Chapter 353 Both father and son are angry

   On such a big matter, Zhao Liya didn't dare and couldn't bear to sing against her mother, and her mother was also doing it for her own good.

   I had no choice but to bite the bullet and force myself to do it.

   Only when Zhou Hansheng came, he could hide for a while.

  Unfortunately, time is so limited.

  When she was called away, Zhou Hansheng could only watch helplessly. He was not capable of offending his mother-in-law.

   After all, he was quite guilty at this time. According to the rules, after he and Zhao Liya got engaged, they would not meet again if they had nothing to do. The two of them had no scruples all the time. Zhou Hansheng ran here every day.

   Not afraid of jokes at all.

   Some people even impeached Zhao Xiang for this, saying that he was not strict in family management.

  Of course Zhao Xiang would not admit that it was him that his son-in-law came to visit and asked him for advice. Is there any problem?

   Did Zhou Hansheng meet his daughter in the mansion, and how did outsiders know and be sure?

   Exiled for a trip, Zhao Xiang doesn't care much about this kind of thing at all. What's more, he knows how his own daughter is and how Zhou Hansheng is.

  They are frank and innocent, and they are much better than those sanctimonious people who speak high-soundingly to everyone, but steal men and women behind their backs.

   This matter came to an end, and no one dared to bring it up again when the emperor was asked to understate it and make a final decision.

   Even if Zhou Hansheng went to Zhao's house three times a day, no one had anything to say.

  However, the marriage time has been fixed, and it is only a few months away, so Deng naturally does not allow them to see each other again.

   Zhou Hansheng had no choice but to obey.

  The emperor laughed and joked a few words about this.

  The emperor didn't suspect that Zhou Hansheng, Zhao Xiang and other "princelings" were planning something secretly. Seeing that they were so anxious about this marriage, they put their hearts on it, but they were relieved.

  If they are really planning some big event in their hearts, how can they still think about this kind of marriage?

   After all, compared to the important affairs of the prince, what is the mere marriage of children?

  Zhao Xiang loves his daughter, and Zhou Hansheng values ​​his fiancée. This cannot be pretended in a day or two, so their thoughts are really on this.

   What annoyed the emperor even more was his precious son.

  The temperament of the second prince, how can he be willing to study the principles and rules at the mansion honestly, and then earnestly complete the homework assigned by the masters, and reflect on himself?

  He didn't do his homework at all, and he didn't bother to do it by himself at all. There were aides in the house anyway, so he just grabbed two people to do it.

  The staff suggested that he be asked to transcribe and copy, and he barely copied for two days before getting impatient.

  Father is picking on him, what's the use if he doesn't copy?

  Don't say no to copying, he doesn't even bother to listen to the lectures of the masters, occasionally listens a little, and most of the time he doesn't even show his face.

  The masters of the Hanlin Academy can only accept it, and dare not have any opinions at all.

  Who dares to have an opinion, can the second prince be spared? This is the master who will beat people when he loses his temper.

   If he really gets a beating, who with old arms and legs can bear it?

  Even if the emperor rewards and compensates, it will be uncomfortable!

   Not only uncomfortable, but also humiliated

   These things in the second prince's mansion can't be hidden from the emperor's eyes and ears.

When the homework was collected for the first time, the emperor was still trying to persuade himself to suppress his anger, thinking that this child was brought up by himself, and he was also responsible for becoming like this. How can he change it all at once? come here?

  Be confident in him, and be more patient. Teach him well, talk about him, and gradually he will improve naturally

  The emperor's kind teaching can even be regarded as appeasement, so that the second prince can continue to learn from the masters and not lose his temper.

  In order to build up his confidence, he was even specially rewarded with a pair of white jade paperweights, several calligraphy and paintings by famous artists, and jade antiques as encouragement.

  Unexpectedly, seeing his father's attitude, the second prince didn't have any intention of changing it, but became full of complacency.

  He knew that his father still loves him, and his father is not willing to really teach him and scold him. Look, isn't this the best proof?

  The second prince became more and more unscrupulous!

  So, when various news from the second prince's mansion reached the emperor's ears, the emperor almost died of anger!

  This is really a rebellious son who cannot be taught! This is completely ignoring his words!

  The emperor is originally a domineering and strong character. After all, he is a high-ranking monarch. When does he need to restrain his temper and give way to others? Who is so courageous? Don't want a head around your neck?

  He has never been more patient with this son.

   No, he couldn't understand his good intentions at all, and instead became more and more unscrupulous!

  The emperor was furious!

  The emperor and the second prince broke out in a fierce quarrel in the main hall of the Qianqing Palace.

  The second prince was placed under house arrest and was forced to attend class and do homework. His father had already softened his attitude, didn’t he, and ended up getting angry at himself again for no reason? What is this? It's moody with yourself!

   It is really faster to turn faces than to turn books.

  He can turn his face once, and there will naturally be a second and third time in the future. Who knows when he will reprimand himself?

  Father, he has really changed!

  He kept saying that it was for his own good, but it turned out to be getting worse and worse.

   are all excuses!

The second prince suddenly remembered that his father used to treat the prince like this, and he kept saying that it was for the prince's good, but the prince was trembling in front of him, walking on thin ice, and didn't even dare to say a word, but if he made a slight mistake, He was about to be reprimanded by his father.

   Treating him like this now, isn't it the same?

  But the second prince is not the prince, the prince can bear the anger of the prince, but the second prince will never be able to bear it.


  He would rather fight to the death and never suffer this anger!

So, the second prince started arguing with the emperor. Both father and son were full of anger. Naturally, their words were not pleasant, and their tone was even worse. Hurt people, so angry that the emperor grabbed the pen holder on the imperial case and threw it at him, yelling "Nizi!"

  Although he scolded "Nizi", the emperor still felt very sorry for the second prince, otherwise he would not only have a pen holder, but also a copper paperweight and a fine porcelain teacup, and he would not have smashed these.

  Of course, even if he hits it, the second prince will not let him hit it.

   If he wants to hit others, others dare not avoid them, at most he dares to turn away a little bit, but it is absolutely impossible for the second prince to stand still and wait for the hit.

  Even if it was a pen holder, the second prince didn't stand still and wait for it to be smashed, he jumped to dodge it nimbly.

   "Father, you! You—"

  (end of this chapter)