Chapter 211 will fall out of favor

  Two catties of meat isn’t too much, but it’s still a lot. The whole family is reluctant to eat it in one meal, so they have to save some for another meal tomorrow.

   It was Lin Mo who came to Uncle Luo's house to deliver the meat. Luo Shuyu saw it, but she didn't dare to provoke Lin Mo, so she didn't dare to go forward.

   But she couldn't get angry, and she was still sour: The Zhao family sent meat to the second uncle's house on purpose to anger her, right?

  Is she rare? Couldn't she afford meat now!

  The family kills chickens to buy meat every day, isn’t it?

  Thinking of Lin Mo and then Shu Yan made her even more sour.

  Luo Shuyu soon discovered that the people in the village avoided her, as if she was a plague god, and secretly observed and pointed at her.

  Luo Shuyu didn't notice it at first, but after he noticed it, he was annoyed!

  These people—what do you mean?

  She asked her father to find out what was going on.

These people brought up the story of her poisoning the pig farm again, saying that she is black-hearted, cunning, and insidious. You know that you can't afford to provoke me even more.

   Not to mention, look, even the Zhao family dare not provoke her.

  Why didn't the Zhao family see her? Why did no one pay attention to her when she knocked **** the door? It's because I'm afraid that I won't be able to get rid of her if I get offended by her.

  What if she came out of Zhao's house and beat herself black and blue? How about a knife for yourself? Then the Zhao family did the framing, ouch, how unlucky that family is!

  She is the Qi family's own daughter, everyone hasn't forgotten, right? She can definitely do this kind of thing.

  So, don’t stay far away from her, run away when you see her coming, don’t get caught by her, otherwise, if she framed her, tsk tsk, there’s no reason for that.

  Anyway, I would rather believe it than believe it!

  Luo Shuyu almost died of anger!

   On the surface, it seems that everyone is afraid of her, and she should be happy, but in fact, everyone regards her as a plague god. Before, some people flattered and flattered her, and took the initiative to talk to her, but now, they are all gone.

  This kind of feeling is not good.

   "The Zhao family, it's the Zhao family again!"

  Luo Shuyu was so angry that He Xiang went to the gate of Zhao's house to knock on the door and yelled, saying that he had to ask Zhao's house to open the door.

  He Xiang was on the verge of crying, what is this, she has never been so ashamed before!

  He Xiang is not stupid, so she refuses to go, pretends to fall, and is unable to walk, so she does not go.

  This Aunt Luo is a lunatic who went her own way! If she has the ability, she will go by herself.

  Luo Shuyu really thought about framing the Zhao family once, but now, there is nothing he can do.

The next day, Second Aunt Luo ran to find her again, and pulled her to talk alone, "I'm talking about Shuyu, you haven't left after you have been out for so many days, can Young Master Mao still remember you? Don't forget, you But the people of Yan Village, who are criminals, people from our village are always looked down upon when they go out, not to mention that Young Master Mao is the brother-in-law of the county magistrate. To put it bluntly, his servants have more status than us! You Don’t toss and toss until you get nothing in the end.”

  Luo Shuyu glared at Second Aunt Luo angrily, but Second Aunt Luo ignored her and finished speaking calmly.

  She was almost bored to death, Luo Shuyu ran to her house all day long, showing off in various ways, so when the Zhao family asked her to say this, she immediately agreed.

  Second Aunt Luo shrugged: "Anyway, I'm not the aunt of the Mao family. What am I afraid of? Why don't I care about you? Then, Young Master Mao, I'm afraid there are quite a few concubines he loves? Think about it yourself!"

  Luo Shuyu was no longer in the mood to stare at Second Aunt Luo, she panicked.

  Second Aunt's words were not pleasant, she didn't like to hear them very much.

  But what Second Aunt said is not entirely wrong

   But again. How will she go back like this?

  Luo Shuyu had no choice but to ask Second Aunt Luo, begging her to help talk to the Zhao family, at least let her see the Zhao family again, and make it clear to them that she would go back if she got what the Zhao family said, no matter what the Zhao family said.

  Second Aunt Luo thought about it, then nodded.

  But Zhao Liya refused without hesitation: If she doesn't want to get out, then don't get out. The Zhao family is busy, and no one has time to talk to her!

  Second Aunt Luo looked innocent: "Isn't it because you yourself have done too much before, knocking on the door if you have nothing to do, don't you know how annoying you are?"

  Luo Shuyu: "."

   When she wants to? It's not the people from the Zhao family who made the trouble! If they saw her honestly, wouldn't everything be fine?

  Young master likes that **** Zhao Liyan, why should she show off!

  When Luo Shuyu was upset, the Zhao family had guests.

  Zhong Ming came here with his two brothers.

"Ms. Zhao is really amazing. Our people have found a sea route, which is really leading to Hangzhou City. But it has not been finalized yet. According to experienced fishermen and boatmen, this channel must be in all kinds of weather. It’s better to find out more.”

   But eventually there must be.

  Although Zhao Liya had expected that today would come, she did not expect this day to come so soon.

   "This is great! This is a golden channel to make a fortune! Go back and tell your generals that you must be careful and put the safety of the boatmen and fishermen first. Nothing is more important than life."

"Also, since it is confirmed that there is a waterway, shouldn't it be time to build the wharf? These few seagoing ships are not enough, and we have to rebuild or buy a few more to complete this. It will take a lot of money. We may not be enough alone. Please be cold-hearted. Choose carefully, and it would be better to choose two or three big merchants and big country gentry with strong financial resources to join together."

  Zhao Liya has saved a lot of money, but it is definitely not enough to build docks and shipbuilding.

  Zhong Jing? Poorer than her!

  But as long as they master the channel, they won't have to worry about not getting money.

  Zhong Ming blinked, "Huh?"

He scratched his head, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "The little man listened to what Miss Zhao said, and he listened with great enthusiasm, which made people happy in his heart, but, but the little man didn't understand, also, remembered Can’t stop! To be honest, Miss Zhao, I’m afraid our general doesn’t understand, how can he find someone, why don’t Miss Zhao go to our garrison recently?”

  Zhao Liya, Hu Ling, Lin Mo and others were silent for a moment.

  If it was before, just go, just find an excuse. But now, it's really not easy to move.

  What if Mao Dexing's vile **** took advantage of their absence to play dirty tricks?

  It's beyond reach.

  Zhong Ming didn't understand, but he felt something was wrong.

   "Ms. Zhao, is there any inconvenience?"

  Zhao Liya smiled helplessly: "I didn't want to say it, but since it's all said here, it's not good not to say it"

  Not to mention, they would guess, and it would be inappropriate to think about anything else if something else happened.

  Zhong Ming's face was ashen when he heard it, and he sneered: "This thing is really shameless, he is so courageous! Miss Zhao, you should have written to our general earlier, the general will definitely take care of this matter!"

  (end of this chapter)