Chapter 110 Selection of stewards

  Because the lessons learned from the past are too painful, everyone attaches great importance to this election, because it is really related to everyone's future.

  The more you really pay attention from the heart, the harder it will be for some people to make small moves.

  The fire of ambition of the brothers Lu Daming was ignited by Gu Boss, and it was burning fiercely. Even if they were frustrated, how could it go away in a while?

   On the contrary, there is an addictive feeling of getting more and more frustrated.

  At the beginning, the two brothers discussed how to buy a few people, so that everyone could choose themselves, but they had to give up their thoughts after they asked their women and children to go out and inquire about it.

   Difficult, basically hopeless.

   I have to give up.

   This is due to their ignorance. If it is possible to bribe people to stir things up, how could Boss Gu not give them "guidance".

  In the evening, every family mobilized and gathered in a large open space in the middle of the village. It was rare for Yan Village to be so lively. Almost everyone came, even children jumped up and down, chasing and playing around the venue.

   Only the Gu family, no one showed up.

  Now their family members despise them, and no one gives them good looks when they come.

  In the beginning, the second sister-in-law Gu urged the youngest Gu to participate. Why can't she participate? Threats and lures, maybe you will be selected? At that time, even if the Gu family was not as dominant as before, they could still get a piece of the pie, otherwise they would have been bullied to death.

   Gu Laosan secretly rolled his eyes when he heard this, and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

   Gu Erer scolded her for a while.

  If you can fight for it, and the Gu family is not stupid, can you not fight for it? But the current situation of the Gu family, even if it is over, other than being ridiculed and cold-eyed, or even deliberately making things difficult for them, don't think of any miracles, it is absolutely impossible.

  This idiot, she is the only one who can do things like go to other people's gardens to pick vegetables, say something that shouldn't be said, and deserves to be beaten

  The entire selection process went very smoothly.

  Because the vast majority of people have no selfish intentions, they are very serious about moral behavior. And as long as you are not blind and selfish, who is reliable and trustworthy among so many people in the village, and who is not sure?

After a tense but lively, intense and friendly discussion and selection, finally five people, Zhao Xiang, Lin Mo, Uncle Lin, Qi Guangrui, and Second Uncle Luo, were elected. Among them, Lin Mo was the leader. Responsible for contacting Yu Gongcao.

  Since then, the five of them will discuss and make decisions on major and minor matters in Yan Village. For extremely important matters, the villagers must be called together to discuss them together.

  For this result, most of the villagers were very satisfied, and everyone applauded enthusiastically.

  At least this can effectively prevent one family from dominating and prevent another Gu family from appearing again.

  The two Lu Daming brothers also smiled and applauded, but the smiles were a bit of pretended peace no matter how you looked at them.

   As for their reaction when they go home, no one cares.

  Qi Shi didn't expect her husband's younger brother to be selected, and she felt very upset. Although she disdains this kind of selection in her heart, what's so great about being the talker in such a small broken village?

  But her husband's mud can't support the wall, and her husband's younger brother was elected by everyone, which made her feel depressed and annoyed, feeling like she was being slapped in the face.

   When Qi was annoyed, Luo Shuyu was ignorant, which annoyed her. In the end, she was beaten and scolded again, so angry that Luo Shuyu ran out again crying, and the whole family was in chaos.

  Uncle Luo has chosen one of the principals in the village. Although he doesn't have much power, he is trusted by the villagers. This is also a very happy thing.

  Second Uncle Luo’s family was still very happy, but the elder brother’s family next door was crying and howling, and they were upset immediately, and most of their joy was gone.

I originally planned to cook a delicious meal tomorrow, and I invited the eldest brother's family to have a meal to celebrate, and it was also a gathering between brothers, so I just tried to persuade them to calm down and stop fighting like this. Why bother?

   Now my heart is also cold.

   Just like the sister-in-law, forget it, don't invite her, or you will listen to her weirdness again.

   His sister-in-law's character, the whole family can understand it thoroughly. Before Luo Shuyan was beaten and scolded, they couldn't help persuading her, but the more they persuaded her, the more fierce the beating and scolding became, and they stopped talking.

The results of today's election were basically within Zhao Liya's expectations. Father, Brother Lin, Qi Guangrui who has a good relationship with Brother Lin, and Uncle Lin, who is steady and kind, actually loved Luo Shuyan in his heart, and used to secretly stuff her with food Uncle Luo is basically his own.

  That's it, I'm not afraid that the Gu family, the Lu family, or anyone else will intentionally mess with them in Yancun.

   This saves a lot of trouble, and they can make relatively more stable money.

  It's a great thing, and it's worth celebrating.

   It's just that Hu led them to go hunting the next day, and it would take at least three or four days before they came back, so they had to wait until they came back to celebrate.

  Early the next morning, Hu Ling, Lin Mo, Yu Xiaofang, and Zhou Hansheng brought a few entourages and went hunting together with forty villagers.

  Zhao Liya didn't go.

   Zhou Hansheng said that he would go instead of her—it happened that he wanted to loosen his muscles and bones, and get the best of both worlds.

   Hu Ling, Lin Mo, etc. also said that it is better.

   The disgusted Zhao Liya had no choice but to stay at home and wait for them to win.

  Brother Zhou said that he wanted to loosen his muscles and bones, but in fact, there is a little bit of purpose in saying that, right? Zhao Liya was delighted, the mutual help between friends is very touching!

  In the past few days, Zhao Liya and Qu Yutao went to Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai twice.

  The workshop and courtyard in Bajiaozhai have been completed, and the carpenters are installing things and making various utensils in it! In a few days, it will be finished.

  The sugar cane is growing well, the leaves at the bottom have been stripped clean, and the dark purple sugar cane is neat and clean. At a glance, the visual effect is full.

   It looks good, tastes delicious, and can make money.

  Zhao Liya thought about it, and when Hu led them back, they could start working on sugar extraction.

  Brother Zhou is still there, so he should be invited to taste the first batch of sugar.

  If the squeezed ones are of good quality, I would like to give him some.

  Luo Shuyan accompanied Widow Qu and Aunt Li Shiyi to the field to take care of the two acres of vegetables. The two acres of vegetables were growing well, green and green, and they could start picking them soon.

   At first glance, many fields are so neatly green, which looks very eye-catching. Many villagers are busy working in the fields, thinking about the upcoming harvest, everyone is very happy.

   Zhou Hansheng and Hu led them back after four days.

  (end of this chapter)