Chapter 149 Transporting Rivers

After discussing and discussing, Zhao Liya's heart moved, "I remember when we came, didn't we see a big river? We only saw that big river leading to the Wujianfeng Mountain Range, but we didn't see where it led. Why don't we look around here? If we're lucky, the big river happens to be right here, wouldn't it be much easier?"

  Everyone was happy at first, but Yu Xiaofang hesitated again: "But, does that mean we still have to build ships?"

   Thinking about it again, shipbuilding and transportation is much more convenient than manually lifting it out.

  Zhong Jing and others laughed when they heard this.

   "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just throw the processed wood into the water, and follow along with two small bamboo rafts, so that the wood will not be caught halfway."

Zhao Liya nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, generally speaking, huanghuali wood will not sink in the water, and can float out of the water. Only a very few will sink. Small leaf red sandalwood is not good, that thing is like a weight, and it will sink when it enters the water. "

  Everyone became eager for a moment, wishing that it would be dawn immediately, and then go to the river.

  Even if the big river is more than ten miles away from here, it is much better than transporting it by manpower!

   Therefore, this big river must be found!

  The next morning, everyone split up. Those who should go out to Haikou Town went out immediately, those who should look for rivers looked for rivers, and those who wanted to camp found places.

  Zhao Liya was still in a team with Zhou Hansheng, and also went out to find Hehe. The main reason was that Zhou Hansheng refused to let other people form a team with them.

   Get in the way.

   Not as efficient as him and Aya

  The climber can see far away. When the two climbed a peak, Zhao Liya looked towards the southwest. There seemed to be a faint light shining in the valley in the distance, much like the reflection of the sun shining on the water.

   "Brother Zhou, why don't we go and have a look?"


  The two of them remembered their location, and went forward over the thorns and thorns. After walking for more than an hour, when they turned around a mountain depression, their eyes suddenly opened up!

  It really is a big river!

  They came from the mountains, so the distance was naturally long. When they returned, they deliberately chose a flatter valley to walk at the foot of the mountain.

  Everyone jumped for joy.

  This can save a lot of things.

  Zhong Jing had to be convinced, and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoya is really our lucky star! I found that since I got to know Sister Xiaoya, my luck has improved, especially my fortune hahahaha!"

  Everyone laughed after hearing this.

  Although it is still not sure whether this big river leads to the big river beside the ancient Zhu tribe, everyone knows it in their hearts, and it is almost the same.

   Immediately, they cut bamboo and tied them together to make a simple and small bamboo raft. Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng planned to go there in person, and Li Xu and Li Ying volunteered to follow.

   Just right, we have to go out and bring people in.

  The bamboo raft swayed down the river. Half a day later, the terrain gradually became wider, and a road was found in the forest on both sides.

  Although it is a very crude road with overgrown weeds on both sides, and some places even cover the road, it can still be seen that it is a road.

  There is a way, it means there are people.

   In other words, this area is not so remote.

After a while, Liying laughed excitedly: "Look, brother, this place should be not far from our tribe! Brother Zhou, sister Xiaoya, this river really leads to the vicinity of our tribe! It only takes half a day to arrive La!"

  Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng smiled at each other.

   "So we found the right one, which is great!"

  They continued to drift and landed at a suitable place. Several people from the Guzhu tribe were working nearby. When they saw them, they rushed over, "Patriarch, Miss! This is, this is—"

  Everyone looked at each other in amazement.

   Everyone knows that the patriarch and the eldest lady took a few brothers and accompanied the guests into the mountains to find something. But how come back from the river?

  Lizhu was very excited, pointed at the river and said with a smile: "This river is amazing. We came out of the deep mountains by boat and came back in half a day! It's amazing!"


   "We really didn't know before!"

   "Hey, that's really amazing, won't it be more convenient for us to go into the mountains in the future?"

  Liying smiled and said: "The most important thing is to be able to go far, far away!"

   Now the people of the Guzhu tribe were even happier, and surrounded them back to the tribe.

  They all know that the further you go into the mountains, the higher the chance of finding good things.

  This route is very safe. The water flow in most sections of the river is very gentle, even if there are occasional ones that are a little faster, they are limited. All in all, it is controllable.

  Now that such a shortcut has been discovered, there is of course no need to rush across the mountains.

  Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng discussed it, and decided to take the boat when they went in.

  It is obviously too late to build a ship, so it is better to rent it.

  There are boats in the ancient Zhu tribe, and there are more than ten boats that can take more than ten people. Zhao Liya and the others rented them all at once.

  In addition to the boat, you have to buy daily necessities such as rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, pots and pans to bring into the mountains.

  Vegetables come out every three or four days to replenish. There are wild vegetables in the mountains, which can be matched. There are a lot of prey in the mountains, with Zhou Hansheng, Zhong Jing and their brave and skilled subordinates, there is no need to worry about no meat to eat, which solves many problems.

  Rice, meat, and salt must be enough. All that is done is physical work, and the body cannot keep up with nutrition, so there is no strength to work at all.

   After talking about chartering a boat, it’s time to hire someone. After determining how many people to hire, go shopping.

   Then, manpower and materials went into the mountain together.

   After these things are done, Zhao Nan, Zhong Ming and the others rushed to Haikou Town to transfer the ship, and they should also be able to reach the port of Wanning Town.

  All kinds of felling tools and manpower are in place, and the work can be done.

Lizhu told the tribe to find someone to do the work. The daily salary is 30 Wen. Thirty Wen can buy about five catties of rice and two catties of meat. Thirty eggs need to be sold. In exchange.

  Besides, those who go to work are provided with three meals a day, and rice is enough.

Most people in the tribe don’t have the concept of thirty Wen, and they don’t quite know how much it is, but five catties of rice a day can feed a family, and there is still some left over. Everyone understands this, and everyone is tempted .

  All strong young and middle-aged people are scrambling to sign up.

  No one wants to miss such a good event!

  In the end, a total of 300 people were selected, all of whom were young adults over the age of twenty and under forty.

  After selecting someone, Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng went to Wanning Town to purchase.

  There is no donkey cart in the Guzhu tribe, not even a donkey. They raised many sheep and also raised many cattle.

  Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng had no choice but to go to Wanning Town and then hire a car to transport the things back.

  (end of this chapter)