Chapter 382 Warning and scolding

"Your Majesty, the Eldest Prince has such a high status, how can he leave the palace so easily? It would take him a whole day to go, and the Prince Li is too arrogant. Although the rebellious party has been executed, who can guarantee that there will be no one or two who slipped through the net?" What about lurking in the dark? What if someone rushes out and hurts the eldest prince, what should I do? No matter how brave the prince of Li Guogong is, who can guarantee that nothing will go wrong? He doesn't care, but if the eldest prince is injured, Can he afford it?"

   "What's the use of regretting it then? What can he make up for?"

"The empress doesn't know if she knows about this matter. If she knows, she doesn't know what to think. Why, how can she let the prince of Liguo be so nonsense? The concubine learned about this today, and she was restless. My heart! Fortunately, the eldest prince came back safe and sound, it is really the blessing of the emperor and the blessing of the ancestors."

"Your Majesty, if the empress is in command of the six palaces and has no time to take care of the eldest prince, why not, why not. In the future, the concubines will help take care of the eldest prince. After all, the eldest prince is also the child of the concubine, and the concubine will naturally take care of it. I hope the emperor will help you." !"

  The emperor had a gentle expression at first, but as he listened, his face gradually became a little unsightly.

   However, Mi Fei, who was bowing her head, didn't notice it.

  Even if she was vaguely aware that the arrow was on the string, she could only choose to finish the sentence in one breath.

   Concubine Mi is suing the son of Duke Li, blaming the queen intentionally or unintentionally, and expressing her ardent concern as a biological mother. What else does the emperor not understand?

Not to mention that he was a sensible person, even if he didn't understand that well, but he knew that the queen would not have a biological son, but he didn't know that the queen really raised the eldest prince as her own son from the bottom of her heart, and she actually implied that The empress did this on purpose, wishing that something would happen to the eldest prince so as to make way for her future son, it's just ridiculous!

   Mi Fei is here to express her motherly love again? In the past, the eldest prince was raised by the empress's side, and she didn't see much affection between mother and child.

  The empress has never stopped her from getting close to the eldest prince, but she basically doesn't take the initiative to visit the eldest prince, let alone care about it. When the eldest prince was sick, which time was she guarding him?

   Now she has a motherly heart.

  Running in front of her and saying these words, it seems that the identity of the eldest prince's biological mother has greatly increased her confidence for no reason!

  The emperor said coldly: "I allow the eldest prince to go out of the palace, how will the eldest prince teach, with me and the empress, step back if you have nothing to do, and don't say any more in the future."

Concubine Mi's face turned pale: "Your Majesty, the eldest prince is also the concubine's own son, how can the concubine let him go? I beg the emperor to let the concubine take care of the eldest prince! The empress, the empress will have her own son sooner or later. How do you still have the energy? I beg the emperor to fulfill my concubine!"

"Presumptuous!" The emperor was furious, "Mi Fei, who gave you the courage! Don't think that you are safe because you are the eldest prince's biological mother. If you dare to speak nonsense and have any thoughts that you shouldn't have, I will never forgive you! ! Back off!"

   Concubine Mi was terrified, she didn't dare to speak anymore, and hurriedly retreated.

Back in the bedroom, although Concubine Mi's legs were weak and her heart was beating for a while, she couldn't calm down, but Madam Xin was right. Although the emperor scolded her, it was just scolding and did not do anything else to her. punish.

  What does this mean? It shows that the emperor still values ​​her identity as the eldest prince's birth mother!

"Your Majesty, after all, you are the birth mother of the eldest prince. The emperor has only such a little flesh and blood. How can you not love the eldest prince, and how can you not give the empress dignity? After all, if you hurt the empress's face, wouldn't it be the same as hurting the eldest son?" The prince's decency? The emperor absolutely refuses to let people underestimate the eldest prince!"

   "Congratulations, empress, you are truly a blessed person!"

   Mi Fei was completely convinced by these words, and instead of being extinguished by the emperor's reprimand, her ambition was inflated even more.

  Actually, she was right. The emperor did have some considerations in this regard.

  The court has just been stabilized, and there are countless pairs of eyes staring up and down. No matter how unreliable Mi Fei is, she cannot be punished at this time.

  Otherwise, the way others see the eldest prince will change.

  The emperor is reluctant to let the eldest prince suffer this grievance.

  The queen was also reluctant.

   There is no need to hurt the dignity and dignity of the eldest prince because of a mere concubine Mi.

  There is a tacit understanding between the emperor and the queen. If there is no accident, this country will be passed on to the eldest prince in the future.

  The emperor and the queen talked about everything, and he didn't hide the fact that Concubine Mi asked him to complain to the queen. Not only did he tell the queen everything, but he also complained and complained a lot.

  The empress is infertile and has no desires or desires in her heart. She is devoted to being loyal to him and raising the eldest prince. On the contrary, the emperor is more relaxed and trusting in front of her. The two of them talk about everything.

  Empress Lu was quite speechless after hearing what the emperor said, and sighed with a smile: "Concubine Mi is stunned!"

  The emperor sneered: "I only have the eldest prince as a child now, and she has a greed that shouldn't be born in her heart! Well, from this point of view, she is a fool."

   Otherwise, he wouldn't have exposed his ambition so quickly.

   Empress Lu suppressed a smile, then nodded: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the concubine will watch her."

  The emperor smiled, "There is a queen in the harem, so I can rest assured. It's just that the queen has to work hard."

  The queen shook her head slightly and said softly: "The concubine is not hard."

  The hard work of the past has long passed, and this is nothing.

  The emperor's concern is right. Concubine Mi can't be punished, and even the beating can't be too obvious, otherwise it will easily affect the eldest prince. Although the child is not close to Mi Fei, it is his biological mother after all. How old is he, how can he bear to make him sad?

Neither the emperor nor the queen took Concubine Mi seriously. The eldest prince was still very close to Zhou Hansheng. Zhou Hansheng went to the palace every three days to teach the eldest prince martial arts and horseback riding. From time to time, he would take him out of the palace. Play around and go shopping.

  Of course, most of the time I will go to Zhao’s house.

   It just so happens that he can go to see Zhao Liya openly and aboveboard, stay at Zhao's house for a while, and occasionally take Zhao Liya and his siblings for a stroll and play in the capital with some excuses.

   Concubine Mi was so angry that she dared not go to the emperor to complain again.

  She actually noticed that Zhou Hansheng was so unscrupulous, how could it be possible without the emperor's permission?

   Concubine Mi was depressed and jealous at the same time, jealous of the eldest prince getting closer to the Zhou family. It's all for him to be close to the adoptive mother of the queen, why is he so close to Zhou Hansheng? Is this okay?

   Doesn't she mean that she gave birth to a prince for their Zhou family?

   New book seeking collection!

   "The group pets Xiao Fubao, five big brothers compete for favor"



  (end of this chapter)