Chapter 330 hit the iron plate

   "I don't care who you are, I advise you to be a little self-aware and let us go! Do you know who we are working for?"

   "Hmph, we are working for the second prince, who are you, dare to spread rumors and slander the second prince? I advise you to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice or the Shuntian government office to surrender yourself! Otherwise, hum!"

   "Don't bother with them! These people don't cry until they see the coffin, this matter is endless! It's too late for them to think about it! It's too late!"

   This is in the downtown area, and this teahouse is not an unknown place. There is such a big battle, and things like this, it is unreasonable not to alarm the people above, and maybe even alarm the second prince himself.

   What the second prince is most annoyed now is that some people discuss this matter in private and spread rumors to slander him. If he finds out, it will be the date of death of these people!

  The leader smiled darkly.

   He waits to see their results!

  Zhao Xiang, Lin Yushi and others were all speechless

  What the **** is this trouble?

  The emperor laughed angrily.

  The emperor laughed back in anger, and said slowly: "Okay, I want to see how this matter can never be finished! Hmph, at this moment, even if you think about it, you can't finish this matter!"

   Because he doesn't allow it!

   Not long after, the second prince finally came in a hurry, almost at the same time as him, and a deputy commander of the Jiucheng Bingma Division.

   After receiving the news, the deputy commander brought a lot of people with a murderous look.

   Unexpectedly, he was so lucky. He had just arrived at the teahouse and rushed up to the second floor, when he met the second prince who also came. He was overjoyed!

Deputy Commander Zhang quickly stepped forward to salute the second prince, expressing his loyalty loudly: "Your Highness, I didn't expect this incident to alarm His Highness! Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will definitely teach these people a lesson and vent my anger on Your Highness! How dare you spread rumors Your Highness , regardless of superiority or inferiority, they deserve to die!"

The second prince was in a hurry, and arrived with great difficulty. He had already seen his frighteningly cold father, and when he was about to straighten his expression and go up to pay respects to his father, he didn't expect such a fool to rush over from behind. Fork, after saying such a stupid thing, he was so angry that he was half dead in front of him, and shouted: "Get out!"

  Deputy Commander Zhang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly bowed his hands together, filled with righteous indignation: "Your Highness, calm down! Calm down! It's not worth it to be so popular, I must vent my anger on Your Highness!"

The leaders of the Nine City Soldiers and Horses who were captured and tied together also shouted to heighten the atmosphere: "Your Highness, you are finally here. These people are too unreasonable, and the humble ministers are incompetent. Please forgive me!", " Your Highness is finally here, great, great!", "Your Highness, these people must not be spared!"

   "Shut up, everyone!" The second prince was almost driven mad by them, these **** really have no eyesight at all, are they trying to trick him to death!

   I can't let them speak anymore, but if I let them say a few more words, I will really be cheated to death!

  The second prince stepped forward decisively and knelt down towards the emperor: "I will see my father, please greet my father!"

  The subordinates who followed him also knelt down one after another: "See the emperor!"


  Deputy Commander Zhang, the small leaders of Ninetowns Bingma Division, and other Ninetowns Bingmasi people who were still making noise all widened their eyes and opened their mouths, and there was a rumbling in their minds!

   All stupid!


  This, this is—what's going on? Your Highness, what did he say? Then, who is that?

   Your Majesty! It's the emperor!

  The second prince is still kneeling on the ground right now!

  Everyone’s eyes went dark.

   Extremely desperate!

  Everyone knelt down in a hurry, "See you, Your Majesty!", "Long live your Majesty, Your Majesty!", "Please, please, Your Majesty."

  The soldiers probably never thought that they would be lucky enough to see the emperor in their entire lives, and they definitely never thought that they would meet the emperor under such circumstances!

  They don't understand the etiquette in this aspect, and they are shocked, excited, and terrified in their hearts, kneeling to this side, and talking about everything.

  No matter where the emperor went, all the worshipers were respectful and decent, they advanced and retreated with restraint, and their salutes were also upright. Where had he seen such a scene of demons dancing around?

  Suddenly, I couldn't help adding another layer of disgust.

  The emperor is not interested in teaching his son a lesson in this situation, what are these people? Do you deserve to be there?

He glanced at the group of soldiers kneeling all over the ground in an unseemly manner, his eyes fell on his beloved son, he stared coldly for a while, stood up without saying a word, and ordered: "Lin Yushi, deal with the scene ! Go back to the palace!"

   "Yes, I obey the order!" Lin Yushi secretly groaned in his heart, His Royal Highness the Second Prince is still here, how should he deal with this scene?

  Conflicts between father and son should not be meddled by outsiders, not to mention that there is a relationship between monarch and minister?

  The second prince was also dumbfounded, he never thought that his father who always loved him would be so merciless and treat him with such indifference!

   When the emperor passed by him, he subconsciously looked up at him: "Father—"

  The emperor had a cold face, his eyes were still indifferent, he didn't respond to him at all, and quickly walked past him.

  Second Prince: "."

  The second prince trembled as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his face flushed red.

   This, this is too embarrassing!

  Damn it, someone must have set him up! It must be Zhao Xiang!

  The emperor didn't have the heart to talk to anyone, he left the tea house with a blank expression, and ordered the ministers who followed him to kneel down, and he led them back to the palace.

  Several ministers looked at each other, afraid of being caught by Lin Yushi in the teahouse to discuss how to deal with the aftermath, they bid farewell to each other and hurriedly left the scene.

  Zhao Xiang sighed, turned around and went to the teahouse.

  Others can leave, but he can't. This matter concerns the emperor's face and must be handled properly. Otherwise, the emperor will be angry when he thinks about it afterwards.

  Others didn't have Zhao Xiang's ability, and the emperor's expectations of others were not as high as Zhao Xiang's. At that time, if the emperor was very angry, seven or eight points would fall on him.

Seeing Zhao Xiang go back and forth, Lin Yushi, whose forehead was sweating anxiously, seemed to have caught a great savior, and was so moved that he almost cried out and rushed to meet him: "Master Zhao, you are here, this, this you look"

  The emperor had already left, so the second prince naturally stopped kneeling and got up long ago.

  Seeing Zhao Xiang was like seeing an enemy. He stared at Zhao Xiang with cold eyes, and said with a sneer, "What a Mr. Zhao. What happened today, Mr. Zhao really played a good game of chess! Isn't Mr. Zhao very proud at the moment?"

  Zhao Xiang looked inexplicable: "Your Highness, I don't understand what Your Highness means."

  (end of this chapter)