Chapter 279 Make public

  In mid-April, the entire road was finally fully repaired and accessible.

  Because of sufficient funds, and this official road has undergone repeated surveys and determinations in the past two years, it was finally determined, and it is basically the optimal route. Now that it's been repaired, everyone can feel it after they walk. The official road is worthy of the official road, and it's much better than before!

   A lot of bumps have been reduced, many detours have been straightened, and many slopes have been reduced. All in all, with such a change, it took three days to get from the provincial capital to Guangzhan, but now it takes two days plus half a day under normal circumstances. If you are in a hurry, get up early and feel the dark, you will arrive in two days.

   And the road is much smoother, and the animals pulling carts such as people, mules and donkeys are not so hard!

  The completion of this official road will benefit all the counties and towns along the way, and the people will all be happy.

  Zhao Liya and the others are also very happy. The road has been repaired, and it is much more convenient for them to go to the provincial capital or Guangzhan.

   Not to mention shortening the time, more importantly, it is not so bumpy.

  The road in the past, especially after a few days of rain and the sun came out again, some sections of the road were potholed and muddy.

   Now, although the ride time is still not very comfortable, it is much better than before.

   After repairing the official road, Zhao Liya couldn't help thinking about the waterway again.

  Lingnan has many rivers and streams. Maybe we can sort out the waterway system and find a waterway from the provincial capital to Guangzhan? If there is a suitable waterway, it is a great thing to be able to use a larger ship to transport some bulky materials. Although the speed of shipping will be slower, the cost can be reduced a lot at once.

  Zhao Liya told her family about this, and they all agreed. Zhong Jing knew with a smile and said: "My sister-in-law is kind-hearted, she thinks of the people here! I think it's a pity for my sister-in-law. If she is a man, she must be a good official if she becomes an official."

   No wonder the three counties now respect the Zhao family, and they come to the Zhao family in an endless stream to ask for advice on how to make a fortune! The sister-in-law is also unambiguous, and has helped many places, such as tea, fruit, sugar cane, star anise, Luo Han Guo, medicinal materials, bamboo forests, wood, etc. Under her guidance, life in many villages and towns has become much easier.

   This is also due to shipping, no matter how much cargo, shipping can eat.

  Since calling Zhao Liya "sister-in-law" before, Zhong Jing would call her that from time to time. Anyway, Zhao Liya didn't refute.

  As long as you don't call her in front of her parents

  In late April, a group of unexpected guests came to the provincial capital.

   This group of uninvited guests has about 200 people. They are very grand, ostentatious, brightly dressed, luxurious carriages and horses. Wherever they pass, passers-by and common people stop and look in the direction they are going.

These people not only had a big show, but they were also very high-spirited. More than a dozen people dressed as guards riding horses to clear the way waved long whips in their hands, and kept shouting "Get out of the way!", "Let!" , if anyone retreats a little slower, the long whip may be pulled off the head.

  All the people were terrified and angry, and they avoided falling one after another.

   "Who the **** is this? So arrogant!"

   "I don't know, probably which powerful family it is!"

   "But why do people like this come here?"

   "Hey, who knows! If you look in this direction, it looks like you are going to the magistrate's office"

   "Hey, I think so too! Could it be a relative of the magistrate's family?"

   "That's impossible! How could Master Min have such relatives!" Many people said in unison.

   But what they said is correct, this group of people is going in the direction of the magistrate's office

Nowadays, life in Lingnan area is peaceful, because of the seaport, almost everywhere has benefited more or less, and the common people seem to have discovered a golden way of wealth, and the big guys are busy planting, breeding, and trading to make money —Anyway, as long as you have something in your hand, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it. As long as it is of good quality, the trading center outside the provincial capital can sell as many things as you want. regardless of quantity.

  The people are busy making money and have no time to do things, so the magistrate will naturally have more leisure time.

  I was taking my son to practice calligraphy today, but my confidant Master Xu rushed in, not even having time to report, "My lord! My lord! It's not good! Someone from the palace, from the palace!"

  Prefect Min was stunned and confused for a moment: "What?"

   Palace? Is it the palace he thought of? How could the good capital send people to such a remote place?

  Master Xu nodded and smiled wryly: "He's almost here. It's Eunuch Shu Min, the **** in charge of Concubine Yan's palace! He has brought a team of two hundred people here."

  Prefect Min's expression became solemn for a moment, and he ordered his youngest son to be taken back to his wife.

   "Let's go, call other people, let's welcome them!"

  Prefect Min said this almost with difficulty.

  The word "resistance" is written all over her body.

  He didn't want to go at all, but he had to.

In the past few years, Concubine Yan Gui and her second prince have persecuted His Highness the Crown Prince several times. It is said that His Highness the Crown Prince was poisoned and almost lost his life. The position is volatile, but has never been replaced by the second prince.

   Until now, he is still His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

   Besides, I heard that His Royal Highness has accomplished several important things in the past two or three years, and solved difficult problems for the emperor, and the emperor can't find any faults.

   Even so, Concubine Yan Gui and the second prince's mother and son are still the emperor's favorites. The emperor's love for their mother and son remained undiminished, and he still disliked His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

  Although Prefect Min is far away in the south of the Five Ridges, the news is blocked, and he doesn't know many things that happened in the capital, but he is not completely ignorant.

  For example, His Royal Highness is not favored, for example, Shu Min, the chief **** in charge of Concubine Yan's palace, cannot afford to be offended.

  Although it was just an eunuch, and he was a fourth-rank official of the imperial court, who told him to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade? When he came here, he, the magistrate, had to hold his nose and greet him with compliments.

   Otherwise, unless he doesn't want to be an official anymore.

  The people under Concubine Yan Gui are not so good-tempered. This Eunuch Shu Min, he had heard before that this person was originally a little **** in the empress's palace, but somehow he ended up with Concubine Yan Gui. The general manager became an existence that no one dared to provoke in the palace.

Although I don't know the inside story, Concubine Yan Gui and the Empress are deadly rivals. This concubine was originally working in the Empress's Palace, but became the number one under Concubine Yan's hands. One can imagine that there must be some shameful things happening in the middle thing.

  This person is definitely not a kind person.

  Then since he is here, he has to deal with it even more carefully.

  (end of this chapter)