Chapter 297 Back to the capital

  Zhao Lixiang and Zhao Lin were so disappointed, "Brother Zhou really left, what a pity!", "Yes!"

  Zhao Liya: ".Eat quickly, the food will not taste good when it gets cold."

   "Oh, sister!" The younger sister and brother's attention was quickly drawn back by the food on the table.

   "Let's eat first, and I will see Brother Zhou when I return to the capital the day after tomorrow!"

   "Yes yes yes!"

  Zhao Liya: "."

  She seemed to have suddenly realized that Zhou Hansheng was especially good at currying favor with the two children when he was in Yancun, so he was already planning for a rainy day, right? This treacherous scumbag!

Zhao Xiang looked at the rich and incomparable expression on the eldest daughter's face, secretly amused in her heart, this child, really, no matter how smart and capable he is on the outside, but in front of his family, he is undisguised, what is in his heart, what is on his face is what.

  The next morning, Zhao Liya's family set off as usual. When stepping into the carriage, Zhao Liya couldn't help subconsciously turning her head and glanced around. Not far away, Zhou Hansheng rode his horse and looked towards this side. Seeing her looking over, he waved his hand and smiled at her. .

  Zhao Liya silently withdrew her gaze, as if nothing had happened, pretending not to see him.

   There is a little embarrassment.

  No words all the way.

   As for whether Zhou Hansheng followed their convoy all the way, Zhao Liya didn't know. Because she didn't see Zhou Hansheng again after that.

  But when they rested on the road, the meals were prepared in advance, and they stayed at night, and some people were waiting at the gate of the city, and then led them to the inn.

  If Zhou Hansheng hadn't done this, there would be no second person.

  Even Mrs. Deng smiled and praised Zhao Xiang: "This kid Han Sheng is really thoughtful, it's really hard for him!"

  Zhao Xiang smiled, thinking that it's because your daughter has a bad temper. Forget it, he doesn't care about the affairs of their young people. In short, this marriage seems to be a certainty.

   Unexpectedly, I went around for a long time, and then turned back.

  The Zhao family's motorcade entered the capital at noon, and outside the thin car curtain, the bustle and bustle almost shook the sky. Zhao Liya didn't lift the curtain to look out again, she will have more time to look out in the future.

  The capital city has finally arrived.

   For the Zhao family, it was finally back, but for her, it was the first time she had set foot in this bustling capital city.

  She felt a little uncontrollable panic and emptiness in her heart. Whether it is a blessing or a curse is unknown.

  The Zhao family’s house was sealed off by the government when the house was raided, and now it is naturally returned.

  Duke Li had always been on good terms with Zhao Xiang, so he ordered his son to go back to Beijing last year, and his son, who officially appeared in front of the world, took people to clean up the Zhao mansion.

  The servants who were dismissed earlier have recovered a small part.

   Zhou Hansheng did not buy any more people, and we will talk about it when they come back.

   Instead, he felt that his father-in-law and mother-in-law might not buy another person. When they were in Yancun, they didn't need any servants. Now that they have found these ten or so people, they may be enough.

Uncle Hu and Aunt Hu, Hu Ling, Qu Yutao, Widow Qu, and the eleven or twelve servants who bought and took them with them when they were in Lingnan, it is a huge group of people, Zhao Liya also served by her side. The two maidservants, respectively named Chunfen, Chunxia, ​​and Deng Shi, also have servants around them.

  It is normal for Li Guogong to help tidy up the Zhao Mansion. After all, Li Guogong and Zhao Shangshu have always had a very good relationship. Although the children of the two families broke up their engagement later, the friendship is still there after all.

  The second prince was a little mocking, gloating and waiting to watch the excitement.

  He really wants to see what the reaction will be when the Liguo government finds out that Zhao Xiang has actually taken refuge in him!

  That complexion must be extremely exciting.

  The Duke of Li's Mansion is the empress' natal family and the prince's natal family. The second prince is looking forward to seeing them deflated and making a fool of themselves.

  The reason why the second prince completely believed what Eunuch Shu said was because Eunuch Shu would never dare to lie about such matters. As for Zhao Xiang, he is a tough one. Since he expressed that kind of meaning, it will definitely not be fake.

  But he didn't know that Zhao Xiang after falling from the sky and getting up from the dust after being exiled, was different from before.

  Zhao Xiang has realized that the position of the crown prince must be completely reversed and changed! Can't wait any longer!

  Although the past few years are not bad, but the emperor is getting older day by day, the second prince and Concubine Yan Gui will only become more impatient and more unscrupulous.

   If he is still as well-behaved as before, it will be too difficult!

  He didn't intend to be an orthodox gentleman when he returned to Beijing this time.

  The second prince is doomed to be disappointed.

  When Zhao Xiang's family returned to the Zhao Mansion, the servants all had red eyes and came forward to pay their respects.

  Zhao Xiang sighed with emotion, and Deng's eyes were also red.

   It’s not easy for everyone

  Fuchu has a small population, so it is convenient to arrange.

  Uncle Hu and Aunt Hu simply didn't leave, and they were still working as the steward and the steward's wife in the mansion. With them around, Zhao Xiang and Deng's family would be more at ease.

  Uncle Hu insisted on still calling "Master" and "Madam", so Zhao Xiang had no choice but to agree, but when no one was around, he still called him brother.

  It's good that Uncle Hu's family doesn't show too close relationship with them at the moment.

  Zhao Liya and others still lived in their original courtyards, and Deng arranged widow Qu and Hu Ling Qu Yutao to live in adjacent courtyards, so that it was convenient for them to take care of each other.

  Widow Qu had been close to Mrs. Deng when she was in Yancun, and she didn't feel strange when she arrived at Zhao's house. She and Mrs. Deng were still as usual, which made Mrs. Deng breathe a sigh of relief.

  Zhao Xiang doesn't have a definite position yet, and temporarily assumes the title of a scholar of the Wenhua Pavilion, and has no real job yet. But the Bachelor of Wenhua Pavilion is also qualified to submit a memorial and ask to see the emperor.

  For Zhao Xiang, this is enough.

  The next day after returning to Beijing, Zhao Xiang asked to see him and entered the palace to greet the emperor.

  The emperor attached great importance to Zhao Xiangsu, if the stalemate over the prince's matter did not anger the emperor, he would not have exiled Zhao Xiangsu at all. Now that Zhao Xiang came back, except that he was thinner and more restrained, he still acted like a loyal courtier. When the emperor saw him bowing his head and paying homage, the emperor almost shed tears.

  The emperor is also an elderly person. He has hand-picked countless champions, but Zhao Xiang is the only one he values ​​most.

  No one knew what the monarch and ministers said. In short, the emperor was quite satisfied with Zhao Xiang's return.

  On the same day, Zhao Xiang returned to the mansion within two hours, and the rewards from the palace came down.

   In this way, Mrs. Deng also has to prepare to receive guests from various families who come to visit.

  When the female relatives came, Mrs. Deng couldn't be idle, and neither could Zhao Liya. If someone who was particularly acquainted came, Deng would ask someone to invite the widow Qu, mother and daughter, and said that these were the god-in-law he had recognized in Lingnan.

  Mr. Deng valued the widow Qu, mother and daughter, and no one underestimated them.

  (end of this chapter)