Chapter 281 Going to the Zhao Family

  The place can be ruined and poor, but the **** who is in charge of his concubine must not endure hardships, no matter where he goes, he must enjoy the best.

   Prefect Min respectfully responded, sighing secretly.

  He thought that Eunuch Shu would just ask about Mr. Zhao's situation, but he didn't expect that he would go down there anyway.

  He is going, and he has no position to stop him.

  Prefect Min’s response made Eunuch Shu very satisfied, so he said again: “You can go with our family when the time comes!”

"This—" Prefect Min didn't want to go, and was about to find a reason to fool him. Eunuch Shu rolled his eyelids and stared at him. Prefect Min turned his tongue and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I will definitely go with Eunuch tomorrow." one trip."

   "Hmph" Eunuch Shu was satisfied.

  Prefect Min has no choice but to see how the Zhao family will fare. He really can’t afford to offend this.

  Eunuch Shu has a lot of ostentation, and he will never let himself suffer. It was said that he was going to leave the next morning, and everyone was ready, so they had to wait for him. It was around ten o'clock in the morning, when Eunuch Shu arrived late, got into the carriage, surrounded by the guard of honor and the yamen servants dispatched by the prefect of Min, and headed for Gaolian County in a mighty way.

   Naturally, he followed the official path.

When he got off the car for a rest at noon, Eunuch Shu saw how well the official road was built. He was very surprised. After thinking about it, he realized that it seems that since he drove this road, he has not suffered any crimes, and there is no bone in his body. That soreness.

   "This road is well built. It seems that Master Min's treasury is very rich!"

  Eunuch Shu glanced at Zhifu Min and said with a smile.

  Prefect Min: "."

  Prefect Min was also convinced.

This official road is indeed very well built, because the air route is smooth, driven by the three counties of Gaolian, Suixi, and Guangzhan, all counties have followed suit, and the planting and breeding are booming. Everyone has made a lot of money, and it is visible to the naked eye. We can make more money in the future, so everyone is very generous in investing in road construction.

  Because everyone can see that this road is repaired, there are only benefits and convenience for everyone and no harm, and they are all available, so of course they will not be stingy.

   Therefore, this road is really well built! It can be reported as a big achievement.

   But when anyone sees it and praises this road, doesn’t he praise that the prefect of Min loves the people like a son and benefits one side? It's the first time I've seen someone with such a strange angle like Shu Gonggong.

   Also, what does he mean by this? Is it possible that you still want to play the autumn wind?

Min Zhifu smiled, and immediately began to complain: "I made Eunuch Shu laugh. This is all thanks to the subordinates. I just gave an order. I really didn't expect that this road can be repaired so well. Speaking of it Don't be afraid of Shu Gonggong's jokes, when the road is repaired, I will look at the treasury again, and it is almost empty, hey, where can I go to reason with this?"

  Prefect Min talked and sighed again and again, obviously remorseful and aggrieved.

  Eunuch Shu laughed loudly, "Prefect Min is so humble!"

  He doesn't believe in such nonsense, if he didn't agree to allocate funds, the road could be built so well? If you have money to build roads but don't have money to honor him, then he will never follow him.

   As long as he goes back and says a word in front of the imperial concubine and the second prince, his future will be ruined!

  Eunuch Shu was not at all afraid that the prefect Min would not show filial piety to himself.

   Originally, one day plus half a day's journey, Mr. Shu didn't arrive until the afternoon of the third day.

  Gaolian County Magistrate Yin had already received the news, and respectfully welcomed Mr. Shu into the city.

  The post station in the county town is small and simple, so many people came at once, and it was impossible to live in it.

   Helpless, the following guard of honor team and government servants from Fucheng lived in the post station, and booked the inn in the city, and Shu Gonggong and Min Zhifu lived in the backyard of the county government.

   County magistrate Yin gave up the main courtyard, and politely invited Mr. Shu to stay.

  Eunuch Shu hated it, but he also knew that this kind of place is remote and poor, and it is good to live in some places, but he just looked unhappy and didn't say anything.

  Prefect Min still wanted to make one last effort for the Zhao family, so when he was talking to Eunuch Shu, he laughed and said, "Eunuch Shu, I will call someone to call the Zhao family when I get off work tomorrow."

  Eunuch Shu glanced at him, thought for a while but shook his head: "No need, our family plans to visit the Zhao family in person."

  Prefect Min: "The countryside is not good enough for my father-in-law, so I really feel wronged by my father-in-law!"

  How can today's Yancun be the same as it used to be? If Eunuch Shu is gone, he may cause trouble again!

  Prefect Min sighed again, he had really tried his best.

  Forget it, Mr. Zhao and Ms. Zhao are smart people, and they must have a way to deal with it. Just watch.

  Eunuch Shu snorted, and looked at Zhifu Min with some meaning.

  He is not stupid, hmph, this old boy is not a good thing at first glance, anyway, he is absolutely impure in his mind, few of these magistrates think highly of him, do you really think you don't know? If you don't let yourself go, then of course you have to go!

  The next day, Eunuch Shu woke up very early, and the group set off before nine o'clock.

  Since he was going to the countryside, the guard of honor was naturally not needed, so he only ordered more than 30 guards and yamen servants to guard him, accompanied by the prefect of Min and county magistrate Yin, and rode straight to Yancun.

  Because the distance was not too far, Mr. Shu did not take a car, but rode a horse instead.

Along the way, Shu Gonggong was even more surprised when he saw patches of sugarcane fields, fruit forests, and all kinds of neatly growing crops, "Your Lingnan is better than looking at it from other places! Both adults are talented people." man!"

  Prefect Min and County Magistrate Yin hurriedly smiled modestly.

  The original should also be humble, they are just throwing away shopkeepers, really.

   All of these were brought by the Zhao family.

  Of course, I dare not say this even if I am killed.

  Yancun, everything is business as usual.

   It's just that I know that Mr. Shu from the capital will come over today, and the Zhao family didn't go too far, they are all in the village.

  Zhao Liya's family is busy in the fields, and Zhao Xiang still goes to the academy to teach. Now there are more and more students in the academy, even more classrooms and dormitories have been built, and there are two more teachers. In addition to the young children, there are also more than a dozen from the age of fifteen or sixteen to the age of twenty .

Zhao Xiang treats everyone equally, but whenever he comes, he will teach them carefully and teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and the students will all make great progress. I am very grateful to him. In addition to studying hard, I will also help discipline those young ones, so that Zhao Xiang and other masters can relax a lot. , but also enjoyable.

  Here, Zhao Xiang has taken a fancy to several good seedlings, and he feels more gratified.

  Han San and Han Si planned to take Zhou Nian away two days ago. They planned to go to Baijia Village and said they would come back in a few days.

  (end of this chapter)