Chapter 203 Disdain

  Zhao Liya has actually shown mercy, otherwise, with Yu Xiaofang's method, his slaves would not just go back after being beaten.

  Zhao Liya didn't want to break up with County Magistrate Yin completely.

   If there is a complete quarrel with County Magistrate Yin, even if Brother Zhong is invited to come forward, it will be a bit embarrassing for Brother Zhong.

   After all, Brother Zhong and County Magistrate Yin are not in the same system. As a garrison of one side, Brother Zhong is easily impeached if he meddles in local affairs.

   This speed, she has been very careful.

   Keep probing on the edge of the thunder pool.

There was a bit of murderous look in Li Zheng's eyes, and he sneered and said, "This prestige has come to our Zaihu Village. Is it really easy to treat the people in our Zaihu Village as soft persimmons? Miss Zhao, if you don't want to see him, I will let him People drive them all away."

Zhao Liya said with a smile: "I'm here, of course I want to see you. For business transactions, both parties must nod and agree. There is no one party to make decisions for the other. What they want to say is their business. Let's, We have an idea!"

  Lizheng felt relieved in his heart, and gave a thumbs up cheerfully: "Miss Zhao is absolutely right."

  Zhao Liya said again: "Of course we are going to meet, but don't worry, let them wait."

  Lizheng agreed even more: "Yes, let them wait for an hour or two before talking! They are the ones who want to come, so don't be afraid to wait when they come."

   The two laughed.

  It took Zhao Liya a full hour before, accompanied by Li Zheng, the clan chief, clan elders, and dozens of villagers, she went straight to the ground with a murderous look.

  The steward Mao got impatient for a long time, and kept urging the villagers who were working to go to the village to urge them.

  Who cares about him?

"Ms. Zhao is very busy. Do you think you are as free as you are? She said she will definitely come, but she must wait until the work is over before coming. If you can't wait, then don't wait! Urge you? Then you come here Do the work for me and I will urge you. Otherwise, I won’t do it, you think I’m stupid, why should I listen to you.”

   Butler Mao: "."

  These troublemakers, rascals! I'm really going to **** him off!

   Butler Mao really wanted to leave, but he came here with a mission on his back, so he is not qualified to be willful.

  What's more, I've come here, I've waited for so long, if I leave now, wouldn't it be in vain?

  So the more I waited, the more I had to wait.

  When she was drowsy and almost wanted to sit on the ground to rest her legs like those mud legs, Zhao Liya finally came late.

  Seeing that Zhao Liya brought so many people here, all of them still looking bad, Steward Mao suddenly regained his senses.

  The dog legs are subconsciously a little timid. Some colleagues in the house were beaten badly.

Steward Mao stared at Zhao Liya and sneered: "You are Zhao Liya? Our young master asked you to visit the Wangchun Restaurant a few days ago, right? This sugarcane garden will be taken over by our Mao family from now on, and everything related to the sugarcane garden will be taken over from now on. It has nothing to do with you, you can go."

  Zhao Liya said leisurely: "Your son did say that, but I didn't agree."

   "Do you dare not agree? I advise you to think clearly!"

  Such a big sugarcane garden, and the mysterious big boss behind it, Steward Mao himself felt very hot, why didn't he take such a good thing?

   "Don't think about it, I won't change my mind."

   Butler Mao said sadly: "Zhao Liya, this is Gaolian County!"

  Zhao Liya smiled: "I know!"

   Butler Mao: "There are some things that I don't need to say too bluntly, do I?"

   "Well, it's up to you."

  Mao Butler has an air block. At times like this in the past, it was time to order the people below to rush up.

   Hard-spoken? Dissatisfied? Then hit your service.

"Our son said that as long as the big boss behind the sugarcane plantation is not stupid, he will definitely choose our son as a partner. The Zhao family is an exile. How can you compare with our son? Li Zheng, don't be stupid Don't worry, even if our young master takes over the sugarcane garden, we still need people to do the work, and this sugarcane garden is next to your Zaihu village, if you don't hire you, who will you hire, don't you think?"

   "Our son is the county magistrate's brother-in-law, he is a person of status! As the saying goes, you can enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree, and you should think about it clearly."

Li Zheng was angry: "Don't think about it, we are all peasants who don't understand anything. We only know who to take money from and work for whom. Miss Zhao didn't say to give up the sugarcane garden, so Miss Zhao has the final say. What other people say doesn't count! Your son is so capable, if you have the ability, you can talk to the big boss!"

   Still want to meet the big boss, what a dream!

   Butler Mao was even angrier: "Have you really thought it through?"

  Lizheng: "Hehe!"

   Butler Mao failed to provoke, and didn't dare to be tough, so he could only sternly say "We'll see!" and left.

   Butler Mao returned home without a feather, which really angered Mao Dexing.

  But he still didn't dare to kill Hucun.

   There are more than 300 households in Zaihu Village. It’s not fun to hold together. Even his brother-in-law, the county magistrate, dared not touch the local residents easily.

   Besides him?

  By the way, they are a bunch of poor ghosts, who can be counted as clean-spirited for every copper coin, and have nothing to deal with, unlike those rich merchants and landlords and squires.

  He has many ways to deal with merchants and squires, but he has nothing to do with the people in the village below.

  Mao Dexing knew that his plan to take down the sugarcane plantation quickly was in vain.

   But it doesn't matter, will he let it go so easily?

  Mao Dexing intends to adopt a soft policy.

  He even felt a little regretful, he made a mistake in the first place. If we left the Zhao family aside from the very beginning and attacked Lizheng and the patriarch of Zaihu Village, wouldn't that be the case now?

  As long as Li Zheng and the patriarch are on their side, what is the Zhao family?

  Mao Dexing didn't pay much attention to Li Zheng and the patriarch at all, thinking that they were just a group of mud legs half buried in the ground. He was willing to condescend to show favor to them and give them benefits, because he thought highly of them! It's their ancestral graves that are smoking!

  If they are sensible, they should be grateful.

   You must know that people like them, even if it takes dozens of lives, no one can have anything to do with the county magistrate.

  I am the county magistrate's brother-in-law! Basically, my own opinion is equivalent to that of the county magistrate.

  Mao Dexing gritted his teeth and decided to make a big investment.

  Since you made a move, just be more generous, anyway, you can get it back later.

  Thus, Mao Dexing, who was so searched, prepared three big red envelopes of 50 taels of silver each, and several small red envelopes of 20 taels of silver, and ordered Steward Mao to secretly go to Zaihu Village to seek connections.

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)