Chapter 86 Shu Yan Appears

   "Bah! What's your maidservant? She's shameless!" The Qi family and the Zhao family were considered people who had a feud, so they smiled coldly without even thinking about it.

   But some of the surrounding villagers thought "Ah!"

   "How do I remember that Boss Luo and his wife sold Shuyan girl!"

   "Ah, that's right, I just said, it seems that there is something I didn't remember, it turned out to be this!"

   "Since it's sold, is it not a member of the Luo family?"

   "This is the reason."

   "But isn't the family from Bajiaozhai who bought Shuyan girl? Why, how did it become the Zhao family? Can the Zhao family buy people?"

  As an exile, he has no right to buy and sell land, houses, and people, and he is not allowed to own any private property such as shops and businesses.

  Uncle Luo and his wife listened to the villagers' discussions and then remembered that their family had sold Luo Shuyan.

  Qi sneered: "Your family bought her as a maid? What are you doing? I'm going to take her away now. You have the ability to sue the government."

  The house of exiles bought a maid, and it was her bad luck to sue the government.

  Zhao Liya was even more surprised: "Don't you know? My righteous brother is not an exile, but a good citizen!"

  Aunt Li Shiyi, Widow Qu, etc. all laughed.

   "Oh, sister-in-law of the Luo family, why did you come to make trouble without knowing anything! You can't do it, and you are too hurtful from the folks in the village."

   "That's not true! The contract of sale can be clearly written in black and white, and you have also collected the money. How can there be such a reason for wanting someone now?"

   "According to me, the sister-in-law of the Luo family and the eldest brother should go back quickly, this girl Shuyan has nothing to do with you for a long time!"

  The villagers sighed and nodded. That's right, that's the truth!

  Uncle Luo opened his mouth and was speechless.

Qi Shi was not so easy to dismiss, and angrily yelled: "Okay! I understand! I understand everything! You, you are all in the same group, and you tricked me from the beginning! Despicable! Shameless! Isn't it ten Two taels of silver? Give it back to you, I will take this dead girl away! If you are not willing, I will never end with you! It doesn’t make sense to say that the sky is broken, a girl in my family is only worth ten taels of silver? You are dreaming !"

Zhao Liya smiled and said: "I'm fooling you? You think too much! Don't talk nonsense without evidence, or I will go crazy and beat people up. I don't like being wronged the most. Besides, it's obvious in black and white. I want to see what you can do. Is it a lie that Shuyan became sick like that at the beginning? Many people in the village saw it, and everyone advised you to ask the doctor to take medicine. What did you say and how did you do it? Aunt Lai of Bajiaozhai When you came to buy someone, did you carry away Shuyan who couldn't even stand up? You took advantage of the ten taels of silver!"

"But who knows that Shu Yan is blessed, turning bad luck into good fortune, and coming to Aunt Lai's home, Aunt Lai couldn't bear to feed her some hot water, but she gradually got better. She begged hard, but Aunt Lai's heart softened, It happened that my brother, my cousin and I were in Bajiaozhai at that time, so we spent twelve taels of silver to buy Shuyan back. What's the problem?"

  Uncle Luo immediately said: "Since Shuyan is fine, she is naturally still a member of our family. We will give you twelve taels of silver!"

   There were two or two more for no reason, and Qi looked at Uncle Luo with some displeasure.

   But considering that Luo Shuyan's value is far more than twelve taels, he didn't say anything.

  A good-looking big girl, even if she marries anyone as a concubine, at least twenty taels. Luo Shuyan and Lin Mo were taken advantage of, so they deserved more.

  The more Qi thought about it, the more angry she became. If it hadn't been reported that Lin Mo was visiting someone else and was planning to be the son-in-law of someone else's family, she would not have sold her in such a hurry.

   That's right, the news also came from Zhao's family, it was Aunt Li Shishi.

  Lin Mo didn't look at each other at all, so it must be fake.

  Damn it, she wouldn't believe it if it wasn't the Zhao family who killed her. It happened that she didn't notice it for a while, and never thought that the Zhao family, who was out of reach, would plot against her family and go sideways.

  As long as she bought this girl back, she didn't want a dowry of two thousand three thousand silver, and if Lin Mo could give one thousand taels, she would agree to let him take her away.

   There is no one thousand taels, but six hundred and seven hundred will do.

   Anyway, even if that dead girl is married and is in this village, if there is something at home that requires her to help, can she not help?

   If she dared to refuse, she, as a mother, was beaten and scolded.

   Qi Shi regretted it, she felt that she was really stunned before, why didn't she think of this? Even if the dead girl is married, she can still command her!

  Zhao Liya sneered: "What joke are you talking about? Our family is very satisfied with Shuyan. After all, Shuyan is so capable, you want to buy it for twelve taels of silver? Ha ha! Do you think we are stupid?"

  Qi gritted her teeth and asked, "Then how much do you want? Is twenty taels enough?"

   Twenty taels is her bottom line.

  The Zhao family all found it funny. Where did the Qi family get the confidence to think that the Zhao family was going to sell Luo Shuyan?

  Zhao Liya: "Not for sale, not for a hundred taels!"


   "I said I won't sell it. My family members, I have the right to decide whether to sell it or not. If you want to make trouble, you can see if our Zhao family is afraid."

  Uncle Luo said angrily: "You guys are going too far, right? Isn't this breaking up our family? Why don't you sell it!"

  Zhao Liya asked Luo Shuyan: "Shuyan, are you willing to go back to the Luo family and be the flesh and blood of their family?"

   Audience people: "."

  This is too terrific!

  Uncle Luo became embarrassed visible to the naked eye, while Qi's eyes burst into flames, wishing to rush up and tear him apart.

  Luo Shuyan did not disappoint them at all, and shook her head decisively without thinking: "I don't want to! Not at all! From the time they sold me off as a dead person, I am no longer from the Luo family!"

   "You heartless and unfilial girl!"

Luo Shuyan said coldly: "I didn't do any work inside and out before? How much benefit did you take from Big Brother Lin by threatening me? I owe you, and you have already paid it off. It is you who sold me The idea, no one is forcing you!"

  Everyone couldn't help but sympathize.

   "That's right, none of us have noticed it all these years, alas."

   "Shuyan is such a nice kid. Whoever wants such a nice girl might be so happy. They are the only ones who are trying their best to order people around."

   "Let me tell you, they sold the people themselves, and they got the money, so let's put it aside, why bother?"

   "That's right, isn't it like this when you buy and leave? How can you regret it when you see the benefits?"

  (end of this chapter)