Chapter 316 Borrowing a knife to kill someone

  The Yan family, but the woman brought back from the brothel is unparalleled in beauty, talent, and EQ is extremely high-after all, she is the number one, so she naturally has some skills!

  Thus, Sangong Yan, who was somewhat resistant at the beginning, is really fragrant

  Mrs. Yan Sanshao almost died of anger!

  She couldn't vent her anger, so she planned to hold a banquet at the house and invite Zhao Liya to participate. She wanted to take revenge and ruin Zhao Liya's reputation.

As a result, her mother-in-law, Mrs. Yan, scolded her for being ignorant, "There have been so many troubles in our family recently. Your elder brother has just been deposed from his official position and is studying behind closed doors at home. You are fine, what kind of banquet do you want to hold? If the eldest brother of the Zhao family What happened to Miss in the house, is it possible for us as the hosts not to explain to others? But whoever has eyes, who knows that it is our family's tricks? Do you think Zhao Xiang and Li Guogong are the ones who ate it? Are you just swallowing your anger? You can dream it! There will inevitably be another storm! You don’t think there are enough things at home, do you?”

   "Don't give me up on this idea!"

  Mrs. Yan Sanshao felt even more resentful in her heart, but she also calmed down a bit, knowing that her mother-in-law was right. If the Yan family deliberately targeted the Zhao family like this at this time, the emperor would not look good.

  However, letting her swallow this breath in vain is not going to work.

  What my mother-in-law's family can't do, my own mother's family can't do it, or it will bring trouble to my mother's family. However, there are others.

   Wishing for the opportunity to sell favors to the Yan family, there are many people who are rushing to please the Yan family.

  Mrs. Yan Sanshao faintly revealed that she disliked Zhao Liya and wanted to teach her a lesson. Soon, someone came up to show her kindness.

  The eldest daughter-in-law of Mr. Lin Menghai, the right servant of the household department, Mrs. Lin Dashao, has always had a good relationship with Mrs. Yan Sanshao. In addition, Lin Menghai thought that after the left servant became an official, he would move up a step.

  Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiang came back at this time, appointed by the emperor, he directly parachuted into the left servant of the household department, completely shattering Lin Menghai's dream.

  Not to mention that the Lin family was closer to the Yan family and the second prince, this incident alone was enough to make the Lin family annoyed the Zhao family.

   Now that this ready-made opportunity comes to your door, you can let it go and please the Yan family and the second prince. For the Lin family, it is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. Why not do it?

  Mrs. Yan Sanshao naturally wouldn't remind the Lin family that this kind of thing can't be done like her mother-in-law warned to beat herself, she couldn't wait for it.

  She is also smart, all her words are hints, and she didn't say anything that could fall into someone's hands.

   Even if something happens in the future, it is the Lin family's own idea and has nothing to do with her.

  The invitation from the Lin family soon reached Deng's hands.

  Three days later, there will be a flower viewing banquet in the mansion, and Mrs. Deng and Zhao Liya are invited to participate, and Mrs. Qu, the widow of Qu, is also invited.

  Everyone in the circle knew that Mrs. Deng had adopted a god-sister, so it was normal to invite Widow Qu.

Widow Qu was taken aback, and when she heard about this, she quickly shook her head and waved her hands to refuse: "No, no, it's not possible! I won't go, I don't understand anything, if something is wrong, it will be a joke, Wouldn’t it embarrass you? Sister, just say, just say I’m sick, and I won’t go.”

  Ms. Deng couldn't laugh or cry, and persuaded with a smile: "Why is this so? There will be no hindrance when we are together. Who dares to make a joke? Besides, I don't think there is anything wrong with my sister, and I will definitely not make a joke!"

  Widow Qu is not so confident, she still panics: "No, no, forget it."

  Zhao Liya smiled and said, "Auntie, you must go."

  Widow Qu was stunned: "Huh?"

Zhao Liya shook the invitation card in her hand: "Look, Mrs. Lin thinks highly of you, and specially sent you an invitation card. If you don't go, they should talk, and they will still say behind their backs, I'm afraid it will be even worse!"

The Lin family sent two invitations, one was for Mrs. Deng, and by the way, Zhao Liya was mentioned, asking to take Zhao Liya to play with the girls, and the other was for Widow Qu, saying that Mrs. Never seen before, hereby please see you.

  The Lin family's etiquette is very considerate, and it shows that they value the Zhao family and the widow Qu very much, but it seems that they have no good intentions.

   I specially posted a post to Widow Qu, isn’t it just because I’m afraid she won’t go?

  If you don't go here, it will be too disrespectful to the Lin family.

   After all, even if you say you are sick, there is no such a coincidence, and those who should gossip will still gossip.

   would ridicule the Zhao family for their misconduct, knowing that Mrs. Zhao recognized a so-called "sister", but in fact, God knows if she had to recognize her because of some unspeakable reasons when she was in Lingnan? Otherwise, why bring people to the capital but not allow people to go out to socialize? Or, in fact, the Zhao family looked down on the widow Qu, mother and daughter at all, and they were not allowed to go out because they were afraid that they would be ashamed and affect the reputation of the Zhao family?

  The Lin family will do this kind of thing, and the Yan family and others will contribute to the flames.

  When Zhao Liya said this, Widow Qu was stunned at the time, "This, this—Isn't it possible? Is it because I don't want to go? Can I blame you? This is too unreasonable!"

  Ms. Deng sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Ya'er didn't say anything, I haven't thought about it yet, but after thinking about it, they will indeed."

  Zhao Xiang is no longer the former Zhao Xiang, and the Deng family is naturally not the former Deng family either.

  Deng Shi used to be kind and tolerant, and almost never speculated on people with malice, and few people would show malice to her. But now, she obviously thinks more.

  Zhao Liya smiled again: "Auntie, since they are determined to invite you, even if you don't go this time, someone else will invite you next time. Is it impossible for us to be sick every time?"

  Widow Qu: ".So this means stretching your head and retracting your head is also a stab?"

  Zhao Liya and Deng Shi couldn't laugh or cry.

  Zhao Liya couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling, "Auntie, it's not that scary!"

  Widow Qu said "Hey!", and said bravely, "Since this is the case, then I will go. I want to see who is going too far. I, I—can I scold people?"

   Widow Qu looked at Deng Shi and Zhao Liya.

  Zhao Liya nodded: "Of course! Whoever is going too far, you can just scold, everything depends on us."


"Well, yes!" Zhao Liya said with a smile: "Anyway, in their eyes, my aunt is from a remote place in the barbaric countryside. It is normal for you to speak frankly. They are all noble people, so they don't care about my aunt. Otherwise, they would feel degraded."

   It is okay to be eccentric, but not to be straightforward? It doesn't make sense.

   Widow Qu instantly understood Zhao Liya's words, and said with a laugh: "Hey, I understand! Alright, then I'm not afraid anymore!"

  (end of this chapter)