Chapter 161 Refused to help

  At this time, the plows and rakes of each family were ready, and rice planting began one after another.

  Old Luo, everyone hasn’t plowed the fields yet.

  Families are not as well-equipped as Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai, and they are not as capable as others, but the business of making money is close at hand, so hurry up and plant rice seedlings as soon as possible.

  Most people's life is not easy. Who doesn't want a salary of 30 Wen a day?

   Boss Luo was in a hurry, so he had to ask Uncle Luo's family for help in making plows and transplanting rice seedlings.

   "The way the house looks like, I can't help it."

Second Uncle Luo sighed inwardly, and was about to agree, Bai's smile was half a smile: "Oh, big brother, this brother should also settle accounts clearly, don't you think? Our family's life is not as good as yours. The husband and the children went to the house yesterday We have made money by opening up wasteland, and the father and son can earn ninety yuan a day, which is not a small amount of money for our family."

  People let go of making money and help your family work for nothing? You have such a big face.

  Boss Luo looked at Uncle Luo in disbelief when he heard the words, but Uncle Luo avoided his gaze, obviously acquiescing to his wife's words. This made Boss Luo even more angry.

Luo Shuyu opened her eyes and said angrily: "Second Aunt, our family is like this, can't I just ask you for a little help? Do you only see money in your eyes and don't care about brotherhood! Why are you people like this? !"

Bai's face darkened, "Hey, what are you talking about! How your family is doing is none of our business—don't rush to say anything, my family Xiaodong was weak and sick all the year round when he was young. How much money did you spend? That’s what your mother said when I borrowed money from your family sometimes! It doesn’t make sense for her to say it, but we can’t.”

   "Besides, I will make plow rakes and transplant rice seedlings for you today for nothing, so I will harvest them for you when the autumn harvest comes! I will think about it."

Thinking about the past, Second Uncle Luo couldn't help but feel cold, and sighed: "Brother, if you can't do it, you can spend a few dollars and hire someone else to do it. We don't make this money, or my sister-in-law will say it again without knowing it." What's so ugly."

   If you don’t take money for nothing, then you definitely won’t do it. It’s not like their family can’t afford money. But take the money, God knows what Qi's mouth can say.

   Boss Luo left without saying a word, pulling Luo Shuyu away.

  Second Uncle Luo was a little uneasy, "Is the eldest brother angry?"

  Bai's heart was happy, and he sneered: "What? He gets angry when others don't help him for nothing? Heh!"

   "Don't worry about it, let's have breakfast early to rest, and we have to go to open up wasteland tomorrow!"

  Second Uncle Luo nodded and ignored it.

  He had an account in his heart, Da Fang was not in such a difficult situation, he would not be taken advantage of.

  Second Uncle Luo refused to help, Luo Shuyu couldn't help but tell Qi Shi all the time when he went back, which really made Qi Shi complain a lot.

  Boss Luo was upset when he heard it: "Forget it, the second child's family has no reason to help us! Let's hire someone with money, alas!"

   Qi stared at him fiercely: "It's all you useless, useless!"

  She didn't want to take the money, but she had to.

   I don’t know what she means, but if Boss Luo insists on hiring Uncle Luo’s family to work, isn’t that just thirty cash a day? Just give it!

  Second Uncle Luo wanted to agree, but he was neither soft nor hard, but resolutely refused.

  It's better not to get involved in this kind of thing.

   No matter how much money the Zhao family earns to open up wasteland, they feel at ease, and there is no trouble at all. It's hard to say if you earn money from the big house.

  Boss Luo got a little angry, left with a dark face, and hired someone else, so he hurriedly planted the seedlings.

  Uncle Ruan Gui built the house in the school, Zhao Liya really asked him to choose a suitable place on the large piece of wasteland bought in Bajiaozhai, ready for people to rush out to build a pig farm.

   I plan to try to raise 120 to 150 heads this year, and if possible, I will expand the scale next year.

  She personally drew pictures and designed the pig house of the pig farm. The masonry structure was built as high as half a person, with wooden pillars on top, and the roof covered with fir bark, which is safe and ventilated.

  Cedar bark is very easy to get in Lingnan, and it is very durable. If you use bark to build a roof, it will not be damaged at all for five or six years, and it will be repaired after five or six years.

   One column can support about four heads, and the floor is paved with seamless bricks.

   There is a shed at the back of the pigsty for shelter from wind and rain, and there is an extended piece of land in front that is unsheltered. When the sun is good, the pigs in the pen can come out to bask in the sun.

   Next to the pigsty, a large and deep septic tank was dug, and it was usually covered with thick planks. There are two large pits seven or eight meters apart, which are used to accumulate the retting manure that is regularly cleaned from the pigsty.

  These places were all surrounded by blue bricks, and a wall more than three meters high was built to form a large courtyard covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres, with residences for night guards.

   With so many pigs raised, there must be someone on duty at night.

  When the pig farm started construction, many villagers came to watch the excitement and see what was new. Everyone had never seen such a pigsty, and they were very curious.

  Zhao Liya made all these arrangements, picked a day, and went to Yu Gongcao's house with Hu Ling.

At this time, the spring bamboo shoots were extraordinarily delicious and sweet, and the two of them brought a lot, as well as homemade sour meat, sweet and spicy sausages, two jars of chili sauce, and fresh vegetables picked from the vegetable garden Heart, Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, Chinese cabbage and other fresh vegetables, and a big wooden pineapple.

  Yu Gongcao's daughter-in-law really smiled, and she kept smiling and thanking her.

  As for the people in Yancun, Zhao's family is her favorite, they are very generous!

  Not only generous, but also so talkative, polite, gentle and gentle, it makes people happy when they come.

Zhao Liya and Yu Gongcao's daughter-in-law chatted about homework for a while, and then smiled: "Speaking of which, this time, I have the cheek to ask my wife for help. We manage so many lands, and we are a bit too busy. We need an experienced accountant. Mr. Gongcao has a wide range of connections and strong connections. I wonder if he can recommend one to us? After the work is done, there will be a gift of thanks. Naturally, the treatment of this accountant will not be low, and it will not be different from those firms and shops in the city. "

  Yu Gongcao’s daughter-in-law heard her boasting that her husband was very proud, and she agreed: "It shouldn't be difficult. When our master comes back, I will tell him! I have news, and I will ask someone to bring it to you."

   "Hey, thank you Madam!"

"Haha, you're welcome! By the way," Mrs. Yu Gongcao rolled her eyes, looked outside subconsciously, and then said in a low voice, "I'll tell you something, you just know it when you hear it. But don’t say it outside, let alone me. Your sugarcane garden, my master said that he heard Mr. Yin’s brother-in-law seem to ask a few words on purpose.”

   Ask for monthly ticket support



  (end of this chapter)