Chapter 411 Going out of the city to relax

  Although Dafang has always been at odds with them, this feeling of rejection still makes them very uncomfortable. And it gave them a sense of crisis for no reason, a sense of crisis that they have never had before.

  They are keenly aware that after Dafang marries his daughter-in-law, the family will no longer be as peaceful as before

  This kind of injustice must be aimed at them, making them uncomfortable and disliked.

   So, what are they going to do? Is it resigned? Who is willing?

   Just when the second and third houses of the Duke's Mansion were waiting in full battle, and were about to fight fiercely with the big house, unexpectedly, they got the news early the next morning that the Shizi and his wife went out of the city to live in Zhuangzi for a while.

   It is said that Shi Ziye wanted to take Shi Zi's wife out to relax, so he left the city. As for how long the two of them will come back, I don't know.

  The second and third bedrooms were a little dumbfounded.

  They are sitting here in danger, thinking that this freshly baked son and wife will definitely cause trouble, but this is the result? This feeling of punching nothing is not very pleasant.

Mrs. Tuesday was quite happy, and sneered at Mrs. Wednesday: "What are you going out to relax? I think it's because you're scared and go out to hide! If you're in the mansion, if you don't do something, you won't be able to face yourself. Do it, and don't do it." Dare, without a clue, simply go out! Hmph, it’s better to go out, it’s better not to come back for the rest of your life!”

  Since the day when Zhao Liya and Zhou Hansheng get married is getting closer, and now that the wedding has been completed, not to mention anything else, the relationship between Mrs. Tuesday and Mrs. Wednesday is getting better and better.

  The two of them used to fight openly and covertly, and the dark waves were turbulent at every turn. How could there be a time when they joined hands to speak together?

Mrs. Zhou took a look at her second sister-in-law, and said with a light smile: "Let's not dream, even if they don't do anything right now, it's the same when they come back. Dafang finally brought his daughter-in-law back, how could he let her go?" What about our housekeeper? Don't say anything else, I'm afraid we have to hand over the matter of Guan Zhongfei!"

   "Don't think about it!" Mrs. Zhou said angrily: "When you need us, you can call us, and you can push us away when you don't need it? How can it be so cheap!"

Mrs. Zhou Zhou's expression became even more ugly, but she stabbed herself without any scruples when she said it, "Oh, in this house, what's the use of what we say? It's just you and my respective men who don't live up to expectations, otherwise Nor will it—huh!"

  Mrs. Tuesu's heart moved.

  Their man is indeed unbelievable, half his life has passed, and there is no way to change it. However, has Zhou Hansheng been striving for success?

  If Dafang gets into a mess first, how can he care about them?

   Mrs. Tuesday was thoughtful, her eyes rolling wildly.

   Mrs. Zhou watched with cold eyes, seeing everything in her eyes, curling her lips in disdain.

  However, she really wanted to take a good look at it

   Zhou Hansheng and Zhao Liya were naturally not what they had guessed. They went out of the city to relax, and they really went out of the city to relax.

  Zhao Liya was forced to stay at home for a long time because of her pending marriage. After the new emperor ascended the throne, Zhou Hansheng was too busy to care about him. The only hope and consolation was to go to Zhao's house to meet his daughter-in-law.

   After all, the overall situation is basically stable now, and he just got married, so he can take a good vacation and rest in the name of getting married, right?

   No, in order to hide from the quiet and live in the world of two people, after the two of them returned home three times, they reported to their parents and ran away early in the morning.

   Don't say ten days and eight days, four days and five days are always fine, right?

  The emperor didn't see Zhou Hansheng in the early court, so he asked a casual question, and almost laughed angrily after hearing Li Guogong's answer.

  His cousin is really lazy.

   That's all, newlyweds, let him rest for another three days!

  So, as soon as the front foot reached the Zhuangzi, he hadn't rested and slowed down, and the back foot Li Guogong sent someone to ride over to inform: the emperor has a decree, and he will go back to court in three days.

   Zhou Hansheng was speechless for a moment.

  Why did he feel that after his cousin finally became the emperor, he was even more tired? Then why did he work so hard in the past?

  One of the motivations for his hard work in the past was that after the dust of his cousin’s major event was settled, he would be free to fly freely!

Zhao Liya couldn't help "Puchi!" seeing his expression of hopelessness, she laughed out loud, pinched his face lightly and said with a smile: "Three days, three days, the affairs of the Duke's mansion should also be dealt with." Take care of it!"

   Zhou Hansheng smiled, hugged her and bowed his head to kiss her, "That's right, let's go for four days, let's go back in four days."


   "It's just a day or two more, it's okay."


   All right, Zhao Liya has no objections anyway. One day earlier and one day later.

  She was thinking about something farther away, when everything in the capital was really on the right track, and when all the troubles in the Duke's Mansion were resolved, she would still go back to Lingnan with Zhou Hansheng.

  As long as it is not exile, and it is not impossible to go back, I am not reluctant.

  But she has always been thinking about the shipping over there and the future development of the south!

   Besides, her property is all in the south.

  The two of them have already discussed it, and they will talk to their family members when the time comes.

  The two of them spent four days at ease on Zhuangzi, with you and me, climbing mountains and riding horses, visiting lakes and admiring flowers. They set off on the afternoon of the fourth day and returned to Beijing at a leisurely pace.

  When I returned to the capital, it was almost dusk.

  The two went to the Duke and Mrs. Guo to pay their respects. Since they had something to discuss, they simply stayed for dinner together.

  Early the next morning, Zhou Hansheng got up early to go to court.

  Go directly to the yamen after going to court, and most of them have to go to the palace before going to the yamen.

   "Do you really not need me to come back after going down?"

  Before going out, Zhou Hansheng held Zhao Liya's hand, expecting love.

  His daughter-in-law is going to make trouble today, and he wants to stay with her to support her.

  Zhao Liya smiled sweetly and shook her head: "No need, my mother is here!"

Although she is quite happy that the elder son will stay with her to support her, but in this society where the male master is outside the female master and the inner is the rule, if the affairs of the rear house need the support of a man to do well, she, the elder wife, will call her down. If people look down on it, it will make them despise in their hearts.

   So, he doesn't have to stay.

   Zhou Hansheng didn't think too much about it. Seeing his daughter-in-law smiling, he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, if you need anything, send someone to call me."

  He should believe in his daughter-in-law's ability!


After breakfast, Zhao Liya went to her mother-in-law Mrs. Guogong, Mrs. Guogong smiled and told Zhao Liya something, and said softly: "Go and invite your second aunt and third aunt, if you are sure you can invite them ?"

   Ask for a monthly pass, sisters!



  (end of this chapter)