Chapter 135 throw her out

  Deng Shi and Widow Qu felt sorry for Shu Yan, and tried to comfort her one sentence at a time, for fear that she would be sad.

Shu Yan smiled instead, gratefully said: "Aunt Deng and Aunt Qu don't need to comfort me, I'm fine, let alone sad. I know they are unhappy when I get married, and there will definitely be a trouble. It's a good thing to make trouble today, By the day I get married, I don't think there will be trouble."

   It's so clean today, if they dare to make trouble when she gets married, Lin Mo will not let them go.

   These words were so calm and rational that it made people feel distressed. Deng and Widow Qu felt distressed and funny, "Okay, good boy, it's best if you think so! Don't take it to heart, the future will be a good day!"


  Shu Yan was indeed not affected at all, but felt completely relieved. She is Shuyan now, not Luo Shuyan, the past and the present are like the past and present, they have nothing to do with each other anymore.

  Shu Yan even specially cooked a table of good dishes for dinner, and everyone celebrated together.

   Needless to say, her craftsmanship, the big guy is very face-saving, and she is full of praise.

  Lin Mo also knew what happened today, he couldn't meet Shu Yan now, so he specially asked Yu Xiaofang to convey his comfort, knowing that everything was fine with Shu Yan, so he was relieved.

   Naturally, Yu Xiaofang brought food over there for dinner. Seeing that Shu Yan still had the heart to cook so many dishes, she was completely relieved.

  He and Shu Yan meant the same thing, it's a good thing that the family had such a quarrel! Even before, Shu Yan had never willingly surrendered to be beaten and scolded by them, it was just that she had no choice but to resist in the past.

  It's not the same now, and it's a joke that they're still trying to pick people up.

  It was getting late, Lin Mo went back to the house after washing and getting ready for bed.

  As soon as he entered the room, he sensed something was wrong, and his eyes sank: There is someone in the room!

He strode forward calmly, pulled the man out from behind the partition, clasped the man's neck with his powerful hands and yelled in a low voice: "Who are you? What are you doing sneakily in my room? "

  The man was so frightened that he couldn't scream even if he wanted to scream. His eyes widened in horror and he looked at Lin Mo, his throat was so hoarse: "Brother Lin, Brother Lin, it's me. It's me!"

  Lin Mo's sharp and cold eyes were full of anger: "Luo Shuyu, don't you want to be ashamed! Why are you here?"

   That's right, probably because the Luo family had such a quarrel today, Luo Shuyu took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the yard, but ended up hiding in her own room.

  Lin Mo was so angry that he wished he could kick her to death.

   It's fortunate that I have sharp eyes and ears and excellent vigilance, otherwise, wouldn't this **** be tricked?

  He didn't want this kind of conflict with Shu Yan to happen.

Luo Shuyu burst into tears, with a hoarse throat trying to make herself look pitiful and affectionate: "Brother Lin, I, I really like you, why did you choose Luo Shuyan as a maid instead of me? Her identity is fundamentally I’m not good enough for you. Brother Lin, please see if I’m okay? I’m sincere to you, I’ll treat you better than her, and I’m better at embroidery than her. She’s very boring. , being with her is the most boring thing, will you marry me?"

Lin Mo sneered sneeringly, and his tone was cold and emotionless: "Luo Shuyu, you are as shameless as your mother, you are not a thing! I am so glad that Shuyan has nothing to do with your family now! Marry you? I don't want to marry you!" Disgusting? You are not worthy to lift Shu Yan’s shoes! I warn you, put away your small thoughts, if you dare to come to our house next time, I have countless ways to make you disappear, no matter how scheming you are , but if this life is gone, I won't be relied on by you, don't you think?"

  Luo Shuyu fell into an ice cellar, his voice trembling: "No, no, brother Lin, you, how could you treat me like this! How could I not be as good as that dead girl Luo Shuyan—ah!"

  Lin Mo pinched her so hard that her throat hurt and her eyes turned black.

   "You are not allowed to arrange Shu Yan. You'd better take my warning seriously, I have never been a good person!"

  Lin Mo knocked Luo Shuyu unconscious with a sneer, took her out casually, threw her in their yard, and left.

  Luo Shuyu didn't come home after dark, Boss Luo was paralyzed in the room with his eyes closed and pretended to be dead, not knowing anything at all, Qi Shi sneered, but didn't care.

  Why does she care? When she was arguing with Luo Shuyan, she clearly saw Luo Shuyu slipping into Zhao's house quietly, so she might have gone to Lin Mo's now.

   That's good!

   It's all up to this point, there is still no movement from the Zhao family, maybe Luo Shuyu has already succeeded?

  Qi Shi felt very happy, as long as she could add trouble to Luo Shuyan, she felt it was worth it.

  She has even made up her mind that if Lin Mo doesn't give Luo Shuyu an explanation when she goes to Zhao's house tomorrow morning, she will definitely not follow her.

   Boss Luo fell asleep drowsily, was hungry, and finally woke up.

   Didn't see Luo Shuyu, his mind was dull for a moment, and finally asked: "Where is Shuyu? Where did she go?"

  Qi gave him a cold look: "Where you go is none of your business."

  Boss Luo suddenly felt heartbroken, and when he wanted to reply to Qi Shi, he was afraid that Qi Shi would have such a temper.

  Thinking about the scene, let it go, bear it.

  Boss Luo ate something, and when he went out to get firewood, he was startled when he saw someone lying there at the door, and looked carefully, who was it not Luo Shuyu?

  Frightened, he quickly dropped the firewood in his hand, and hurriedly stepped forward to shake Luo Shuyu: "Shuyu! Shuyu! Wake up, wake up! Why are you here!"

  Although the winter in Lingnan is not very cold, it is still cold at night. After Luo Shuyu was shaken by Boss Luo for a while, she slowly opened her eyes. "Ah!" she exclaimed, "I, where am I?"

   Boss Luo looked at her in astonishment: "Of course you are at home, why did you faint at the door of the house? What happened to you?"

Home? doorstep?

  The cold wind blew, and Luo Shuyu, who was half-frozen, immediately felt cold and shivering all over. She got up and cried and went into the room, feeling ashamed, angry and ashamed.

  Brother Lin is so heartless!

  Brother Lin didn't care about her life at all, and threw her on the ground, never thinking about whether she would catch the cold.

   Thinking about the situation when Lin Mo said those heartless words in a cold tone, Luo Shuyu cried even more sadly.

  Qi Shi was also stunned, pulled away her hand covering her face, and asked sharply, "Why are you here?"

   Isn't it time to climb into Lin Mo's bed?

  Luo Shuyu wanted to save face anyway, and cried, "Where am I if I'm not here?"

   "You—" Those words didn't sound good after all, Qi changed his mouth and said, "Have you ever been bullied?"

  (end of this chapter)