Chapter 186 You may cure

   How to think of a way to keep this child in the Zhao family.

  Zhao Liya didn't find it strange to hear him say that the child had another identity, but instead had a feeling of "So it is!".

   Are you scared?

   "This is not easy to deal with. He is terrified. I'm afraid he's lost his mind. He still needs heart medicine for his heart disease. Brother Zhou, you are his heart medicine. Let's see if he can gradually improve over time."

  Speaking of this, Zhou Hansheng is also worried, he doesn't have time to take care of the children all the time.

  Zhao Liya's eyes lit up, and she laughed again: "We all forgot about one person, Xiao Fang, he has such good medical skills, maybe he has a solution?"

  Zhou Hansheng smiled wryly in his heart, and said that he had seen many famous doctors, and Anian was not good. Yu Xiaofang's medical skills were good, but compared with those famous doctors with decades of medical experience, I'm afraid it was still not as good.

   But this was Zhao Liya's wish. Zhou Hansheng didn't want to refuse, so he nodded along with her words: "Well, Xiaofang's medical skills are so good, maybe it will be useful to show him. By the way, why don't you see him tonight?"

  Zhao Liya smiled and said: "He, he has lived in Baijia Village for a long time! Please invite him back tomorrow, it is important to see a doctor for children."

   "Baijia Village?"

   "It's a village we just cooperated with recently." Zhao Liya explained to him with a smile.

  Zhou Hansheng laughed and admired, "Aya is really getting better and better! Since the whole village of Baijia Village relies on hunting for a living, I'm afraid it is better than Zahu Village and Bajiao Village."

   Then he felt more at ease.

  Zhao Liya also laughed: "Who says it's not!"

  The two talked for a long time, and didn't go back to rest until the moon was westward and the evening wind was getting colder.

  Zhou Hansheng looked at Zhao Liya, hesitant to speak, it was not the time, he could not speak yet. In the end, I can only say good night.

  Zhao Liya's heart was beating wildly, then gradually regained her composure, and she nodded with a smile. She didn't know whether she should be relieved or disappointed.

  It’s okay to be so-and-so.

  The next day, Lin Mo personally went to Baijia Village to pick up Yu Xiaofang, Zhou Hansheng sent someone to Zhong Jing's place, and Zhao Liya also explained some things by the way.

  She remembered that Zhong Jing said that it should be this time, and he will send people to the Guzhu tribe on Hainan Island again.

  She originally wanted to go too, but the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. She didn’t expect that a Baijia Village would pop up, and the persimmon trees in the village were still counting on her to graft. Of course, she couldn’t go to Hainan Island.

  People can't go, but at least they have to bring a few words of explanation and apology to Li Ying and the others. There are also sweet potatoes, please Zhong Jing bring five or six hundred catties as seeds for the Guzhu Tribe and Zhongshui Village.

  In addition to sweet potatoes, bring some corn and various vegetable seeds by the way.

   There are no more potatoes at the moment. If you go in the second half of the year, you can bring some with you.

   This is what she promised before, and she should do it.

  Yu Xiaofang just didn't go into the mountain today, as soon as he heard that someone was going to be treated, he immediately packed his things and came back.

  Back home, I saw Zhou Nian.

   Zhou Nian couldn't move away from Zhou Hansheng even one step, and held his hand tightly, refusing to let go at all.

  Yu Xiaofang blurted out after seeing it: "This child is frightened and confused. It looks quite serious. If he doesn't get treated quickly, it will take a long time, and it is hard to guarantee that he will be like this for the rest of his life."

  He didn't say the second half of the sentence, it's good to be like this all his life, if it continues to deteriorate, he may collapse and go crazy.

   Zhou Hansheng's heart sank: "Can you cure it?"

  Yu Xiaofang smiled complacently: "Other people will definitely not be able to do it, isn't it a coincidence? My great-grandfather once cured a boy whose condition was worse than his, of course I can!"

   Zhao Liya was overjoyed and gave Yu Xiaofang a thumbs up: "As expected of our little genius doctor! Brother Zhou, let him try."

  Although Yu Xiaofang likes to have a hippie smile and is often out of shape and talks too much like a doctor, his medical skills are really good, and Zhou Hansheng is naturally aware of this.

  Nodding immediately: "Treat him well, if he is cured, I owe you a favor."

  Yu Xiaofang "Hey!" said with a smile, "Okay, Brother Zhou's favor is so rare."

  Don't look at Zhou Hansheng who seems to be easy to talk to, but Yu Xiaofang and Lin Mo know very well in their hearts that Zhou Hansheng's kindness is all for the Zhao family and Zhao Liya, and has nothing to do with them. Zhou Hansheng's willingness to say such a sentence shows that he really values ​​this child.

   Zhou Nian was in a daze, as long as Zhou Hansheng stayed by his side, and as long as other people didn't show aggressiveness towards him, he didn't care or feel anything.

  When Yu Xiaofang took the pulse for him, although he frowned and struggled lightly, Zhou Hansheng calmed him down with a few soft words.

Yu Xiaofang checked him smoothly, and then said: "I have to prepare medicines, take medicine baths, take medicines, and then cooperate with acupuncture, so that he can gradually recover. But this is not enough. Brother Zhou has to comfort him and make him feel better. Stay in a safe environment, slowly lead him to accept other people, and when he is willing to start accepting other people and being alone with other people, he will gradually get better."

   Zhou Hansheng was quite reliable after hearing these words, so he nodded: "You arrange it. He will live in Zhao's house for a while, I believe it is safe here."

  The Zhao family is naturally very safe, and the people in the Zhao family are also kind-hearted. Zhou Nian, who acts by instinct, can definitely feel it.

  Yu Xiaofang smiled and said: "Ah, then there is no problem!"

  It took two days to prepare the medicine, and Yu Xiaofang officially began to treat Zhou Nian.

   At this time, Zhao Liya should go to Baijia Village to graft persimmon trees.

  In the past, Zhou Hansheng would definitely go with him, but now he has no way to escape, and he is very reluctant to part with him.

   Fortunately, Zhao Liya will come back at night, otherwise he would be even more depressed.

  Zhao Liya, Hu Ling, Qu Yutao, and Lin Mo all went to help. They have learned how to graft at home, and they can be half teachers in Baijia Village.

Zhao Liya asked Bai Lizheng to select people, those who are skillful and careful, skilled in farm work, or those who are very interested in grafting and want to learn, in a group of thirty people, they will teach once, choose from them, and see if they can do it in the end. Pick out as many suitable people as possible.

   Not everyone can do this job.

  Bai Lizheng was very straightforward, and said with a smile: "Of course everyone wants to learn this, so let the young people with good eyes and quick movements come one by one! Miss Zhao, don't be annoying!"

  Zhao Liya agreed with a funny face.

  Obviously, what she said about being interested and wanting to learn is not the same as what Bai Lizheng said about wanting to learn.

   That's all, it's fine to filter like this.

  The more you know a craft, the more you will have a way out. Maybe you can make a living by it in the future. The news spreads and the whole village is very happy.

  The young people lined up and came side by side in groups of thirty.

  (end of this chapter)