Chapter 164 Instructing Zhong Jing

"Those rough guys didn't embarrass me. They didn't waste their stupid effort. They opened up more than 3,000 acres of wasteland for me. I went to see it myself. The work they did was also meticulous, and the land was well organized. Well done. I also asked someone to buy this sugarcane seed, and it was indeed as you said, only about 150,000 to 160,000 catties were harvested, what is this enough for, hey!"

  Zhao Liya silently calculated, based on 160,000 catties, it was only enough to plant about 70 mu.

   Search harder, and it will be one hundred acres or more than one hundred acres.

  Sugar cane cannot be planted in other lands for the time being, so I can only think about other places.

Zhao Liya comforted him and said, "Plant as much as you have. It's just for the soldiers to practice their hands. All these seventy or eighty acres will be reserved, and the scale will expand a lot in the second half of the year. I'll leave some for you there." Kind of, wouldn’t it be enough for you to buy some more when the time comes?”

"Brother Zhong, don't underestimate this kind of sugarcane. There are also skills, how to prepare the land, how to fertilize, how to water, how to cultivate the soil, how to peel the leaves, if the conditions are good, you need to apply fertilizer again, if there is any insect damage , You have to know how to deal with it quickly, minimize the impact, etc. There are many trivial things, if you have never planted them before, you will really be in a hurry!"

"What's more, sugarcane eats manure. At this moment, even if there is enough seed, it is useless without manure. Why don't you and the farmers buy more manure from now on, and first compost and accumulate it. The more the better, by the time time can come in handy”

Zhong Jing was a little dejected at first, but after hearing Zhao Liya's well-founded and reasonable analysis, he suddenly became enlightened, slapped his thigh and said with a smile: "As expected of sister Xiaoya, she is smart! If you don't say it, I will Unexpected! Okay, okay, just follow Xiaoya's words!"

  Zhao Liya smiled and said: "At that time, I will personally explain to your sergeants how to plant. Why don't you send a dozen people to Zaihu Village to learn after a while? Maybe the effect will be better."

Zhong Jing thought for a while, then nodded: "No problem, it's just that when they went, they said that they went elsewhere to learn experience, let alone in our military camp. It's not that I'm afraid, but it's better to keep a low profile. In case something happens, a lot of trouble can be avoided."

  Zhao Liya is also the person who is most afraid of trouble, so she naturally agrees.

  She smiled again: "The scale of this kind of sugar cane is going to be expanded anyway. Now that I have time, a sugar mill can be built."

  Zhong Jing nodded: "Well, be prepared. Okay, I will copy the building of your house, and I will build a bigger sugar mill!"

  Zhao Liya smiled, "No problem!"

  Suddenly thought of something, Zhao Liya said again: "By the way, why don't you build a pig farm and raise pigs. In this way, you can have meat to eat in the barracks, and you can also accumulate a lot of fertilizer, and the soldiers will also have something to do, wouldn't it be good?"

  The more Zhao Liya thought about it, the more she felt that this matter was reliable. The military camp was well manned and the space was sufficient. Reclaiming wasteland and occupying land only depends on their mood. You can take any unclaimed land, and you don’t need to spend money to buy it. Everything is very convenient.

  Building a huge pig farm with at least 500 fat pigs is not a bragging rights!

Who knows that after Zhong Jing heard this, he sighed and smiled wryly: "To be honest, sister Xiaoya, when it comes to raising pigs, then I have something to say. We have raised pigs before in our military camp, but what about raising a pig?" Tens, twenty or thirty heads are fine. If there is a little more, things will start to happen. It is too easy to get sick, that is, swine fever. Once you get sick, a lot of them will die. Hey! We are not giving up. , I raised it for several times, anyway, three out of five times the result was the same. But it made everyone feel bad."

   Later, I really couldn't bear it, it was too scary, so I didn't raise it at all.

  "Sister Xiaoya," Zhong Jing cheered up, his eyes sparkled, "Or do you have any good ideas? Then you must teach us!"

  Swine fever, this is indeed a problem.

   Moreover, Zhao Liya has no way to solve this problem. Not to mention now, even in modern times, once swine fever occurs, no one can solve it. I can only watch helplessly as the pigs in the entire pig farm die one after another.

   Moreover, swine fever is not completely preventable even in modern times.

   Of course, the risk is much smaller than it is now.

Zhao Liya could only shake her head: "There is no way to solve this, but the best way to effectively prevent swine fever is to clean and sanitate. The pigsty should be cleaned frequently and ventilated. Don't let the pigs drink unclean water or eat unclean food. Especially in summer. When there are too many mosquitoes, smoke wormwood or the like to repel the mosquitoes. In this case, it can effectively reduce the outbreak of swine fever.”

"What's more, your place here is big enough. The so-called don't put all the eggs in the same basket, and don't raise all the pigs together. You try to build the pig house as spacious as possible. More than 200 pigs make up an area, and there can be two to three kilometers or a mountain between each area. If four or five such pig farms are built, wouldn’t it be possible to raise about a thousand pigs? Even if something happens If there is swine fever, there will be no harvest!"

  Uh, it’s God’s will if there’s no harvest, let’s accept fate

  Zhong Jing thought for a while, then slapped his thigh: "Okay, let's do this! You can try again, even if you are really unlucky and die from swine fever, the pig manure is still there!"

   This is also a useful thing, no loss!

  Zhao Liya: "."

   It sounds right, but I always feel that something is weird!

   "Sister Xiaoya, those precautions and so on, you can write me a copy later, and I will find someone to teach those bosses well."

  He just couldn’t remember what he heard. This is a completely unfamiliar field for him, and he can understand it at first, but it is difficult to remember it.

  Zhao Liya nodded happily and smiled: "That's no problem!"

  She smiled enthusiastically again: "I will also tell you what kind of pigpen is built for your reference. We also built it like this."

  Zhong Jing nodded happily: "Okay, thank you sister Xiaoya! Sister Xiaoya is really kind-hearted!"

  Zhao Liya "Puchi!" smiled.

  This good person card makes people feel at ease.

   "You should also grow some sweet potatoes. One mu of sweet potato vines can raise three to four pigs. You can calculate according to this ratio."

Zhao Liya worked hard to pick up the sweet potatoes: "This is a good thing. The more you cut the sweet potato vines, the more they grow. After cutting, you can apply a little fertilizer or water them and it will grow again quickly. It can grow longer than leeks. And it is easier to grow. Convenient. Use sweet potato seedlings to grow seedlings, cut the vines and bury them in the soil to live. Sweet potato vines can be fed to pigs, and the shoots can be fried as vegetables. When they are harvested in autumn, sweet potatoes can be eaten and fed to pigs. Good thing this thing is not picky!"

   It is simply a must-have weapon for raising pigs.

   Asking for a monthly ticket, pitiful~~~~(>_<)~~~~



  (end of this chapter)