Chapter 245 The way of the other

  The villages finally had a teacher to teach the children to read.

   "Why do you force Mr. Zhao to confess! Mr. Zhao is not guilty at all! This man surnamed Luo is full of lies! My lord, this is too biased!"

   "Yes! If you wronged Mr. Zhao, then you might as well go to the provincial capital to complain to the magistrate! I don't believe it. Is there any law!"

   "The county magistrate is too unfair!"

   County magistrate Yin was shocked and angry: "You, you are trying to rebel! You have so much courage!"

  The place where the people are strong and strong doesn't pay much attention to the government. If County Magistrate Yin's words can bluff people elsewhere, they can't here.

   "What is rebellion and not rebellion, what's the matter? Can't you be fair?"

   "Heh, are you allowed to collude and slander people?"

   "This matter can't be settled like this!"

   "Get out of the way! Get out of the way, you guys!" Uncle Ruan Gui and Zaihu Village were dragging a doctor over, panting.

   Obviously just ran to the hospital to arrest people.

   "Doctor Lin, please give this man a diagnosis. How did he get his injuries? My lord, is it okay?"

   County magistrate Yin almost died of anger, can he say no?

  Brother Lu Daming was in a hurry, and Lu Daming hurriedly shouted: "Doctor Lin, take a good look at this injury to see if it is—ah!"

Han San kicked him on the stomach, rolled him to the ground, hugged his stomach and screamed, "Bah, what a shameless thing! What do you want to say? Do you want to interfere with Dr. Lin's diagnosis? What is the injury?" Could it be that Dr. Lin couldn’t diagnose the person who came here? You’re a coward and want to frame Mr. Zhao, it’s really nothing!"

  Han San finished speaking and looked at County Magistrate Yin: "My lord, just now this person yelled that the court lord is not as knowledgeable as him, and he must not be as knowledgeable as a grassroots person, right? Besides, this person has bad intentions! He is disgusting!"

   County magistrate Yin snorted coldly, "Doctor Lin, go see a doctor."

   What can he say? Unless he blatantly doesn't want any face!

  As a parent officer, he still can't do it. He believed that Luo Guangqi wouldn't even be able to say wrong about what was hit.

   "Yes, my lord."

  Doctor Lin secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he just made a diagnosis, and the result was whatever it was.

  I don’t want to, Dr. Lin hasn’t diagnosed yet, Luo Guangqi trembled and said again: “I, I made a mistake earlier, no, no sticks and stones, just, it’s just punching and kicking, I remembered it wrong earlier.”

  Doctor Lin was taken aback.

  Everyone was also taken aback.

   "Luo Guangqi, you have to be ashamed!"

   "This framing is really shameless, sir, you can see clearly!"

  Zhao Xiang: "Let's ask Dr. Lin to make a diagnosis first."

   Boss Luo panicked again: "I, I can't remember! I can't remember how the injury happened on my body. I passed out afterwards, yes, I passed out!"

   "You can't remember anything, but you remember slandering Mr. Zhao!"

   "Kill that bastard!"

  Dr. Lin: "."

   Do you still need to see a doctor?

   "Quiet me!" County Magistrate Yin was dizzy and felt that this could not go on like this. He is the magistrate of the county, and he has the final say on everything.

   "Zhao Xiang, the evidence is convincing, you have nothing to distinguish. Come, let me detain him!"

  Put people down, he has plenty of ways to deal with them.

   "Let's see who dares!"

   "Lord Yin, Luo Guangqi said that three people beat him, didn't they?"

  Luo Guangqi opened his mouth, and finally lowered his head guiltily.

  He said yes, what's wrong?

   County magistrate Yin also snorted, and said coldly: "So what?"

  Zhao Xiang: "Then it's better to let Dr. Lin diagnose and examine the injuries. Since everyone says so, I should be responsible, and I will be responsible."

  Everyone was taken aback.

   County magistrate Yin was overjoyed, and immediately asked closely: "Have you pleaded guilty?"

   "Let me admit it, and I will admit it. I will pay you money."

   This so-called "crime" can be solved with money.

   County magistrate Yin was stunned, this—he really hadn't seen Zhao Xianghui say that, and he didn't know how to react.

  According to the law, what Zhao Xiang said is not wrong. He can't arrest people by force.

Zaihu Village was staring at Luo Guangqi coldly, with a murderous look and said coldly: "Your magistrate has done a good job in this case. What the plaintiff said is evidence and facts! In short, everything the plaintiff said shall prevail! Luo Guangqi, Listen to me, I will go to the yamen tomorrow and sue you for breaking into my house in the middle of the night and beating me!"

   "Yes, I'm going to file a complaint tomorrow, it must be Lu Daming brothers who beat me in the middle of the night, I saw it with my own eyes!"

   "And me, people from the Gu family must have beaten me in the middle of the night! Magistrate, how did you sentence me today, don't forget to do the same tomorrow!"


  Boss Luo and the brothers from the Lu family were shocked, and there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky!

   "You, you are threatening!"

   "Who said it? I'm the plaintiff. I said it was you who beat me!"

"Oh my lord, my head hurts, I remembered, this Luo Guangqi suddenly hit me on the head yesterday, I beg you to arrest him! My lord!" Li Guangwu from Zaihu Village rolled his eyes and hugged me. He shook his head and yelled, leaning weakly against the person.

  This is incredible!

  Everyone in Zaihu Village "hula" to protect him, rushing forward to beg the adults to make decisions!

Mr. Luo was furious and denounced, but Li Guangwu said plausibly: "I saw it with my own eyes! There is absolutely no mistake! Oh, didn't you say it yesterday? That's because you knocked me out with a stick, and I just remembered it because of a headache? Can't you? You won’t do anything without injustice or enmity? Heh, why are there no injustice and no enmity? You’re just jealous! If you’re such a bad bastard, if you’re jealous, you’ll just do it! My lord, you have to make the decision!”

   "My lord, the people in Zaihu Village are not so easy to bully! Please be the master!"

   "It's okay for a lowly criminal to beat a good citizen! If the Lord doesn't punish him severely, the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty will become a show!"

   "My lord, you are just and strict, you can't leave us alone!"

Incessantly, another person from Bajiaozhai jumped out and sued Brother Lu Daming. It was even better now that they still had "witness evidence". People in the village ran away after seeing their brothers beating people yesterday. . Although you can't see the external injury, the internal injury is more serious than the external injury. There is no one thousand eight hundred taels of silver that can't cure it.

  Lu Daming was about to go crazy, but how could he speak more than all the villagers?

  Furthermore, he dared to bully the Zhao family with Mao Dexing's support, but he didn't dare to be rude to the people in Bajiaozhai. Otherwise, if they beat him behind his back, he would have nothing to say except that he deserved it.

  Lu Daming also regretted it, so why did he get involved?

  How did you provoke such a group of lunatics!

  Zhao Xiang looked at it coldly, mocking in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)