Chapter 258 It's a good idea

  Luo Shuyu couldn't stand this kind of life that was so exciting that he was going crazy, and he didn't know what was wrong in his mind, so he went to Zhao's house to cry and beg.

  Boss Luo accompanied her.

  At this time, Uncle Hu, Shu Yan, and Lin Mo had returned from the provincial capital, and Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng had already gone to Suixi County.

  Shu Yan still didn't even see Luo Shuyu.

  The Luo family has long since had nothing to do with her.

  When Boss Luo and the Lu family brothers conspired to frame Mr. Zhao, even a little bit of neighborly affection disappeared.

  Brother Luo did this at that time, did you ever think how embarrassing she would be in the Zhao family?

   Fortunately, the Zhao family has a good temper, and no one blamed her or blamed her for it. On the contrary, everyone comforted her and told her not to think too much.

  However, she still felt guilty and ashamed for several days before she gradually recovered.

   Fortunately, their plot failed and did not harm Uncle Zhao and the Zhao family. Otherwise, she might not be able to live in the Zhao family with peace of mind.

  Did they think about her when they were doing this?

   At this moment, he still has the face to ask for help, and still has the face to shout her name outside?

  Boss Luo and Luo Shuyu shouted to the sky and the ground, it was really unseemly, so Lin Mo opened the door and went out.

  Lin Mo did not allow Shu Yan to see them, nor did he let the Zhao family intervene.

  It would be nice if he came.

"Luo Guangqi, you were also involved in slandering and framing Mr. Zhao. The Zhao family did not take the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, which is the greatest kindness to you. You dare to come to the door. What is the reason? It is because the Zhao family is soft-hearted. Kindness? Being soft-hearted and kind-hearted is never a reason to be manipulated by others, and you are even more unworthy! Get lost, and don’t make me say it a second time!”

   Boss Luo blushed and stammered, "Lin Mo, how can you talk to me like this? I, I am your elder anyway."

  Under Lin Mo's cold gaze, he didn't dare to say the word father-in-law.

  Lin Mo didn't even bother to get angry, he just said indifferently: "Don't get out, don't blame me for doing it!"

"No no!" Luo Shuyu's eyes fluttered, and she looked at Lin Mo pitifully: "Brother Lin, my father and I are here to admit our mistakes and apologize. We have done mistakes before. We are confused! We are the ones who deserve to die! The improvement is great, right? You can’t give people a chance to change, right? I beg Brother Lin to give me a chance to atone for my sins. I am willing to make up for my mistakes for my slave and handmaid. No matter what I do, I just ask you to give me a chance Opportunity, please, woo woo woo"

   "I really know how to change!"

  Luo Shuyu had a good plan in mind, as long as she entered Zhao's house, she would have personal security.

  It is definitely impossible for her to be a slave or a maidservant. She had never done any work when she ordered Shuyan to serve her. Later, she was also served by Mao Dexing. How could she suffer from the hardship of working?

  At most, they pretended for a few days at the beginning, and when they relaxed their vigilance, they would look for an opportunity, no matter what the calculations were, any man would be fine.

   This is the best way she can think of now!

  Otherwise, Mrs. County Grandpa will not let her go sooner or later!

  Boss Luo was stunned, and hurriedly helped his daughter beg for mercy.

  Lin Mo just felt disgusted.

   Fortunately, neither the Zhao family nor Shu Yan came, so it was enough for him to face it himself.

   This woman has no shame at all. After being with Mao Dexing for a while, she has made little progress in other things, except this aspect has no lower limit. She talked as soon as she spoke, why did she wink at herself and act pitifully? Oh, how ridiculous!

"If you want to make up for your mistakes, the Zhao family has to accept it? It seems that you will never change your overbearing arrogance! If you sincerely correct it, it will be easy. The Zhao family forgives you and will not trouble you again. Let it go Bar!"

"But. If I don't do something, I'll feel uneasy!" Luo Shuyu felt that she had made progress, and she was secretly happy. When she spoke, she became more and more pitiful, and she cast her winking eyes, as if she could enter the forest if she threw it harder. like eyes.

  Although she was in a hurry to go to the doctor and didn't choose anything, but if possible, of course it would be better to follow Lin Mo! Firstly, Lin Mo is very strong, she really likes it, and secondly, she likes it even more because he can **** someone from Shu Yan.

  Lin Mo sneered: "Are you uneasy? I think you want to enter Zhao's family to make trouble, eat and drink every day, okay? Is your family's life not so easy?"

  Luo Shuyu was taken aback: "I—"

   "Put away those little thoughts, and get out! I warn you, if you dare to trouble the Zhao family and try to plot against the Zhao family, first think about whether you can bear the consequences!"

  Lin Mo got impatient and pestered her any longer. This person is shameless at all, but if you give her the slightest leeway, she will have delusions—I don’t know where the confidence comes from!

   It would be better to beat her to death at once, and let her completely cut off any thoughts she shouldn't have.

Lin Mo then took two steps forward, and in Luo Shuyu's bright eyes that suddenly became hopeful, he lowered his voice and said coldly: "Mrs. Yin probably didn't think of you now, so you ran away when you ran away, but you Said, if Mrs. Yin remembered one day—"

   "Don't!" Luo Shuyu's heart seemed to be held tightly by someone, and she was so frightened that she almost didn't convulse: "Please don't! Please!"

   "Don't be so delusional, otherwise, I don't mind telling you a secret."

   "No, no, I don't dare! I don't dare again!"

  As if seeing a ghost, Luo Shuyu got up from the ground and staggered towards the house, as if there was an evil spirit chasing behind him, and even the boss Luo couldn't care about his father.

  Lin Mo sneered disdainfully, looked at Boss Luo without interest, turned back, and closed the door.

  Boss Luo is such a useless, soft-footed crab who has no idea, hateful, despicable, despicable, and even more pitiful, but he himself is pitiful, not others will pity him because of it. So, what are you wasting your eyes on looking at this kind of person?

Boss Luo was startled when he saw his daughter running away like a ghost, but he was a little afraid of Lin Mo, and was wondering if he should ask Lin Mo what he had said to his daughter. He hangs there.

  Boss Luo opened his mouth and froze: "."

   Some of the villagers who were watching the excitement also shook their heads and sighed, and went away separately. No one paid attention to Boss Luo. How can I say this person, he is even more annoying than the Gu family.

  Some people say that he is bad, and he never takes the initiative to do bad things, but he can make everyone hate and despise him.

  Boss Luo was kneeling alone on the ground, and he seemed very embarrassed. After a while, he had to get up by himself, and went back dejectedly.

   That night, Luo Shuyu disappeared again.

  She stole all the silver in the house that could be obtained, and then escaped quietly while it was dark.

  (end of this chapter)