Chapter 83 I don't want to hide anymore


"My body has taken care of me. I'm fine. I can't hide from people all the time. I'm not shady. I have to go out sooner or later. Now I'm the servant girl of the Hu family. What are you talking about, what are you talking about?"

  Luo Shuyan had long been chilled by her father and aunt, and there was no wave in her heart when she said these words.

  It is even more impossible for her to have the slightest soft heart for them.

  The Zhao family is still a criminal, and it is impossible to buy and sell servants, so the owner of the prostitution deed wrote Hu Ling's name.

  Zhao Liya thought for a while, nodded and said: "Alright, then let's go to the ground together when the time comes."

  Luo Shuyan smiled: "Yes!"

  The "handmaids" bought by Guangming Zhengda with money, who can control how they use them?

   Deng sighed inwardly, patted Luo Shuyan's shoulder lightly and said softly: "It's all over, it's all over, you're called Po Ji Tai Lai, you will definitely get better and better."

  Luo Shuyan's heart warmed up: "Thank you, Auntie."

  Dinner has braised pheasant with winter bamboo shoots and stewed betel nut taro. The two pheasants are cooked, and the portion is full. The betel nut taro is very fragrant, but the finely chopped chives are sprinkled on it, which not only makes it more fragrant, but also looks better.

   And it must be very delicious, making people salivate just by looking at it and smelling it.

   After it was done, I packed two copies and sent them to Lin Mo and Yu Xiaofang. Yu Xiaofang was very happy, and said on behalf of Lin Mo that when the prey was found, I would send it to them

  Sister Shuyan's skills are superb, my cousin is so lucky, I am also blessed, life is beautiful!

  During dinner, when talking about Luo Shuyan's decision, the whole family expressed support and comforted her.

   "Shuyan is right. This is an aboveboard matter. Who is in the way? Anyone who doesn't like it has to hold back!"

   "That's right, why don't we Shuyan Fulai run around and turn dangers into blessings? Our fortunes are great, and everything will be fine now, and others will be **** off!"

   "Yes, that's right, hee hee! Shu Yan, don't be afraid, we are here."

   "Yeah..." Luo Shuyan nodded vigorously, with tears in her eyes.

  The next day, everyone went to Bajiaozhai for inspection and acceptance as planned, and the hundreds of acres of land over there were also reclaimed. Bajiao Village was treated as a big event, and before Zhao Liya and the others went to see the field, Lizheng and others in Bajiao Village went to see it first, so as to ensure that there were no problems or omissions.

In Lizheng's words: "Everyone should pay attention to this matter. We must make Miss Zhao and Mr. Hu satisfied. If they are not satisfied, tell the boss of the National People's Congress. What will the boss think? He will think that our Bajiaozhai The villagers are lazy and greedy, and they can't do any work well! After that, can they continue to hire us to do work? Don't we let Zaihu Village compare and make them laugh? Forbearance? The most important thing is, can we still make money? Have you got all the wages? Is it open and full? Is it okay to earn money at the door? This shop? If anyone does something wrong, it will cut off the income of the whole village, and it will be against the villagers. We will never allow it! Are you right?"

  All the villagers were excited: "Yes!", "That's right!", "We can't let Zaihu Village go down!", "We are no worse than Zaihu Village!", "We want to be better than them!", "."

  Some people even shouted "The big boss is ours!" and other unreliable words.

  Therefore, Zhao Liya, Hu Ling and the others had a smooth inspection and were satisfied everywhere.

  By the way, Zhao Liya told Li Zheng and the patriarch with a smile about building a workshop.

The place has been reserved before, and she has already prepared the blueprints. It is best to work in winter, since it is the slack season and the weather is not hot. The winter in Lingnan is not cold at all, even if it is really cold, it only lasts for a few days. It is actually more appropriate to work at a certain time, especially in warm and sunny winter days.

  So although this workshop is not in a hurry, Zhao Liya still wants to build it quickly.

   Wait until the potatoes are planted at the end of February next year, and the harvest will be harvested in May, and the workshop will be able to be used.

Li Zheng and the two patriarchs laughed so hard that they knew that Ms. Zhao was very satisfied with the finished work, so they patted their chests and assured them, "Ms. Zhao, don't worry, there are a few master builders in our village who are very skilled. Well, they are good at building houses, and with them watching, they can build whatever house Ms. Zhao wants."

   "Yes, yes, yes, please don't worry, Ms. Zhao!"

   "The people in Bajiaozhai are reliable in their work!"

  Everyone is very happy, and there is work to do again! The workshop is about to be built. After the workshop is built, there will be a steady stream of work to do in the future. Doesn't it mean that the energy will continue to make money to subsidize the family?

  Think about the elation and steadfastness when you hold the heavy bunches of money in your hand when paying wages, how can everyone hold back this excitement!

I have to talk about the workshop in detail, and I can't finish it for a while. When Zhao Liya came, she brought the blueprints. Lizheng immediately called for several villagers in the village who were involved in building houses. It can be measured, roughly set the framework, and know it well.

   They still have to think about how best to build.

  Zhao Liya made an agreement with them to come back in two days and make a final decision at that time, and then work can start.

  Lizhengwai was also very enthusiastic, and smiled and invited Zhao Liya, Hu Ling, and Qu Yutao to stay for lunch. They cooked it at his house, and the patriarch's house also sent some dishes over. The big guys had a lively lunch and sent the three of them back in a bullock cart.

  They also sent winter bamboo shoots, delicious jackfruit, a big winter melon, and a big pumpkin with golden skin.

  Winter bamboo shoots were specially asked my son and two nephews to go to Zhushan to find them yesterday. There are about ten bamboo shoots in a basket, which are fat and fresh.

  Zhao Liya was so sorry that she was already numb, and had no other choice but to be grateful.

  Rejection is impossible, and the villagers will be depressed. really will.

Zhao Liya had an idea in her mind, and in the twelfth lunar month, she would spend money to buy four pigs, two in Zaihu Village and two in Bajiao Village. Meat.

  Although the two pigs are distributed to so many families in the village, and the family can't share a few catties, it is still a heart and a joy.

   We will go to Bajiaozhai in two days. It just so happens that they can help Widow Qu grow vegetables when they have time.

   On the night of returning from Bajiaozhai, Zhao Liya finally found a chance to talk to her father about the ambiguity between Hu Ling and Qu Yutao.

"Although, they don't seem to have made it clear, they didn't say anything clearly. Anyway, I think it's a bit different. Why don't you ask brother what he means? If brother really has that kind of thought, let's write to Uncle Hu and Auntie Hu. Talk about it, ask them what they think. If you don’t have that kind of thought, then it’s easy, stay away from my cousin.”

  (end of this chapter)