Chapter 230 is a reminder

  Zhao Xiang, Lin Mo and the others found out, and complained one after another.

   But ignoring them is obviously impossible.

Zhao Xiang reminded: "Although it is not our job to help them, since we have helped so many other villages, we cannot easily refuse some villages, otherwise, disasters will arise. They will not listen to reason. I asked After that, there are almost no villages in Gaolian County with as many people as Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai, but there are still hundreds or thousands of people. Think more thoughtfully and instill more truths in them, and it will always get better and better in the future."

  Pure reasoning? That's impossible here. When emotions are high, it's time for a fight between villages and villages.

  Why didn't Mao Dexing dare to provoke the villagers of Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai? With their help, why didn't Mao Dexing even dare to mess with his own family? It is because of the fear that the villagers will hold together.

  The villagers held a group, unanimously defended the interests of the village, and the reasoning was secondary.

  In this land boundary, no matter which village, it is almost the same.

  If Zhao Liya and the others dare to openly ignore Tongshan Village, they will definitely cause a lot of trouble. Once being hated by them, it is no small matter.

   Hu Ling sighed, he didn't understand it well, and he wasn't convinced, but he knew that what his foster father said must be reasonable, so he just listened to it.

Zhao Liya thought a little more, nodded and smiled and said, "don't worry, dad, it's not just Tongshan Village, this incident can be regarded as a reminder to us that not all villages are as good as Zaihu Village, Bajiaozhai, and Baijia Village. Yes. When we deal with other villages, we must put rules and interests first, not human relations. The contract that should be signed must be clearly stated in black and white. There are people who can't tell the truth."

  Zhao Xiang nodded with satisfaction: "This is the truth."

  Everyone agrees.

  There are too many people, and there are all kinds of people. It is not necessary to make it clear in advance.

  If you sincerely treat everyone like Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai, sooner or later you will have a big fall.

  With such a stir in Tongshan Village, the content of what was agreed to be said on the day of the meeting will be changed.

   Fortunately, there is still plenty of time, everyone can discuss together, slowly discuss, supplement, and modify.

   In my spare time, I still have time to go up the mountain to hunt some game, and go down the river to catch fish.

In recent days, Zaihu Village, Bajiaozhai, and Baijia Village are the most prestigious. After all, the persimmons in Baijia Village have just been planted. There are not many people, but there are many people visiting Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai every day.

  Look at the sugarcane groves, the sweet potato fields, the potato fields—the potato fields are now starting to grow a second crop. Look at those workshops.

  The villagers of Zaihu Village and Bajiaozhai Village were very proud, their waists were straight, and they walked with wind.

  People from other villages came to visit, and when they asked enviously, the villagers all introduced them triumphantly.

   "Be careful, don't step on our sugarcane!"

   "Hey, that big brother backs up, backs up a little, he can't go into the sugarcane field!"

  As for the workshop, of course outsiders can't enter it.

  Even the villagers are not allowed to enter, only the hired workers in the workshop can enter. Regarding the matter of the workshop, the villagers invariably kept their mouths shut. Who would want to know, there is no door!

   In a blink of an eye, the agreed day arrived.

   There were quite a few people who came. In addition to the villages that received the news, many merchants from the city also came.

   This is exciting.

  After all, there are many relatives and friends between villages. For a while, it seemed like a large-scale recognition scene. Everyone greeted and chatted with familiar relatives and friends.

  Zhao Liya and others saw that the atmosphere at the scene was not bad, and they were also very happy.

   That's good.

   It shows that the incident in Tongshan Village may not have spread, and even if it did, it would have little impact on the big guys.

  However, Zhao Liya felt a little upset when he saw the thug butler of the Mao family was also present.

   Mao Dexing really lingers!

   "Everyone be quiet!"

   "Let's all find a place to sit down, let's start right now. We are all cheerful people, so let's stop talking so much irrelevant nonsense and talk about the business that everyone cares about!"

   This is what everyone cares about, everyone applauded, and soon greeted the acquaintances to sit together, looking eagerly at Zhao Liya, Hu Ling and others above.

  Zhao Xiang still doesn't care about these things, and is still teaching the children in the academy.

   "Before I talk about the matter, I have a few words to explain to everyone. These few words are very important. I hope everyone will listen carefully."

"Our boss is a businessman. What is a businessman? Like all the merchants you have seen, businessmen do business for the sake of making money. The reason why the boss did these things in Zaihu Village, Bajiaozhai, and Baijia Village is to Make money for him. While making money, he also helps the villagers, which is the best of both worlds."

  Zaihu Village, Bajiaozhai, and even Baijia Village, although the officials did not come today, but many people came to watch the excitement, and they all nodded upon hearing the words.

   "That's right, it's the best of both worlds! Our village is very grateful for the big boss!"

   "Yes, yes, it is a blessing for our village that the big boss has taken a fancy to our village!"

Butler Mao provoked sourly: "Then you really don't know how to settle accounts. You are still being silly and happy when you are used by others. How much money do you earn when the boss's money is piled up in vain? It's only a few copper coins! With others It’s not as good as a drop in the bucket, but I’m still grateful and smug, tsk!”

   Butler Mao's words annoyed Zaihu Village and other villagers.

   "What use? The money belongs to the big boss. It's unreasonable for him to earn gold and silver? Is it possible that the family has to give us the money? Oh, that's not a bandit! We are not so shameless!"

   "Where does the big boss buy land and make money? Why don't you come to our village? Why don't you take care of us? We can only be grateful that he is here! People who are not greedy can say that!"

   "That's right, if people eat meat, what's wrong with us drinking broth? Your Mao family eats meat, and we can't even get soup!"

   "Speaking of others, what did you do?"

   "I don't dislike copper coins, why don't your Mao family let us earn some money?"

  The others listened to their crusade, and they all nodded in agreement without realizing it.

   No, who does the boss of the National People’s Congress owe the village?

   Butler Mao didn't expect that he would become the target of public criticism for his inattentiveness. He couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Zhao Liya and Hu Ling with a guilty conscience, and lowered his head in desperation, not daring to speak.

  (end of this chapter)