Chapter 323 An eye for an eye

   Mrs. Yan Sanshao was pushed and pushed and almost fell down and screamed in fright, but she was very excited in her heart, her eyes were bright, and she had to keep her eyes wide open to search for Zhao Liya's figure in the crowd.

  Because she didn't want to miss any unlucky moments of Zhao Liya.

  She knew that Zhao Liya would be unlucky, and the fourth and fifth younger sisters stuffed things on Zhao Liya's body in the chaos, and they had already quietly signaled to her, "It's done!".

  When the dog appeared, she knew it was real!

  Think about it, the dignified daughter of Zhao Shilang's family was chased by a dog to the point of embarrassment, lost her manners, and was full of ugliness. It would be better to bite her twice to relieve her anger.

  After today, Miss Zhao's family will become the laughing stock of the whole capital.

   I heard people say that people who are bitten by dogs will contract a strange disease, which has no cure

  It would be great if Zhao Liya also contracted such a disease!

   Let's see if the Liguo Mansion still wants her.

  The excited Mrs. Yan Sanshao never expected that after the dog rushed over like crazy, he quickly found the target from the dizziness, but the target was not Zhao Liya, but her!

  The dog met eyes with Mrs. Yan Sanshao, and the excited smile of Mrs. Yan Sanshao broke completely when it rushed towards him with a fierce grin!

   "Ah! No, don't!"

  Mrs. Yan Sanshao couldn't believe it and was stunned! When she recovered from her disbelief, the dog had already rushed over, and she didn't care to think about "Why?" She hurriedly wanted to escape, but it was too late

  Only hearing "Stab!", Mrs. Yan Sanshao's skirt was bitten by the dog and tore off a large piece.

  She screamed again and again in fright, and ran away desperately. The dog seemed to have identified her as his target, regardless of others, bared its teeth, barked at her, and chased her to bite.

Although Mrs. Yan Sanshao didn't know what went wrong and didn't have time to think about it, she was so frightened that she didn't care about anything, she got up from the ground and ran. Blow, fluttering around in a rotten state, revealing the white petticoat inside, how embarrassing it is.

  How could the pampered young lady who had never done any strenuous work compare to the speed of a drugged and hyperactive dog?

  Although Mrs. Yan Sanshao ran desperately, she was caught up by the dog within a short distance.

  Amidst her screams of "Ahhh!", the dog rushed towards her viciously, and tore off a part of her skirt with another "stab!"

  At this moment, everyone has generally recovered from the panic, looked at the past in a daze, couldn't help but closed their eyes in empathy, and couldn't bear to watch the cruel scene.

   Mrs. Yan Sanshao is too miserable!

She waved her hands, "Ahhh!" and screamed, "Don't! Get out, get out! Help, help!" The voice was split, but unfortunately, she was caught by the corner of her ragged skirt "Plop!" I fell and a shoe flew out.

   And the dog barked "Wow!" even more fiercely, and jumped on it and bit it.

  Miss Yan Si and Miss Yan Wu were so frightened that their souls flew away. They were afraid and dared not not to step forward, so they had to cry, "Sister-in-law San!" and "Come on!" while rushing forward.

  As soon as they moved, the little maid who followed hurried up tremblingly.

  Miss Lin Er and her sisters also came to their senses and quickly called for someone, "Come on! Come on!"

  Everyone shouted, "Come on!", "Come on, help me!"

   But no one dared to step forward.

  Such a fierce dog, with its mouth full of sharp white teeth, who would not be afraid to see it? Who dares to step forward? What if you get bitten? What if the skirt is also torn? That's really, really.

   I'm so ashamed!

Miss Yan Fourth and Miss Yan Wu led the maids forward, but it was of no use. The dog had spotted Mrs. Yan Sanshao. Just as Mrs. Yan Sanshao was being pulled up by the two sister-in-laws in a hurry, the dog rushed over again. She screamed out of control, raised her hand and slapped Fourth Miss Yan on the face, yelling "Bitch!", and continued to run away in a panic.

After a long time, the servants of the Lin family finally beat the mad dog to death—they wanted to drive it away, but the dog seemed to have a spiritual connection and had some kind of life-and-death enmity with Mrs. Yan Sanshao, as if he was still alive. If you want to yell at Chao Yan Sanshao Madam and rush over, you won't be able to drive her away.

   Want to capture alive—who dares to step forward to capture alive? If you have the guts, you don't have the ability!

   I had no choice but to play hard.

  The dog was beaten to death and dragged away, and everyone rushed forward.

   "Third young lady!"

   "How are you, Madam Yan San!"

   "Hurry up, call the doctor!"

   "Come on, come on!"


   Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Deng, who were listening to the opera and watching the opera, also got the news at this moment, and hurried over.

   "I heard that there are mad dogs making trouble? What's going on?"

   "What's going on? What's going on!"

   "Oh, hello, how did this happen!"

   "How can there be a mad dog running in? This is too strange!"

   "Yeah, what's going on"

   When the ladies and the servants rushed over, they saw the dog being dragged away, and Mrs. Yan Sanshao was being helped up.

   Seeing Mrs. Yan Sanshao's distressed appearance, all the ladies were stunned.


  This is too incredible!

  It’s fine if the bun is messy and the clothes are dirty, but why the shoes are gone, the skirt is torn in several pieces, the clothes are also messy, and a large piece of the neckline is exposed

  I don’t know, I thought that something happened to me and I got hurt by that.

  If she could choose, Mrs. Yan Sanshao would not want all the ladies to come over at all, but everyone came, and Mrs. Lin hurriedly asked people to get the cloak! What else can she say?

   "You two sluts!" Mrs. Yan Sanshao raised her hand and slapped Miss Yan Fourth and Miss Yan Wu in the face, with resentful eyes wishing to stab them to death.

  If they weren't useless, if they weren't screwed up, it wouldn't be like this at all.

  She didn't even know if they did it on purpose, why was she the unlucky one!

  She has never been so embarrassed, she has never been so embarrassed. Even in the hunting grounds, it was nothing like this.

  Ms. Yan Sanshao's two slaps were full of anger, and the power was incomparable. Fourth Miss Yan screamed, and the corners of her mouth immediately oozed blood. Miss Yan Wu was even worse, she was slapped and fell to the ground.

  The two of them were tearful, and they were trembling if they wanted to cry but dared not cry.

  That pitiful appearance is unbearable.

   Originally, she was full of sympathy for Mrs. Yan Sanshao, so she couldn't help but think that she was too cruel.

   "This attack is too heavy."

   "That's right, these two concubines are pitiful, they can't be a punching bag."

   "Exactly, besides, what does this have to do with them?"

  (end of this chapter)