Chapter 267 Another big profit

   One hundred thousand taels is a lot, but it's not particularly scary.

  He helped earn it back.

  Aya is right, it will be much more convenient to do things in the future after atonement.

  When one hundred thousand taels of silver was thrown at the county government, County Magistrate Yin was surprised but not too surprised. He didn't dare to make troubles, and he didn't dare to be greedy. According to the rules, the process was quickly followed.

  He is now sure that Zhao Xiang's contacts are still very useful in the court. The person who threatened him from behind, needless to say, must be Zhao Xiang's old friend.

  He secretly sighed that he was too naive before, thinking that Zhao Xiang had to obey his own control when he was in the current situation. Little did they know that a first-rank official was a first-rank official, so how could it be possible that he didn't have any reliable connections?

  Once people get serious with me, I don't even have the strength to fight back.

   Looking at the speed at which they make money, it is even more breathtaking!

  The mysterious big boss behind the scenes, maybe it was also managed by Zhao Xiang from his previous connections.

  Because I don’t know anything, I’m even more afraid.

   County magistrate Yin wished he could pretend to be deaf and blind, and not care about these things anymore. As long as they don't come to provoke him or cause trouble for him, he can turn a blind eye to everything.

   I have to say that County Magistrate Yin really made up too much for himself

   After spending one hundred thousand taels of silver, Zhao Liya still has about eleven thousand taels left.

  Lin Mo refused to take advantage of it all. After discussing with Shu Yan, he kept only a fraction of his family's savings of more than 6,000 taels, and Zhao Liya had to keep the 6,000 taels.

  Zhao Liya declined but had no choice but to accept, and her assets became seventeen thousand taels.

Even if the profits brought by the routes are not included, a hot and sour noodle shop earns at least 200 taels a month, and restaurants in the provincial capital make at least 400 taels a month. These two shops alone make at least seven or eight thousand taels a year. two.

   She still seems rich

  As soon as the news spread that the sugarcane garden in Zaihu Village was about to be harvested, Zaihu Village and Yan Village suddenly became lively again.

   There are even merchants who come from the provincial capital to make connections and want to order in advance.

  Uncle Hu and steward Xiao Liang are responsible for the reception.

   Deposit is absolutely not accepted, it is only said that when the time comes, everyone will draw lots and buy according to luck.

   There should be a lot of planting, so there should not be too much sugar cane for sugar production, so everyone has a mental preparation.

  More importantly, brown sugar will only be sold as a small part of it, and the bulk must be white sugar. As for white sugar, it is absolutely impossible to sell it publicly to various merchants at present. It will only be sold secretly to Jiangnan through the channel of the Guangzhan route.

   Make big money.

   At least after these few years, when they have all redeemed their crimes and Zhou Hansheng is not so short of money, then find a suitable time to make this matter public.

  So, so many merchants who came to the door are destined to be disappointed.

  Because the amount of sucrose that everyone can get is definitely not much. Maybe some people will return empty-handed.

"Be patient, everyone. Next year, the plantations will expand a lot, and sugarcane will start to be planted in many villages. Next year's sugarcane production will definitely be large, and the production of sugar will be much more than now, so big guys Don't worry, just wait a little longer."

  Although it is good to have a fair transaction, but with so many merchants, if too many people can't buy it, it is inevitable that they will feel resentful, which is not appropriate after all.

  It is better to be able to generate wealth in harmony with Qi.

   Everyone is happy.

  When the sugarcane garden in Zaihu Village was in full swing, the other villages were stimulated by this, and the list of registrations from each village was finally finalized one after another.

  Zhao Liya and the others made summary statistics and did the math. Fortunately, they can barely supply the seeds. They don't have enough here. They can buy a batch from Suixi County through Zhong Jing.

  As long as the first crop is supplied next year, it will be easy to talk about in the future.

  Each family will pay attention to saving seeds.

  However, this is not the solution. She still needs to become regular in the future. She plans to build a breeding base, carefully select and breed, and strive to produce better varieties in the future.

  Those villages have asked Zaihu Village to come and help when harvesting sugar cane. They don’t need money, and they regard it as learning.

  The same goes for planting after harvesting.

  Zhao Liya agreed to let each village choose reliable villagers who can learn things quickly according to the size of the planting scale. There are five to twelve or three people in a village.

  All the villages agreed, and Youli was making decisions with the patriarchs. The candidate was quickly decided, and he came to Zaihu Village when the harvest began. They simply found relatives and friends, or relatives and friends of relatives and friends, in Zaihu Village, and stayed at their home. Go back when all the work is done.

   In a blink of an eye, it was time for the sugarcane harvest, and Zaihu Village became extremely busy again.

  The sugarcane was cut down one by one, bundled into bundles and sent to the sugar mill. Everyone in the workshop was full of energy and worked hard from morning to night every day to produce slices of brown-yellow yellow sugar.

Zhao Liya, Shu Yan, Qu Yutao, Aunt Hu, and Widow Qu also got busy quickly. Zhao Liya also watched coldly from the servants who bought them back, and selected four more reliable and capable ones, and everyone worked together in the sugar mill In a small yard in a remote corner of the village, the yellow sliced ​​sugar is reprocessed to make white sugar.

  The outside affairs are all handed over to Uncle Hu, Ling Hu, Steward Xiao Liang, and the stewards of Zaihu Village.

Now the big guys are much more familiar with things than before, and they don’t need to lead them to the fire brigade. They are so busy every day that they don’t touch the ground. They have to give advice and lectures everywhere. The villagers are very skilled.

   Know what to do.

  Besides, Uncle Hu is very mature and experienced.

  With him here, Zhao Liya feels more at ease.

Not to mention, the villagers in Zaihu Village are basically good. Even if occasionally a small group of people have other thoughts in their hearts, they dare not speak out, let alone take action. Helpful.

  Dragon and snake mixed.

It is inevitable that some of them are envious, jealous, or greedy and selfish, or are purely curious, or deliberately want to make trouble, some are not provocative, and even hang around next to the sugar mill, trying to mix in Sugar mills, or pull the workers in other people's homes to ask curiously about this and that. Either you are always lazy while working in the sugarcane field, or you want to hide a few sugarcane secretly.

  In short, there are quite a lot of small movements.

   Not all such people, but only about 20% of the people who came.

  However, even so, it is disgusting enough.

  Uncle Hu has no soft-heartedness towards them. All the workers working in the sugarcane fields are divided into groups. There are many people in each group and what tasks they are responsible for. It is not easy to keep an eye on them?

  (end of this chapter)