Chapter 305 Better to bet

   "As for some people rushing to claim low status, heh, what does that matter to others!"

   As the second prince said, he stared at Zhao Liya maliciously. He now hates the members of the Zhao family very much.

  Zhou Hansheng said coldly: "Second prince really thinks so? Good, good, you are worthy of being the second prince. I will remember these words, the second prince is worthy of being a nobleman!"

  Zhao Liya suddenly covered her face with her hands and began to cry, sobbing and complaining aggrievedly: "The second prince humiliates people like this, it's too bullying."

  The second prince looked at each other while the third son Yan and the others were embarrassed: Who would want to tell people that they were crying? This is indeed a very demeanor and status-conscious thing for them, which is embarrassing.

  The second prince was full of aggrieved, staring at Zhao Liya full of anger but unable to vent.

   Zhou Hansheng knew at a glance that his fiancée was putting on a show, and he was a little bit dumbfounded, but hearing her sobbing and crying so wronged and sad, he still felt very distressed.

  He hurried over to comfort her.

  Zhao Liya complained: "They are too bullying! Master, let's go, don't be with them!"

   "Okay, let's go!"

  Zhou Hansheng glanced at San Gongzi Yan coldly, thinking to himself that this matter is endless! After going out, it is natural to have a good theory.

  Zhao Liya thought the same as him.

  I can't argue with anything right now, so why waste my tongue?

  Unexpectedly, they wanted to leave, but someone refused to let them.

  The second prince was here for them, how could he let them go so easily? Don't talk about venting his anger in his heart, but he is getting more and more angry. If he can't breathe, he will be aggrieved to death!

  When did he suffer from such aggrieved?

   "Stop!" The second prince looked at Zhou Hansheng, and said sarcastically, "I heard that Zhou Shizi practiced martial arts in Sichuan since he was a child. He must be good at martial arts. Why don't we compare them today?"

When the second prince said this, his followers became more energetic. First, they could quickly put aside the embarrassment just now, and second, if they won, they could give the prince a severe blow. Of course, they felt that they were Will definitely win! So they all made fun of it.

   "That's right, just hunting is too boring, why don't you all compare."

   "Zhou Shizi is very heroic, and his martial arts skills are good at first glance, shouldn't he be afraid?"

   "Haha, if you don't even dare to do this, you are too useless!"

Zhao Liya sneered: "Everyone is really amazing, amazing! He brought no less than two or three hundred guards, but he wanted to compete with us. He really is a great hero and a real gentleman! My lord, everyone is bullying others. What can I do? I don’t think it’s better to admit defeat! Not only do you have to admit defeat, but after you leave the hunting ground, you will be able to publicize how promising you are! What is skill? This is what is called skill!”

   Zhou Hansheng laughed loudly: "Okay, listen to you! I also think they are all very capable!"

  The second prince was full of resentment and aggrieved, he only wanted to trouble Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng, and didn't pay attention to anything else at all.

   As for the question of how many guards and entourages swarmed and followed, does a person like him need to care about it?

   After being ridiculed by Zhao Liya, he realized that his guards were several times different from those brought by Zhou Hansheng and the others.

  The second prince didn't even bother to do bullying, because there was no chance at all. This is not a lie—everyone who sees him is respectful, obedient and obedient, and aims to satisfy him in everything, so where is the need for him to bully others? There is no chance to play at all!

   Being ridiculed by Zhao Liya, he couldn't hold back his face immediately: "Don't talk nonsense! Bullying others? This king doesn't even bother! Did this king say that he would take so many people away?"

  He turned his head and yelled: "You keep as many people as Zhou Shizi, and the rest will be retired by this king."

   "Second Highness, this—"

   "Back off!"


  The commander and the deputy commander exchanged a look, and they both smiled wryly in their hearts, but what can they do? His Highness has always had such a temper, and he would never listen to their persuasion. If they talk too much, they will probably be in bad luck.

  Master Yan San said at this time: "We people are not counted!"

   Zhou Hansheng glanced at him and said nothing.

  Of course not, what use can these seven or eight people do? Even if it happens a few times, it's just a show, and maybe the guards will have to look after it.

   Soon, the selected guards followed behind the second prince and his party, and the others stepped back. The second prince sneered, with a haughty expression on his face: "You guys have nothing to say? If this king wins, your marriage contract will be over. Do you dare to bet?"

  Everyone was in an uproar, dumbfounded

  Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng were also stunned.

   "What did Your Highness say?" Zhou Hansheng gave him a weird look, wondering if he was crazy.

  Bet on his marriage contract with Zhao Liya?

  The second prince has always been used to doing whatever he wants, so he didn't think about whether such a thing is reasonable or not, and whether he can do it, he smiled coldly: "Didn't you hear what this king said?"

   Zhou Hansheng laughed angrily, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I'm sorry! The minister and his fiancée agree in love, and the marriage contract is not a child's play, Your Highness, be careful!"

   Don't bully people too much!

  The second prince sneered in his heart, if it weren't for the fact that you both agree with each other, this king might not have said that.

   "What's the matter? Zhou Shizi can't afford to gamble? Don't dare? This king still thinks that your marriage contract is not pleasing to the eye, how about it?"

  The second prince was resentful in his heart, Zhao Xiang played him a hard trick once, and he wanted Zhao Xiang and the Zhao family to lose face. What could be more ridiculous than this marriage being abandoned again? No!

  As for what Zhao Xiang said that the engagement was not terminated at all, the second prince didn't believe it at all. This is playing him for a fool! He clearly inquired about this marriage, the old lady of Duke Li's mansion did indeed send a housekeeper to withdraw this marriage, Duke Li and Zhao Xiang were talking nonsense together.

   Zhou Hansheng was also angry, "You—"

  Zhao Liya suddenly interjected: "I don't know if we win, what would the second prince be willing to lose? Marriage is not a trivial matter. Since your highness wants to gamble, you can't be too stingy, right?"

  The second prince sneered: "What do you want?"

  Zhao Liya smiled: "The courtier is a little girl, how dare you ask for anything from His Highness, it all depends on His Highness's own sincerity."

  The second prince hated secretly, thinking that he is really stupid, why did he believe Zhao Xiang's words so easily? As long as he has met Zhao Xiang, a girl before, he will never believe Zhao Xiang's words easily!

  Look at his girl, how hateful she is!

   That place in the south of the Lingnan area, I'm afraid it's not an evil door, right? After walking there for a while, Zhao Xiang seemed to be a different person, and his daughter might also be a different person.

   I have to say, the second prince has the truth.

  (end of this chapter)