Chapter 260 Flourishing

   "I only accept your favor," Zhou Hansheng smiled, and said softly, "Don't call him Brother Zhong in the future."

   After all, he is the elder brother, and she is the elder sister-in-law.

  Zhao Liya also thought of it, her face flushed slightly, "Well, that, is that General Zhong?"

   "It's polite, just call Xiao Zhong."


  Zhao Liya couldn't help covering her face and laughing: "I'm not used to it!"

   Zhou Hansheng couldn't help but give her a hug: "Well, that's up to you, except for Brother Zhong."

   Seniority cannot be messed up.

  Zhao Liya smiled and said yes.

  The two counted the time. Mao Dexing's case might not be over so soon, and Zhong Jing's Zhao Liya wanted to go now, so they got a little tangled for a while.

Zhou Hansheng said: "There is Zhao Nan here, he brought two people to stay, plus Han San and Han Si, sometimes Lin Mo and the others can help, we can go to Suixi County now. Besides, the two counties The distance is not far, and it is easy to communicate with each other.”

   "Okay, then let's go!" Zhao Liya was very happy.

   This is true.

   Zhaonan and the others rode horses, and they could run a one-way trip in less than two hours.

  Mao Dexing has been accused of being a sieve and has been arrested and imprisoned. It is expected that this is a fact that will never be overturned, so Zhao Liya is not very concerned about Mao Dexing's fate.

  Anyway, it is enough to know that he will not end well.

  In her eyes, of course, making money and making a lot of money is more important. Once this direct route to Jiangnan is really determined, the time to go to Jiangnan from here will be shortened unexpectedly. One can imagine how much wealth will be obtained!

  Because the sugar cane will soon be harvested, and the second crop of potatoes has just been planted, Hu Ling and Qu Yutao cannot live without them and have to stay at home to take care of them. Uncle Hu just came back from the provincial capital, so he should take a rest. In Suixi County, Zhao Liya decided to go with Zhou Hansheng by himself.

   As for whether she had selfish intentions when making this decision, she would definitely not say it.

   Zhou Hansheng is of course extremely happy, he likes to go out alone with her. Although the people under him were traveling together, they were very knowledgeable, so it was the same whether they followed or not.

  Zhao Xiang glanced at his daughter helplessly, and saw that her daughter was holding a calm and calm expression. She was clearly very nervous, as if she was afraid that she would object, so he was a little dumbfounded.

   That's all.

  The child has grown up.

  The child still has ideas and abilities, so he should be relieved and relieved.

  Furthermore, if Zhou Hansheng dared to act recklessly, he swore that he would use all means to kill him.

   Zhao Xiang, the head of the family, has no objections, let alone the others.

   On the contrary, the three children were anxious and wanted to go, Zhao Liya had no choice but to appease them, and promised to take them there for a while, and they were happy again.

  The two of them set off on the road quietly the next morning, and naturally they kept it a secret as always.

   It’s best if no one asks. Asking is like hunting.

   Half a day later, Zhou Hansheng felt that the journey was too short when he arrived at the garrison camp in Suixi County.

  Zhong Jing was very happy, the elder brother came, and the younger sister Xiaoya also came, it was great!

  Seeing the inadvertent intimacy between the eldest brother and Xiaoya's younger sister, Zhong Jing laughed so hard that he squinted his eyes like a fox.

   How nice. Sooner or later!

  He just said it!

   It's just that, from now on, he can no longer call her sister Xiaoya, nor can she call her sister-in-law. It seems weird and awkward to call her sister, er, that's a problem, so, only "Miss Zhao" is left.

  So, instead, the two called back to the previous "Miss Zhao" and "General Zhong".

  Zhao Liya laughed secretly. In modern society, he would just call himself sister-in-law, but unfortunately not.

   Then everyone, please be polite!

  At this time, when the lychees were ripening in large numbers, there were so many lychee forests and lychee mountains on the border of the military camp that they couldn't be seen at a glance.

  In previous years, everyone could only eat and eat wildly, and then watch them fall to the ground and rot.

  In the past, they would pick some picks and sell them in the city, but they didn't sell very well.

Because almost every household in this area has planted them, even if they don’t have them, they are planted in the villages and relatives’ homes in the city, and there are quite a few people who sell them. Whether you like to buy or not, or look fierce with a straight face, how can you sell it if you set up a stall like this?

  So I just didn't bother to bother with it later.

   Anyway, I can't sell much, and it's troublesome.

   It is this troublesome thing that the bosses are most impatient with.

   But, this year is different.

  This year's lychees have been loaded on three ships, each time as much as 20,000 to 30,000 catties, and transported to Hangzhou City. They were handed over to the left compartment of the big shopkeeper under Zhou Hansheng, and quickly sold to the city.

   Fresh lychees alone have already earned money.

You know, when the lychees were concentrated on the market in this area, they cost only two cents a catty, and sometimes three pennies and two catties. They were all plump, ripe, delicious and juicy fruits. two silver.

  Even if a small part of the loss is eliminated, the lychees alone can earn at least 40,000 taels of silver in one trip.

   Forty thousand taels!

  I didn’t even dare to think about it before putting it on.

  The canning workshop has also started work, and the military camp has sufficient manpower, plus the family members. At first, everyone was a little flustered when they were not used to it, but they quickly became proficient.

The continuous production is quickly transported from Suixi County to the nearby Guangzhan Seaport Wharf, and then transported to the south of the Yangtze River by sea. The most popular merchant in town.

  If it wasn't for the partnership with the local tyrants and distribution to them a lot, he might have become a thorn in the side of some people's envy and hatred.

Zhao Liya was also very happy to hear that, and smiled and settled accounts with her fingers: "Longan and mangoes will soon be available in large quantities. Although there are not as many as lychees, they can still sell a batch. There are also carambola, jackfruit, papaya, dragon fruit, Pineapple, coconut, etc. must also have a market in the south of the Yangtze River. Silk, rouge powder, folding fans, porcelain, tea and various small commodities from the south of the Yangtze River are brought back and sold from the wharf to the provincial capital and other nearby cities. A sum of income. We have made money, so hurry up and invest in shipbuilding!"

   Only a huge fleet can support the freight between the two places.

  This business is too profitable, and they can't monopolize it all the time. Sooner or later, they have to let go of the port—they can only charge some port maintenance and management fees, and extract a small part of the route utilization fee. Otherwise, the local government will not agree.

  (end of this chapter)