Chapter 158 Sugarcane Potatoes

  Last year, we had the experience of planting sugar cane. This year, everyone is really familiar with it. There is basically no need to ask how to dig trenches and how to apply base fertilizer.

  All the sugarcane books are stored in the sugar mill, and there is also a pond for soaking the sugarcane books. After soaking, they are transported to the field by bullock carts, where they can be planted directly.

   At the beginning, the managers were a little messy, and they couldn't help but take care of things that they shouldn't take care of. After two days, they got used to it.

   Zhao Liya went to plant potatoes in Bajiaozhai in person.

  All the vegetable plots at home have been planted, and there are still some unplanted ones left. Widow Qu, Mrs. Deng, and Aunt Li Shiyi are enough, so Shu Yan is eager to go with Zhao Liya.

  People are afraid of comparison, Shu Yan didn't think anything of it before, but now Zhao Liya and Qu Yutao are busy with their own careers, of course she would be envious and want to join.

  Zhao Liya welcomed this very much, and took Lin Mo away by the way.

  Lin Mo was eager to accompany his wife, so of course he agreed. He is a very principled hunter. He will not go hunting in the mountains in spring, and he will slowly start to go hunting in the mountains after May.

   Unless you hunt wild boars that ruin crops in spring.

   Things in Bajiaozhai were not so easy at the beginning. Everyone was obedient, but they were too excited, and it was inevitable that they would become chaotic and out of order.

  Fortunately, several managers, big, middle and small, were determined in advance. Most of the time, Zhao Liya ordered them to go on errands and pass on word to manage people.

   After a lot of noise and tossing, it was barely on the right track.

Planting potatoes on a large scale is not the same as just putting a few trees in the field or where there are holes in the vegetable garden. First, the land should be prepared like sugar cane, and it should be formed into a row of rows, and the pits should be dug. .

  The depth of the pit is about 20 cm. Apply a thin layer of farmyard manure to the bottom, cover with a layer of plant ash, and then cover with a thin layer of soil.

   In this way, the land will be considered complete.

Regarding farmyard manure, Zhao Liya predicted last year that the amount of it will be very large this year, and she has already let out rumors to buy it. Anyone who comes will not refuse, as much as there is, so it is piled up in this large area of ​​reclaimed land and piled up in several large piles. .

   This is also easy to get, just put grass in the pigsty and cattle pen diligently. For example, in the past, it was only released once every five or six days, six or seven days, and then it was released once every three days. Stamped by pigs and cows, and mixed with feces and urine, the grass or dry straw that was sprinkled in will be retting naturally. .

   Although Zhao Liya and the others bought enough farmyard manure, it is impossible to use it, so they can use as much as they want. If you save a little bit, the sugar cane can guarantee it, and the potatoes can use half of it.

  Zhao Liya even started thinking, how about setting up a pig farm and raising more than a hundred pigs first. With a pigsty, I can also solve part of the fattening problem.

  When the pigs are brought up, they can be used as benefits for the big guys to kill the pigs and share the meat, and they can also sell them for money.

   It is actually easy to raise pigs. There are so many sweet potatoes planted, and some of them are fed with sweet potato vines. Then buy rice bran from the grain shop rice store, and buy some corn to grind into flour and mix it with rice bran. This is a good feed for pigs.

  When the sweet potatoes are harvested, some can even be left to feed the pigs.

  The output of sweet potatoes is large, and it is also cost-effective to feed pigs.

  There is no farmyard manure, but plant ash is easy to get.

  Go up the mountain and cut back the weeds and weeds in large bundles, and set them on fire.

  At this moment, while preparing the land, another forty people were ordered to go up the mountain to mow the grass.

  Two days later, 50 or 60 mu of land had been sorted out, so Zhao Liya asked Lin Mo and Shu Yan to help them to watch the people prepare the land and burn the ashes, and she brought forty aunts, aunts, sisters-in-law and girls to deal with the potato seeds.

   Every potato is precious and needs to be cut into pieces.

  Zhao Liya briefly explained to everyone how to cut potatoes and how to ensure the buds are intact. After cutting, the incision should be rolled and dipped in plant ash, which can prevent the incision from rotting and deterioration, and can also speed up the healing of the incision.

   A basket of sliced ​​potato pieces stained with plant ash was placed in a cool and humid place, and within a few days, they would germinate.

  After germination, it can be planted.

  Planting is also particular. Zhao Liya took the trouble to demonstrate and check again and again. When the potato pieces are put down, the bud eyes should face up, and the distance between the plants should be about the same. After planting, gently cover it with a thin layer of soil less than two centimeters. After five or six days, the seedlings will grow well, and they will be as high as half a chopstick, and then cultivate the soil.

  Various and trivial things are unheard of by the villagers, and they are not used to them. They have to be told and reminded over and over again, and it will take at least two or three days for them to gradually get used to it.

   Fortunately, Shu Yan and Lin Mo helped share the burden, otherwise Zhao Liya would be even more tired.

   Fortunately, everything is going well.

  In the end, 1,000 acres of sugarcane and 700 acres of potatoes were planted, and about 100 acres of land was reclaimed temporarily.

   Next, there will be another round of land reclamation.

  At this moment, the fields for spring plowing have been tidied up, and we will wait for the seedlings to grow before planting them. Everyone can find time to do other things.

   There is no rush to open up wasteland, so Zhao Liya told Zaihu Village to take it easy.

  As for Bajiaozhai, the sweet potatoes are first buried and watered while opening up wasteland, so that the sweet potato vines can grow well.

  When the sweet potato vines grow out, they can be transplanted and propagated with vines, and they will not miss the season if they are planted continuously for two months.

  The wasteland on the side of Yan Village also needs to be reclaimed.

  But there are few people in the village, and the big guys don’t have enough time to do their own work, so how can they care about opening up wasteland? I really want to open it, but I can't be too busy!

  Someone who was so impatient even went to Zhao’s house to reassure Zhao Liya and the others, saying that they would definitely go to open up wasteland, so they must keep the wasteland.

  Zhao Liya couldn't help but laugh, nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, the land on the edge of our village is of course the people of our village to open up wasteland! Keep it for everyone! Let's do it after everyone has finished their work."

  She was not in a hurry to reclaim these wasteland anyway, she could open them anytime. Sweet potatoes are very easy to grow. Even if they are only planted in early June, they can still grow without delay.

   After listening to Zhao Liya's explanation, everyone can feel at ease.

  By this time, Zhao Liya had already hired Uncle Ruan Gui and the others to build a large yard near the school.

  The large courtyard covers an area of ​​about ten acres, and will be separated from the school by a small bamboo forest, a small garden, and a small fruit forest, and will not affect each other.

  When Uncle Ruan Gui and the others were building the house and yard, the fruit tree saplings and bamboos that the couple in Zaihu Village helped to collect were sent over one after another.

  Zhao Liya and his family went to dig pits and plant trees together.

  (end of this chapter)