a doctor came, he couldn't diagnose the reason.

   Just like that, Luo Shuyan was sent back home.

   During this period of time, the Luo family was like a chaotic pigsty. The whole life was terrible, and everyone was suffocating in their hearts.

   Originally heard that Luo Shuyan had been found and brought back, the family's first reaction was overjoyed: This is all right, the workman is back!

   Unexpectedly, Luo Shuyan was dying and pale. Looking at it like this, she was exhaling more and breathing less, so she was expected to work? I have to have someone to serve her!

  If you are unlucky, you may die at some point.

  The whole family was disappointed.

  Qi's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot on the spot.

However, Aunt Li Eleven was still kind-hearted, putting on airs beside her and not treating herself as an outsider, babbling: "Oh, this child is really suffering from old crimes, luckily he is lucky, otherwise he might not be able to come back. It’s hard to come back now, you have to take good care of her, hurry up and ask a doctor to take a look, prescribe some medicine to eat, don’t scare the child in the mountains! Cook more delicious food for her, Meat and eggs, don’t be reluctant, you have to make up your body well, otherwise if you damage your foundation and your vitality, it will be a lifetime thing!”

  Mr. Deng is kind-hearted. Aunt Li Shiyi and Widow Qu also dragged her to Luo's house to watch the fun. Hearing this, he nodded in agreement: "No, this child has suffered a crime. Parents must take good care of it!"

   Qi stared at Deng resentfully when he heard the words.

  If it wasn't because of the Zhao family that day, things wouldn't have turned out like this at all.

   The chief culprit of the Zhao family is actually too talkative?

  Qi Shi sneered, and said coldly: "Our girl has a poor life. Since God confiscated her, she will not die. I think she is fine, so you don't need to worry about it!"

Aunt Li Shiyi yelled: "Oh, what are you talking about! Isn't this too cruel? Even if it's not your own, I'll call you mother anyway, and you treat people like this? You're not afraid of retribution! This If it's my daughter, I don't know how it hurts."

  The Qi family was even angrier, with yin and yang: "You can talk cheaply, if you have the ability, you can take him away and raise him! No one in our family has the time to serve others."

  Widow Qu curled her lips: "It's just like you, no wonder Lin Mo proposed marriage with another family! Oh, I didn't say anything!"

  Uncle Luo and Shi Shi were shocked.

  The surrounding villagers also exploded, discussing in a hurry.

  No one said that Lin Mo was wrong, but they all showed approval, and said, "I knew it a long time ago. Sooner or later, there will be such a day."

  Uncle Luo stared at Widow Qu with a pair of cloudy and black dead fish eyes: "What did you just say?"

  Widow Qu had a guilty conscience, dodged her eyes, and ignored him humming.

Aunt Li Shiyi said, "What can't be said about this? There is a family in our village who has an only daughter, and they are reluctant to marry their daughter. They have taken a fancy to Lin Mo and want to recruit him as a bride! Oh, that girl looks so good. But she is beautiful, like a fairy, has a good temper, speaks softly, and is also a good hand at work, such a good thing, there is nowhere to find such a good thing with a lantern."

  Although it is a marriage, but as Lin Mo, it is not a loss at all to be able to marry into a good man's house.

  Everyone thinks that as long as Lin Mo is not a fool, he will naturally know how to choose.

  Uncle Luo's face turned pale all of a sudden, and even Qi Shi was a little dumbfounded.

But Qi quickly came back to his senses, and said with a sneer, "That's why this dead girl in our family is not blessed, so she might as well stay at home for the rest of her life! If she wants to hate, she must hate that wolf-hearted, cold-blooded and ruthless man! "

  Everyone was in an uproar, dumbfounded.

   "Ah this—"


   "The life of this girl Shuyan is really too hard!"

   "Let's break up, let's break up, if you hear this kind of talk too much, your life will be shortened."

   "That's right, let's go!"

  Widow Qu spat on the ground, "Shameless!"

  (end of this chapter)