Chapter 183 Who dares to bully

   Yes, a village is different from a village. If there is any contract at this moment, it will be like pouring cold water on the heads of everyone, and the enthusiasm of the people will be quenched by half.

  The enthusiasm of the villagers will definitely give them a greatly discounted impression.

  The matter of the contract will be discussed later, let's arrange things first.

  Fortunately, they both don't keep things overnight, they discussed it together last night, and even told Zhao Xiang, the father, to ask him to help make a decision.

  He said it would work and they would feel more at ease.

  Bai Lizheng and the other two patriarchs ordered everyone to be quiet, Zhao Liya discussed briefly with Bai Lizheng and the others, and quickly finalized the hilltop to be the persimmon forest.

   There are two places in the east and south of the village, each occupying three hills and stretching valleys. Zhao Liya estimates that the combined area of ​​these two hillsides and valleys is at least tens of thousands of acres.

  The total population of Baijia Village is more than 9,000, less than 10,000. If the tens of thousands of acres of persimmon forest can be opened first, the life of the villagers will be improved.

   Wait until next year or the year after, and then expand the scale depending on the situation.

   Within the area of ​​tens of thousands of acres, there were originally some persimmon trees. The sum of the forests is estimated to be more than 500 acres, which means that most of them still need to be replanted.

  Zhao Liya and Hu Ling continued to explain the same things, Lizheng and they would make specific assignments, who would go up the mountain to weed and cut miscellaneous trees, who would dig tree pits, and who would find wild persimmon trees.

Zhao Liya explained to Hu Ling how to cut off the branches of those wild persimmon trees, what kind of branches to keep, how many to keep, how big to choose, etc., and asked Hu Ling to work with a team of villagers who were in charge of finding wild persimmon trees into the mountains.

   There is no need to dig tree pits for the time being. Let’s clean up the hill first. Clean up for two days before digging.

  Digging pits is also particular about how big, how deep, and how far apart the pits are, you can’t do whatever you want.

  Bai Lizheng gave the same order.

Open up wasteland first, they are familiar with this, they are divided into more than a dozen teams with Baotou, with hatchets around their waists, hoes or shovels on their shoulders, and some with sickles in their hands. Start in different locations and remove any weeds.

   During this battle, Zhao Liya couldn't help but feel his blood boil!

  The villagers of Baijia Village are worthy of being the village of Orion, and this style is bold and unrestrained!

   Nothing else to do for the time being, Bai Lizheng waved his hands and yelled loudly to make everyone else disperse! He laughed and said, "Ms. Zhao, why don't you just hang out in the village? Yesterday, someone caught two live pheasants in a trap. After a while, Ms. Zhao will take them back and raise them for fun!"

  Zhao Liya has eaten countless pheasant chickens, but he has never caught a live pheasant a few times. His eyes lit up, he smiled and nodded his thanks: "Okay, then I'm not welcome!"

  Bai Lizheng smiled: "Miss Zhao, you don't need to be polite!"

Zhao Liya took the opportunity to smile and said: "By the way, Bai Lizheng, all the patriarchs, patriarchs, grandparents, uncles and aunts who are highly respected and able to speak in the village, are you free now? I want to talk to you about the contract Son."


"Yes," Zhao Liya explained softly with a smile: "Presumably Bai Lizheng also knows that our Zhao family can't do such a big thing, and the big boss behind it has to nod. To be honest, we still have to deal with the persimmon cake." I haven't discussed it with the big boss, but the big boss will not stop doing this profitable business. The persimmon tree is planted by the big guy, but the workshop and later sales still need the big boss!"

  Bai Lizheng suddenly understood, "Ah, that's right, this persimmon tree bears fruit, so I have to buy it from other people's workshops, otherwise it's useless, it just falls to the ground and rots."

"Exactly." Seeing that he understood, Zhao Liya said with a smile, "The workshop was naturally built by the big boss. It covers an area of ​​about 20 or 30 mu. The manpower bought from the side of the village and the construction of the workshop, except for those who need skills, will be hired from the outside, and the others will be hired from the village. In the future, when recruiting workers in the workshop, priority will also be given to recruiting villagers from the village. There is only one condition, all the persimmons in the village , Within 20 years from this year, all must be sold to the workshop, not to others. Of course, the workshop must purchase persimmons from the village at the market price, and the village will not suffer.”

  Bai Lizheng nodded, not worried at all that the workshop would make the villagers suffer—there is no one who dares to make the villagers of Baijia Village suffer.

  He smiled and said: "Miss Zhao, don't worry, who else can I sell this persimmon to except Miss Zhao? That's for sure."

   "I know, I know, but after signing the contract, I can explain to the big boss!" Zhao Liya laughed hurriedly.

  Bai Lizheng suddenly realized: "That's it, then sign, then sign!"

"Since that's the case, then this matter is settled like this. The village will open up wasteland to plant persimmon trees. Brother Hu and I will give advice and help. After the planting is completed, you will manage it yourself daily. We just buy persimmons and hire villagers to do it. Persimmon, what do you think?"

  Bai Lizheng nodded: "That's good, that's good! I'll call everyone here and tell everyone about it."


  Bai Lizheng sent his grandchildren to call for help, and soon the chiefs and elders in charge of the village came, and Bai Lizheng explained what he had just discussed with Zhao Liya.

  Everyone had no opinion, and they all said that it was very good, so let's do it.

   As long as you can make money by doing this. As for the rest, they don't care. They are not worried that their own village will suffer—who dares to suffer for them, are their fists just for display?

   If you really dare to trick them, no contract will work, only fists will work. The county magistrate has nothing to do with it.

  Zhao Liya found that many people were afraid that they didn't listen carefully to what Bai Lizheng said. They only cared about making money, and those who can make money are good.

   All right, it’s good to have a big heart.

   Save trouble.

  Anyway, she naturally wouldn't cheat them.

   But the form still needs to go, and the contract must be in place.

  The two parties signed the contract on the spot, which was obviously a major event of cooperation between the two parties, but they did it like a housekeeper!

   It seems that Zhao Liya is the only one who takes it seriously

  What's the matter with this feeling of punching cotton? Although it seems that this description is not appropriate, but this is the true feeling of intuition.

  The patriarchs and elders are all here. Although they don't care about the contract, they also have concerns.

   "Miss Zhao, when will that workshop be built?"

   "Miss Zhao, how many people does that workshop employ?"

   "Is it difficult to make persimmons? Ms. Zhao, do you think I can learn it? How much is the monthly salary?"

  (end of this chapter)