Seeing his merciless and murderous move, Mo Zhuling's heart trembled. Then, she cried out: "wait, father!"

"I said

Her words export, instant, star alliance alliance leader's hand is a stop.

He looked at her coldly and said in a cold voice: "what is it? What is the secret of the mirror array? "

He urgently needs this secret to block the mouths of the elders, so that they can no longer make trouble to themselves.

At the same time, you have to recover your reputation.

However, Mo Zhuling's eyes are changeable, and he doesn't dare to say anything about the black fog.

When the other party came to her, they said that if she dared to say something about it, even if it was just a little bit related to it, she would be extremely punished.

The punishment was more severe than that she had been blown into mud by situ mei'er before.

Mo Zhuling dare not disobey the order of black fog.

The other side treated her from the mud like people before. Now, she is very clear about the other side's means, which can definitely make her life worse than death!

Therefore, she would bite her teeth and dare not disclose anything about the black fog.

But not the black fog, who?

What else can we do now to get her out of this danger?

Seeing that the leader's face was gloomy again because of her silence, and the murderer started again, she immediately clenched her teeth, and suddenly a person's name flashed across her mind. Then she quickly grabbed a straw and cried out: "it's young master Liu Yu!"

"My father is the young master of the Liu family in the Seven Star region of Jinchang!"

"Father, I was able to enter the mirror array because of his help!"

Mo Zhuling said, while crying: "father, I don't mean to hide you, but Liu Yu's identity is special, I can't tell you, so I keep hiding you!"

"Father, I'm just not reconciled!"

"Why? Those people in Zhenyan are just people from a low-level continent, but they are almost above you! "

"You were supposed to be the master of the astral realm!"

"And because of them, I almost became a useless person. I can only lie in bed like mud all my life!"

"I'm just not reconciled!"

"That's why I want to teach them a lesson in the mirror array by Liu Yu's hand!"

"Father, forgive me! Will you forgive me? "

Mo Zhuling kneels at the foot of the alliance leader.

The latter's complexion was changeable. Looking at her, he said in a cold voice, "why does little master Liu Yu want to help you?"

For Mo Zhuling's words, he has believed half of them.

Even if the other party wants to cheat him, it can't be so detailed.

What's more, if it's true or not, he will know as soon as he checks. It's useless for Mo Zhuling to tell such a lie.

So his voice, a little bit slower and a little bit more.

The young masters of the seven star family, if they are the kind of more powerful family, have some means to break through the defense of their mirror array and enter into it, so that they are not aware of it. This is not impossible!

Thinking, he looked at Mo Zhuling, his face slightly changed.

This daughter of her own is attached to the young master of the seven star family?

She's good.

When his voice rang out, Mo Zhuling recognized the subtle change in his words, and immediately said: "it's Liu Yu Shaozhu. Because of some coincidence, he's right for his daughter... So..."