Chapter 328 What did you hear

  Zhao Xiang and his table are the same.

  The ministers were not frightened by the sergeants, but by the emperor.

  The face of the emperor is terrible

   It happened that such a thing happened to the emperor face to face, so what should I do?

  The scene that everyone feared the most finally came. The emperor looked coldly, his indifferent eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and finally fell on Zhao Xiang: "Does Zhao Qing know, what's going on?"

  Zhao Xiang was silent for a moment, then sighed softly and said: "This is what the emperor saw, please forgive me, my minister is not too clear about it, so I dare not speak nonsense."

  The emperor sneered: "Heh!"

  No one knows whether he believed Zhao Xiang's words or not.

The other person was about to speak, but saw that the leading sergeant who ordered someone to capture the guests from the table just now came back with two personal soldiers. Li's warning eyes slowly scanned the entire lobby, and he said coldly: "Please calm down, I have some words that are not for you to say, be careful not to drop your tongue when you talk nonsense! What did you hear just now?"

  No one said anything.

  The leading sergeant was very dissatisfied, and shouted even louder: "Say! What did you hear just now?"

   "No, nothing."

   "What, I didn't hear anything!"

   "Yeah, I, we didn't hear anything."

   "Didn't hear, didn't hear"

  Many people were taken aback and hurriedly answered.

  The leading sergeant sneered, staring at the table where the emperor, Zhao Xiang and the others had no voice to speak out, "What about you? Huh? What did you hear just now?"

  The emperor's ninety-five-year-old emperor has always been majestic and majestic, and his courtiers are all respectful and trembling in front of him. When he loses his temper, no one is not afraid.

  When did someone dare to be so presumptuous in front of him?

  Even though he knew that the other party didn't know his identity and that's why he was like this, the emperor's anger still rose!

  Seeing that he was about to attack with cold eyebrows, Zhao Xiang was taken aback, nodded hastily and said in a gentle tone: "We, we didn't hear anything either."

  The emperor gave the man a cold look, and didn't intend to say anything.

  The leading sergeant glared at the emperor viciously, pointed at him and shouted, "What about you? What did you hear?"

   Now, let alone Zhao Xiang, all the officials, eunuchs and guards who followed were in a hurry, thinking that this person is really ignorant, and he still doesn't leave, is he courting death?

   "We heard nothing, nothing!"

   "Master, hurry up and get busy with your business, we won't talk nonsense."

   "Yes, yes, go quickly! We are not ignorant, and we will never mess around!"

  "Yes, yes, yes, we are all law-abiding citizens who know what to do and what not to do."


  The leading sergeant sneered, rolled his eyes and gave everyone a disdainful glance, that condescending and contemptuous expression really made everyone want to beat him up.

  If this **** knows the identities of everyone here, he won't scare him to death!

  Unfortunately, I can't reveal my identity at the moment.

  The leading sergeant was a little satisfied: I knew these **** were as cowardly as a mouse, what kind of shit, didn't they lose all courage after being frightened a few words?

  He was also a little dissatisfied: This is the leader, with bad eyes and silent, what does he mean? what? Are you not convinced? Heh, he likes to teach those who are not convinced until they are convinced!

The leading sergeant was still staring at the emperor aggressively, and he was even more unceremonious when he spoke: "Hey, what about you? How dare you not answer my question? Why? Unconvinced in your heart? If you are not convinced, speak out and go with me. Keep your submissive post!"

   "Presumptuous!" The emperor was furious.

  The leading sergeant was even more furious, his eyes widened in disbelief: Someone dared to scold him in front of him? How dare someone scold him for being presumptuous?

"It's against you!" The leading soldier was furious, pointed at the emperor and cursed: "I see that you are not a good person, and I must be slandering the second prince and gossiping about the second prince for some reason! People, you just don’t cry when you don’t see the coffin! I must teach you how to be a human being, let you know what to say and what not to say! Go and call someone, and take all the people at this table away!”

  All the officials were all dumbfounded

  This, isn’t this playing outrageously?

  Lin Yushi slammed the table angrily and stood up: "Bold! You—"

   "Okay," the emperor interrupted Lin Yushi with a sneer, and said coldly, "Where are you taking us? How are you going to teach us to be human? I'll accompany you for a walk!"

   "Emperor, master, you can't do it, you can't do it!" Lin Yushi knelt down anxiously, "It must not be done, master!"

  When everyone saw this, they also knelt down one after another, "Master, calm down! You can't do it!"

  The emperor must be so angry that he lost his mind at this moment, to say such words. If it's true that he concealed his identity and was taken away by this kind of cheap thing that's not as good as a pig or a dog, what's the deal?

  Even if the incident happened under the premise of concealing the identity, telling it out will greatly damage the dignity and majesty of the emperor! Thinking about it afterwards, the emperor couldn't guarantee that the more he thought about it, the more he would get angry. It was certain that this dog was unlucky, and none of them could try to please him.

  Is the emperor an angry temper? no!

   "Master, don't be arrogant, this is not worthy of the master. This kind of foolish people, if the master cares about him, he is self-degrading. What are they?"

   "Yes, master, you must think twice!"

  The lead sergeant froze.

  His cronies ran downstairs to call someone, but they were all stunned.

The leading sergeant is in the capital after all. Of course he knows that if a brick is thrown into the crowd in the capital, there is at least half the probability that it will hit a person who is a relative of the emperor or a family of officials. bigger?

  He felt a little unwell and panicked for no reason.

  But soon, he was shaking with confidence again.

   What are you afraid of? He is doing something for the second prince! No matter how big and powerful the powerful officials in the capital are, who can surpass the second prince?

   These people are probably just bluffing!

  Even if he is a member of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace, heh, it’s just that! If you offend, you will offend, so what's the point?

   "It's a big show!" The leading sergeant smiled coldly, waved his hand, and said with great pride: "I will take everything away! I will teach these pretending, lifeless things to be human!"

   Who are you trying to scare by making this kind of formation?

   "Presumptuous!" Seeing this, Zhao Xiang's face darkened, and he said coldly: "The person who brought you, get out!"

  (end of this chapter)