As the self-consciousness of biology, the light of heaven and earth can control almost everything in the world, but it can not suppress the rejection of organs that have become foreign bodies by this biological instinct.

It is because of this that Fang will have this moment. Even if Luo fan has controlled the whole heaven and earth with the help of the light of heaven and earth, he still can't stop the exclusion of this world from his small world.

If it continues like this, the small world will eventually collapse under the oppression of the heaven and earth, and the master of this small world will naturally face the instinctive oppression of this heaven and earth. At that time, even the most optimistic estimation will also affect his control of this world!

In this way, Luo fan can only sigh at this time, his heart is moving, and his body has one after another mysterious and mysterious brilliance.

These glories are one magic power after another. One after another contains the supernatural power of concept!

After the light rushed out of his body, it began to quickly penetrate into the depth of the small world, into the rules of the small world, into time and space, into the infinite energy and infinite matter.

With the integration of these ideas and supernatural powers, the whole small world quickly stabilized.

It seems that there is some incomparably stable existence, which suddenly penetrates all regions of this small world, and makes this small world stable and fixed in general!

At this time, the huge chains that appeared on the boundary of the small world seemed to encounter a very firm obstacle. No matter how hard they were to close, the cracks created by the chain began to stop spreading. It was as if suddenly some force had stopped their time, making them unable to evolve any more

The whole world of the outside world began to tremble.

This tremor went deep into the depths of heaven and earth, into the depths of all living beings and materials in this world.

Because the tremor reaches such a deep level, it makes no living beings feel the existence of this tremor. After all, their perception is also following the tremor

It is because of this, at this moment, for all living beings, there is only a kind of inexplicable depression in their hearts.

But I don't know what kind of determined means this world is exerting at this time!

Just like a living creature to the foreign body in his body, if he can expel the foreign body from his body, it will only be a great injury to his vitality.

However, if it is impossible to exclude this foreign body, then what is waiting for us may be the collapse of various circulatory systems of the whole body

At this time, for this part of the world, this small world, is such a foreign matter!

Therefore, it is of great importance to destroy or exclude this small world. Even related to the survival of this part of the world!

"Instinct is so powerful that it can't be suppressed even if it has been completely controlled..." At this time, Luo fan's face appeared a kind of inexplicable admiration.

At this moment, he is trying to suppress the exclusion of this small world by the light of the heaven and earth, and the terrible pressure on the small world at this time. It's a pity that all his efforts can only produce a little bit of effect. At most, it's just a little bit slower

In Luo fan's eyes, at this time the whole world is already surging.

Almost all of that potential has been activated.

Even in the dark road has begun to produce all kinds of changes that have never appeared before. As if the whole road suddenly wakes up from sleep, it begins to tremble and wriggle from the depths. All kinds of mysterious and mysterious magic powers are constantly emanating from it. Even with the help of the light of heaven and earth, it is impossible to control the heaven and earth through all kinds of luofan The communication channels of understanding are transmitted to the normal space-time, around the small world where Luo fan is located, and infused into the mysterious and mysterious chains of the chains, so as to strengthen the power of these chains and increase the pressure on the small world!

This may seem inconceivable, but it's just as normal.

Now the light of heaven and earth has become the will of heaven and earth, equivalent to the self-consciousness of some living creature. Obviously, although the self-consciousness of a living creature can manipulate the creature flexibly, it is impossible to manipulate the subconscious and even the instinct hidden in the self-consciousness of the living creature

If you put it here, the light of nature, that is, the light of heaven and earth, can't have any effect on the exclusion of this small world.

At this time, the huge tower in the center suddenly began to vibrate violently.

This kind of shock is different from that of the outside world. It, compared with the shock of the outside world, more intense!

It is this kind of asynchrony that makes the vibration of the great tower very conspicuous at this time, so that almost any living creature in the world can feel this kind of vibration that is going on in the huge tower.

In this shock, black fog gushed out from the tower, converged and accumulated in the void, and gradually formed a huge cloud.This group of dark clouds constantly rolling, the huge sound of roaring and roaring constantly came out of the dark clouds.

This kind of sound is extremely astonishing. Any living creature who hears this sound has a feeling that his own foundation is being shaken and his mind becomes a blank.

The whole world, at this time, trembling more and more intense.

Even, there are countless space-time cracks in the dark clouds at this time constantly produce and die out

"Breaking the limit?" With the help of the light of heaven and earth, Luo fan looked slightly dignified.

At this moment, in the eyes of ordinary friars, what is above the huge tower is just dark clouds, but in his eyes, he can clearly see that the dark clouds contain an infinite number of worlds!

Among them, there is a huge nine giant lions, holding a huge amount of the world, flying in the dark clouds

Obviously, these are the extension of the great tower. Everything that exists in it should only exist in the tower!

"Here Is it beyond the giant tower? " At this time, the nine giant lions suddenly shocked and suddenly called out.

However, he has inferred a fact that he can't believe through the change of surrounding environment! He was sent out of the great tower and appeared in the outside world!

This situation, however, was completely beyond his expectation, which made him unable to react for a while.

All of a sudden, his nine lion heads suddenly shook, and the perspective in his eyes changed rapidly.

With the change of his perspective, the light of Qi quickly emerged in his eyes.

"How could it be?! How can Qi Yun collapse?! Is the wild beast exhausted?! no It's not just the wild animals, the demon clan, and the human's luck has collapsed. Is the whole world going to end? " At the moment of seeing his luck, his mind became extremely confused, and the faces on the heads of the nine lions became strange.

At this time, an extremely dazzling light spot emerged in the dark cloud.

At first, it was a tiny spot, even dimmer than a firefly. However, since it appeared, it began to increase brightness at a speed beyond imagination.

In a short time, it has become a little star. After a while, it will turn into a bright moon. After a while, it will turn into a huge sun. The countless light and heat emitted almost disperse the dark clouds!

It's a world

A world that is at least ten times as wide as any of the nine lions!

There are countless strange lines in that world.

These lines extend out of the world and spread to the whole cloud, connecting countless worlds in the dark clouds. Even among the many worlds attached to the nine giant lions, there are some worlds connected by the lines, which have a strange connection with the world like a big day!

"The public space of demon clan It seems that the demon ancestor has already realized that something is wrong... " Looking at this scene, nine giant lions, that is, the world is broken, so and so think.

At this time, an amazing momentum was released from the world like the sun, and began to sweep across the whole dark cloud, sweeping all the world in it, and even infiltrating into it, so that all creatures in it could clearly sense the existence of this terrible momentum!

"Sure enough, it's you, the world breaking ally!" At this time, the voice of the demon ancestor sounded in the ear of Duanshi.

Looking at the past, we can see that the body shape of the demon ancestor appears on the surface of the world like the sun, which looks like a huge human bulge on the surface of the world like the sun.

Seeing this, Duanshi sighed and said, "leader? I'm not even human now. Now I, like you, have become the ancestor of other races

"But it goes without saying that. Do you feel it now? We are truly free. " Break the world and then turn the front of the story, said to the demon ancestor.

However, he came back from the shock just now, but he had already figured out what the collapse of Qi meant. The collapse of Qi means that he will no longer be under the control of Qi Yun, and he will no longer need to act according to Qi Yun, but can really do whatever he wants to do according to his own will and will

This, obviously, is real freedom!

Hearing this, the demon ancestor was stunned, and then showed a strange look on his face.

Seems to have a sudden, but also seems to be a little excited, with a vague.

He murmured: "sure enough, no wonder I suddenly feel a lot clearer. It turns out to be a real freedom... "

"Am I in a coma?" At this time, in the small world, Luo fan can not help but sigh.

At this moment, he has sensed through the light of heaven and earth that in the dwelling place of your will of heaven and earth, all the light and shadow are covered by a strange layer of smoke.

Through these smog, we can still see many changes of the light and shadow, but they are already separated by a layer. It feels like seeing flowers in the fog and looking at the moon in the water. It seems a bit ethereal, not to mention controlling them as freely as before. We just want to change them a little, but we can't do itAnd this change occurred at the moment when the great tower changed, and the evil spirit and causal karma gushed out of the tower.

Although he was unhappy with this change, he was not unable to understand it.

In fact, if we compare the heaven and the earth to a living creature, it seems that the living creature is in a coma.

The coma of living beings is the natural choice of the body. It is a choice that the body of a living creature wants to concentrate all its strength against things harmful to the body.

Now the situation of the light of heaven and earth is similar to this. As the will of heaven and earth, the light of heaven and earth, at this time, is also because the heaven and earth want to concentrate all its strength on excluding the foreign body and lose control of the heaven and earth!

In other words, because the threat of the small world is too big, this side of the world has to choose to fight the small world with a coma of will!

Without the suppression of will, the next dominant nature in this world is its instinct.

Under the influence of this instinct, almost all creatures at this moment naturally know that they need to destroy something that exists in this world before they have a future.

This feeling is so strong that even the demon ancestor and the broken world can not resist.

At this time, they were driven by this sudden mentality, and each of them shifted their eyes from each other to the small world blocked by countless strange chains.

"Is this the teacher's hermit place?" When Duanshi found out where the little world was, his face changed instantly.

When he thought of this, his impulse to destroy the little world soared.

Let him even can't suppress the body, roaring, toward the small world quickly rushed.

In this process, the countless dark clouds around his body, that is, the countless evil spirits and causal karma that rushed out of the huge tower, rolled up along with him, expanding towards the place where the small world is.

When the nine lions came to the front of the small world and saw that they were about to collide with the small world, the dark cloud had already extended to the small world, and they were looking to devour the small world into the dark cloud.

"No! It's not my own will! Who is manipulating my mind? " Suddenly, the nine lion heads of the broken world raised their heads to the sky with a huge roar.

In this roar, there are innumerable brilliance on his body, in which there are wisps of mysterious ideas. Obviously, he has put all the ideas he has learned into full play, and wants to resist this sudden manipulation of his mind!

At this moment, he would like to swallow back what he said before that he had got real freedom

Before the influence of Qi was only subtle, now this instinct driven, but directly with the toughest means, hard to pour an instinctive impulse into his heart! In contrast, the impact on his mind is more intense , the fastest update of the webnovel!