Chapter 118 Purification of white sugar

  Luo Shuyu was even angrier and jealous at what they said, but she didn't have the courage to ask any more, and ran away crying.

  Widow Qu said: "That child Shuyan is so good, we have to guard her marriage with Lin Mo, and we can't let others spoil things."

  Aunt Li Shiyi nodded: "No, to be honest, in my heart, I treat Shuyan like my own daughter, so of course I have to protect her!"


  On the other side, Lin Mo listened to Zhao Liya's suggestion and planned to go to Zaihu Village to find Uncle Ruan Gui today and talk to them about building a house.

   Zhao Liya’s house was built by Uncle Ruan Gui and the others. It was fast and good. Uncle Ruan Gui and the others also know people, even with raw materials such as wood, masonry, etc., they can come forward to help find reliable sellers and get the best prices.

  You don’t need to worry about anything, you just need to tell them what you want to build the house.

  Lin Mo is a person who doesn't like trouble, so saving trouble is exactly what he wants.

  As for what kind of cover it is, he doesn't care, just ask Luo Shuyan. As long as Luo Shuyan says yes, he can do it.

   As for Yu Xiaofang, he is not qualified to speak, and his opinion can be completely ignored.

   The few of them stayed in the sugar mill for half a day, and they agreed in advance to go to Uncle Ruan Gui's house for lunch at noon, and took this opportunity to tell about the building of the house.

  Uncle Ruan Gui was very happy, and agreed with a smile.

  Lin Mo is not short of money, so I asked Uncle Ruan Gui to just make it better. The rooms don’t need to be too many, and the yard doesn’t need to be too big, but they need to live comfortably and have good things.

  Lin Mo put down fifty taels of silver on the spot.

Uncle Ruan Gui was startled when he saw this, and quickly laughed and said: "Oh, you are very straightforward, but this is against the rules. I don't feel at ease with so much money in my hand, so you can keep ten taels. I will ask you when I need the rest. We are acquaintances with Mr. Zhao's family, so we are naturally friends with you, so let me handle this matter, you can rest assured that you don't have to ask anything. "

  Lin Mo nodded and smiled: "This is the best, it saves trouble! It's the same to ask Luo Shuyan when you need someone's advice on something. I may not be there every day."

  Uncle Ruan Gui said yes with a smile.

  Uncle Ruan Gui did what he said, and found a good day recently, so he went to survey the place, lay the foundation, and started construction.

  The area next to Zhao's house was extremely lively.

   In a few days, it was time to start delivering food to General Zhong Jing’s barracks.

  After discussing with the family, Hu Ling and Yu Xiaofang went to the garrison base camp in Suixi County together.

  Now everything in the sugar mill is on the right track, very smooth, Zhao Liya is also very relieved, with the help of Qu Yutao and the others, Hu Ling is fine if he leaves for two or three days.

   Fortunately, it was agreed at the beginning that the food would be shipped by someone from the barracks, which saved them a lot of trouble.

  Zhao Liya figured that when Hu Ling came back, he would be in charge of the sugar mill, and then he would start making sugar. Let my cousin, Sister Shuyan, Lin Mo and the others help.

   She didn't intend to tell others about it. But Lin Mo and the others are trustworthy.

  When Hu led to the military camp in Suixi County, he thought he could see Zhou Hansheng there, but he didn't expect that not only Zhou Hansheng was not there, but Zhong Jing was also there, and only Zhao Nan was lying there.

   Zhao Nan arranged everything with a smile, and sent a few cars to go back with them, transporting the vegetables by the way, and the money for the vegetables will be settled in a lump sum.

  The sergeants dressed in casual clothes and did not disclose their identities. Zhao Liya did not tell the villagers who the vegetables were sold to at the beginning.

  But even if the sergeants are dressed in civilian clothes, their stature, temperament, and gestures are different from ordinary people. The villagers were bluffed one by one, and they couldn't help being in awe, and they felt a little more awe towards the Zhao family.

What Zhao Liya and the others don't know is that the Gu family has a lot of tricks behind their backs. Originally, many vegetable growers were encouraged to unite to demand price increases, find faults, and make a fuss. It was not easy to mess with, those who were molested by the Gu family were all cowardly, and none of them dared to make trouble.

  Think about it, all the servants in this family are so scary and imposing, so what about the master? How dare they raise the price? In case of being beaten half to death, who can I turn to for reasoning?

  The government will ignore them at all.

   Some people realized it belatedly. Is the Gu family really good? Wasn't it cleaned up by the Zhao family? It's good now, secretly instigating them to make trouble, why don't they make trouble by themselves if they have the ability?

  Bah, it's really not a thing!

  The first batch of vegetables was shipped out quickly, and after the appointment, they will come every three days.

  The villagers who sold vegetables first got the full amount of money, and they were all happy. It's not my turn to see it, but I'm happy, after all, I can wait.

  For a while, the Zhao family's reputation soared.

  After arranging the matter of selling vegetables properly, Zhao Liya began to refine sugar according to the original plan.

   This is not difficult.

  Zhao Liya had prepared a lot of charcoal long ago, crushed the charcoal into powder, poured yellow sliced ​​sugar into a large water tank, added water to dissolve, added charcoal and stirred, and absorbed various impurities in the sugar water. After all kinds of impurities are absorbed, they are filtered with several layers of fine cotton cloth, and the result is clean white sugar water.

  Then boil the sugar water, and finally white sugar can be extracted.

  This method is very simple and easy to learn, but it takes time.

  When Zhao Liya started doing this, Qu Yutao and others who were helping her were shocked: Can this black toner be put into sugar water? This is not bad! Wouldn't it be a waste of all the good sugar water, and it must all become dark.

   As a result, I looked at it for a while, and finally saw that the crystal white sugar was obtained from this, and I was all dumbfounded!

   "This, is this also sugar squeezed from sugar cane? It's amazing! It's so beautiful!"

   "Yeah yeah, I've never seen such white sugar. It's so pretty!"

   "This candy is snow-white and snow-white. It really makes people like it just by looking at it."

  Zhao Liya naturally knows that the composition and sweetness of white sugar and yellow sliced ​​sugar are actually the same, but the appearance is really a bit worse.

   More importantly, rare things are more expensive!

   Rare, good-looking, if it can’t be sold at a good price, it’s really unreasonable.

  But Zhao Liya and Hu Ling can't do it by themselves, they have no channels.

  With their ability, they can't develop such a channel for the time being.

  The most important, but also the most difficult thing is to keep it secret. Since there are Zhong Jing and Brother Zhou, it saves a lot of trouble.

  Zhao Liya thinks that they should be willing to help with this, and they should get 70% of the net profit, and share 30% with them.

  (end of this chapter)